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Health Effects Institute

EPA Grant Number: R828112
Center: Health Effects Institute
Center Director: Greenbaum, Daniel S.
Title: Health Effects Institute
Investigators: Greenbaum, Daniel S.
Institution: Health Effects Institute
EPA Project Officer: Katz, Stacey
Project Period: April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2005
Project Amount: $18,750,000
RFA: Health Effects Institute (1996)
Research Category: Public/Private Partnership Center



The Health Effects Institute (HEI) is an independent, nonprofit corporation chartered in 1980 to provide high-quality, impartial, and relevant science on the health effects of pollutants from motor vehicles and from other sources in the environment. Supported jointly by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and industry (manufacturers and marketers of motor vehicles or engines), HEI has funded over 170 studies and published over 100 Research Reports, and several Special Reports, producing important research findings on the health effects of a variety of pollutants, including carbon monoxide, methanol and aldehydes, nitrogen oxides, diesel exhaust, ozone, and most recently, particulate air pollution.

HEI has also been called upon periodically to produce special reports reviewing an entire area of scientific literature on topics such as the health effects of asbestos, diesel exhaust, and oxygenates in fuel.

To accomplish its mission, HEI:
- Identifies the highest priority areas for health effects research;
- Funds and oversees the conduct of high-quality research in these priority areas;
- Provides intensive, independent review of HEI-supported and related research;
- Integrates HEI's research results with those of other institutions into coherent, broader evaluations of health effects; and Communicates the results of HEI research
and analyses to public and private decision makers.

The HEI research program has addressed questions about the health effects associated with exposure to both regulated pollutants such as carbon monoxide, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide, and unregulated pollutants such as diesel exhaust, aldehydes, and methanol. HEI has also funded studies to understand the mechanisms of diseases, to develop better methods to assess health effects and determine dose response relationships. The program has included theoretical, in vitro, animal, controlled human exposure, and epidemiological studies.

The center has conducted research in several areas, including:
Mobile Source Air toxics - which includes research on benzene and 1,3-butadiene, mechanisms of carcinogenicity and biomarkers of dose and effect, and the health effects of aldehydes; Oxygenated Fuels - the comparative metabolism and health effects of ethers used to increase gasoline oxygen content (MTBE); and Particulates - health effects of particulate air pollution and potential relationship to increased daily mortality.

HEI's Board of Directors, chaired by Richard Celeste, consists of public figures in science and policy who are committed to the public-private partnership that is central to the HEI approach. The Institute's scientific work is overseen by two independent scientific committees. The Health Research Committee works with the Institute's scientific staff to develop and manage HEI's research program. The Health Review Committee which has no role in selecting or overseeing studies, works with the Institute's scientific staff to evaluate and interpret the results of HEI studies and related research. HEI's priorities for research and special reviews are guided by the five-year HEI Strategic Plan , which is reviewed and updated annually after consultations with HEI sponsors and other interested parties.

Journal Articles: 5 Displayed | Download in RIS Format

Other center views: All 8 publications 5 publications in selected types All 5 journal articles

Type Citation Sub Project Document Sources
Journal Article Hauser R, Williams P, Altshul L, Korrick S, Peeples L, Patterson D, Turner WE, Lee MM, Revich B, Zeilert V, Sergeyev O. Characterization and predictors of serum dioxin levels among adolescent boys in Chapaevsk, Russia. Organohalogen Compounds 2004;66:3245-3251. R829437 (2004)
not available
Journal Article Hauser R, Williams P, Peeples L, Altshul L, et al. Predictors of serum dioxin levels among adolescent boys in Chapaevsk, Russia. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;4(1):8. R829437 (2004)
not available
Journal Article Lee MM, Sergeyev O, Williams P, Korrick S, Zeilert V, Revich B, Hauser R. Physical growth and sexual maturation of boys in Chapaevsk, Russia. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism 2003;16(2):169-178. R829437 (2003)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Sergeyev O, Zeilert V, Revich B, Ushakova T, Williams P, Korrick S, Lee MM, Altshul L, Adibi J, Hauser R. Sexual and physical maturation of male adolescents in a dioxin contaminated region: Chapaevsk, Russia. Organohalogen Compounds 2000;48:211-214. R829437 (2003)
    not available
    Journal Article Sergeyev, O, Revich B, Williams P, Korrick S, Zeilert V, Lee MM, Ushakova T, Saharov I, Altshul L, Hauser R. A case-cohort study of cryptorchidism, hypospadias and delayed sexual maturation in a dioxin contaminated region: Chapaevsk, Russia. Organohalogen Compounds 2002;59:385-388. R829437 (2004)
    not available
    Supplemental Keywords:

