Nebraska Water Science Center

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Publications - Surface Water

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Ground Water | Surface Water | Water Quality | Water Use | Ecology

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Scientific Investigations Reports | Water-Resources Investigations Reports
Open-File Reports | Fact Sheets | Water Data Reports | Other | Non-USGS

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Report numberUSGS Scientific Investigations Reports - Report title
SIR 2008-5048Hydrographic Surveys for Six Water Bodies in Eastern Nebraska, 2005-07
Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5267Temporal differences in the hydrologic regime of the lower Platte River, Nebraska, 1895-2006
Report numberUSGS Circulars - Report title
Circular 781The case of the shrinking channels-the North Platte and Platte Rivers in Nebraska
Report numberUSGS Fact Sheets - Report title
Fact Sheet 074-01Surface-water-ground-water interaction and implications for ground-water sustainability in the Dutch Flats area, western Nebraska
Fact Sheet 115-03Use of continuous seismic profiling to differentiate geologic deposits underlying selected canals in central and western Nebraska
Report numberUSGS Open-File Reports - Report title
Open-File Report 05-1090Geomorphic data collected within Nebraska Public Power District's Cottonwood Ranch Property, Platte River, Nebraska, Water Year 2004
Open-File Report 04-1292Geomorphic data collected within and adjacent to Nebraska Public Power District's Cottonwood Ranch Property, Platte River, Nebraska, Water Year 2003
Open-File Report 03-171Geomorphic data collected within and adjacent to Nebraska Public Power District's Cottonwood Ranch Property, Platte River, Nebraska, Water Year 2002
Open-File Report 03-170Geomorphic data collected within and adjacent to Nebraska Public Power District's Cottonwood Ranch Property, Platte River, Nebraska, Water Year 2001
Open-File Report 02-064Digital map of the elevation of the base of the High Plains aquifer in the Republican River Basin upstream of Hardy, Nebraska, in parts of Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado
Open-File Report 02-079Streamflow gain-loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, May 1975, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-080Streamflow gain, loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, July 1975, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-081Streamflow gain, loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1975, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-083Streamflow gain, loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1978, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-084Streamflow gain, loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, April to May 1978, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-085Streamflow gain, loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1980, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-086Streamflow gain, loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1981, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-087Streamflow gain, loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, March 1989, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-088Streamflow gain, loss in the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, October 1998, ARC/INFO Export format
Open-File Report 02-175Preliminary description of a model of ground-water flow and ground-water and surface-water interaction for predevelopment , 1941-50, and 1950-97 development conditions in part of the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado as of April 26, 2002. This report supersedes OFR 01-376.
Open-File Report 01-376Preliminary description of a model of ground-water flow and ground-water and surface-water interaction for predevelopment conditions in part of the Republican River Basin, Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado
Open-File Report 99-454Water-quality assessment of the Central Nebraska Basins-Design for field operations, 1992 through 1995
Open-File Report 98-396Selected surface-water, ground-water, and tracer data from the Elkhorn and Platte Rivers and the alluvium near Ashland, eastern Nebraska, 1991-97
Open-File Report 96-101Peak flows for the period of record for current and discontinued streamflow stations in Nebraska
Open-File Report 96 419The chemical quality of overbank sediment deposited by the 1993 floods and streambed sediment in major streams at selected sites in eastern Nebraska
Open-File Report 96-551Streamflow gain-and-loss measurements and water-quality data of Salt Creek and its tributaries near Lincoln, Nebraska, 1994-95
Open-File Report 96-361Basin-level habitat characteristics of selected streams in central Nebraska
Open-File Report 94-100Compilation of atrazine and selected herbicide data from previous surface-water- quality investigations within the Big Blue River Basin, Nebraska, 1983-92
Open-File Report 93-457Reconnaissance data for selected herbicides, two atrazine metabolites, and nitrate in surface water of the midwestern United States, 1989-90
Open-File Report 93-422Water-quality assessment of the Central Nebraska Basins--Summary of data for recent conditions through 1990
Open-File Report 91-0971991 National Water Quality Assessment Program--The Central Nebraska Basins
Open-File Report 90-581Surface-water-quality assessment of the lower Kansas River Basin, Kansas and Nebraska--Concentrations of major metals and trace elements in streambed sediments, 1987
Open-File Report 86-246Hydrologic data for the south-central area, Nebraska
Open-File Report 85-193Mass water-level measurements of fall 1984 in the Central Platte River Basin, Nebraska
Open-File Report 76-498Changes in the water supply in the Upper Republican Natural Resources District, southwest Nebraska, from 1952-75
Open-File Report 76-167History of irrigation and characteristics of streamflow in the Nebraska part of the North and South Platte River Basins
Report numberUSGS Water-Data Reports - Report title
Water-Data Report NE-05-1Water Resources Data-Nebraska Water Year 2005 (broken link?)
Water-Data Report NE-04-1Water Recources Data, Nebraska, 2004
Water-Data Report NE-03-1Water Resources Data, Nebraska, Water Year 2003
Water-Data Report NE-02-1Water recources data, Nebraska, 2002
Water-Data Report NE-01-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 2001
Water-Data Report NE-00-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 2000
Water-Data Report NE 99-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1999
Water-Data Report NE 98-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1998
Water-Data Report NE 97-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1997
