National Professional Development Program

Current Section
 Office of English Language Acquisition Home

Before you send your application to the Application Control Center review the following checklist.

  • Review "Questions and Answers" at the end of the application package, particularly the selection related to preparing the application narrative. Make certain that your application addresses all questions relevant to your project.

  • Paginate the narrative. Check the format requirements for the application narrative-page limit, margins, spacing, font size. Applications which do not follow the format requirements will be rejected, so be sure to review them and follow them.

  • Do not send a copy of your application to OELA.

  • Send the original and 2 copies (all signed by the authorized representative of the IHE) to the Application Control Center: US Department of Education, Application Control Center, Attention: (CFDA #84.195N), Room 3671, Regional Office Building # 3, 7th and D Streets, SW, Washington DC.

  • Use a courier service to deliver your application. Be sure to include the CFDA number (84.195N) on the envelope.

  • Check the arithmetic on the budget form to be sure all items total to the amount reflected in the budget total. Include an itemized budget that explains and justifies budget requests for each year of requested funding. The itemized budget should follow the same format as the budget form. Please note that tuition and stipends should be included in Item 11 of the budget form and the itemized budget should reflect the number of students and the tuition rate.

  • You do not have to send your application to the State Educational Agency for review. However, you must follow the procedures for Intergovernmental Review (Executive Order 12372)

  • Do not include appendices or letters of support in the application.

  • Do include letters from consortia partners describing the nature of the consortia agreement. Attach them to the abstract.

  • In the program abstract explain how your application does not duplicate other new proposed funding or current funding. (See Questions and Answers for further information on duplication)

  • Plan October 1, 2002, to be the first day of your grant award period.

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Last Modified: 09/01/2006