Water-Data Report NE 96-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1996
Water-Data Report NE 95-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1995
Water-Data Report NE 94-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1994
Water-Data Report NE 93-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1993
Water-Data Report NE 92-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1992
Water-Data Report NE 91-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1991
Water-Data Report NE-90-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1990
Water-Data Report NE-89-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1989
Water-Data Report NE-88-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1988
Water-Data Report NE 87-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1987
Water-Data Report NE-86-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1986
Water-Data Report NE-85-1Water resources data, Nebraska, 1985
Report numberUSGS Water-Resources Investigations Reports - Report title
Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4212Vertical profiles of streambed hydraulic conductivity determined using slug tests in central and western Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4065Areas of gain and loss along the Platte River, central Nebraska, spring 1999
Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4056Distribution of nitrate in ground water of the Republican River Basin, southwest Nebraska, 1996-98
Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4103Trends in channel gradation in Nebraska streams, 1913-95
Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4032Peak-flow frequency relations and evaluation of the peak-flow gaging network in Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4200Interaction of streams and ground water in selected tributaries of the Republican River, Nebraska, 1998-99
Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4161Effects of pumping collector wells on river-aquifer interaction at Platte River Island near Ashland, Nebraska, 1998
Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4168Quantity and quality of urban stormwater runoff from selected drainage basins, Omaha, Nebraska, 1992-93
Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4210Field screening of water quality, bottom sediment, and biota associated with irrigation drainage in the North Platte Project Area, Nebraska and Wyoming, 1995
Water Resources Investigations Report 98-4163Effects of water-budget components on streamflow in the Republican River from near Hardy, Nebraska, to Concordia, Kansas, October 1980-September 1995
Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4266Hydrogeology in the vicinity of the Nebraska Management Systems Evaluation Area site, central Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4272Potential effects of large floods on the transport of atrazine into the alluvial aquifer adjacent to the Lower Platte River, Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4316Reconnaissance of surface-water quality in the North Platte Natural Resources District, western Nebraska, 1993
Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4070Overview of water resources in and near Indian lands in northeastern Kansas and Southeastern Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4015Temporal distributions of herbicide and nitrite- nitrate concentrations and loads in the West Fork of the Big Blue River, Nebraska, 1990 and 1991-92, in Morganwalp, D.W., and Aronson, D.A., eds. 1994, U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program-Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 20-24, 1993
Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4015Predicting nitrate-nitrogen and atrazine contamination in the High Plains aquifer in Nebraska, in Morganwalp, D.W., and Aronson, D.A., eds. 1994, U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program-Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 20-24, 1993
Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4201Surface-water-quality assessment of the lower Kansas River basin, Kansas and Nebraska--Distribution of trace-element concentrations in dissolved and suspended phases, streambed sediment, and fish samples, May 1987 through April 1990
Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4176Hydrogeology of the Tri-Basin and parts of the lower Republican and Central Platte Natural Resources Districts, Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4073Estimation of streamflow characteristics and assessment of trends in the Niobrara River at Mariaville, Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4236Effects of climate, vegetation, and soils on consumptive water use and ground-water recharge to the central midwest regional aquifer system, mid-continent United States
Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4153Water quality variations in Antelope Creek and Deadmans Run, Lincoln, Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4219Hydrogeology of parts of the Central Platte and Lower Loup Natural Resources Districts, Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 81-29Analysis of stream-aquifer system interrelationships in the Big Blue and Little Blue River Basins in Gage and Jefferson Counties, Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 80-111Evaluating methods for determining water use in the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, 1979
Water-Resources Investigations Report 80-93Investigation of artificial recharge of aquifers in Nebraska
Water-Resources Investigations Report 79-26Simulated changes in ground-water levels and streamflow resulting from future development (1970 to 2020) in the Platte River Basin
Water-Resources Investigations Report 78-38Quantitative hydrogeology of the Upper Republican Natural Resources District, southwest Nebraska
Report numberUSGS Water Supply Papers Reports - Report title
Water Supply Paper 2425Nebraska wetland resources, in U.S. Geological Survey National water summary 1992 93-Wetland resources
Water Supply Paper 2375Nebraska floods and droughts, in National Water Summary 1988-89-Hydrologic events, selected water-quality trends and floods and droughts
Water Supply Paper 2350Nebraska water supply and use, in National Water Summary 1987
Water Supply Paper 2300Nebraska surface-water resources, in National Water Summary 1985-Hydrologic events, selected water-quality trends and surface-water resources
Water Supply Paper 2300National water summary 1985--Hydrologic events and surface water resources
Water Supply Paper 216Geology and water resources of the Republican River valley and adjacent areas, Nebraska

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