    Air, Scientific Discipline, Health, RFA, Toxicology, Risk Assessments, Air Pollutants, Analytical Chemistry, Health Risk Assessment, Epidemiology, Air Pollution Effects, air toxics, Atmospheric Sciences, particulate matter, Environmental Chemistry, mobile sources, aerosols, automotive exhaust, nitrogen oxides (Nox), engine exhaust, diesel particulates, ambient air quality, health effects, alternative motor fuels, diesel exhaust particulates, diesel exhaust, emission control strategies, ozone, aerosol particles, environmental health effects, trucks, aersol particles, automobiles, carbon monoxide, emissions, human health risk, dietary exposure, human health effects, atmospheric particles, automobile exhaust, motor vehicles, air pollution, atmospheric chemistry, cars, environmental risks, vehicular exhaust, diesel engines, automotive emissions, atmospheric particulate matter, aldehydes, vehicle emissions, motor vehicle emissions, airborne particulate matter, ambient particle pollution

    Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
    R828112C042 Does Inhalation of Methanol Vapor Affect Human Neurobehavior?
    R828112C043 Human Responses to Nitrogen Dioxide
    R828112C044 The Role of Inflammation in Ozone-Induced Lung Injury
    R828112C045 How Does Exercise Affect the Dose of Inhaled Air Pollutants?
    R828112C046 How Do Chemicals in Diesel Engine Exhaust Damage DNA?
    R828112C047 Effect of Nitrogen Dioxide on Bacterial Respiratory infection in Mice
    R828112C048 Effects of Ozone Exposure on Airway Epithelium
    R828112C049 Inhalation of Aldehydes and Effects on Breathing
    R828112C050 Does Ozone Cause Precancerous Changes in Cells?
    R828112C051 Effects of Formaldehyde on Human Airway Epithelial Cells Exposed in a Novel Culture System
    R828112C052 Carbon Monoxide and Cardiac Arrhythmias
    R828112C053 Effects of Formaldehyde and Particle-Bound Formaldehyde on Lung Macrophage Functions
    R828112C054 Mechanisms for Protecting Lung Epithelial Cells Against Oxidant Injury
    R828112C055 Relationship of Nitropyrene-Derived DNA Adducts to Carcinogenesis
    R828112C056 Particle Trap Effects on Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Emissions
    R828112C057 Carbon Monoxide and Atherosclerosis
    R828112C058 Nitrogen Dioxide and Respiratory Illness in Children
    R828112C059 Noninvasive Methods for Measuring Ventilation in Mobile Subjects
    R828112C060 Oxidant Air Pollutants and Lung Cancer: An Animal Model
    R828112C061 Detection of Carcinogen-DNA Adducts: Development of New Methods
    R828112C062 Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Heart Muscle Cells
    R828112C063 Development of Personal Ozone Samplers: Three Approaches
    R828112C064 Development of Biomarkers to Monitor Carcinogen Exposure
    R828112C065 Effects of Prolonged Ozone Inhalation on Collagen Structure and Content in Rat Lungs
    R828112C065II Prolonged Ozone Exposure and the Contractile Properties of Isolated Rat Airways
    R828112C065III Changes in Complex Carbohydrate Content and Structure in Rat Lungs Caused by Prolonged Ozone Inhalation
    R828112C065IV Genetic Control of Connective Tissue Protein Synthesis After Prolonged Ozone Inhalation
    R828112C065V Pulmonary Function Alterations in Rats After Chronic Ozone Inhalation
    R828112C065VII Prolonged Ozone Exposure Leads to Functional and Structural Changes in the Rat Nose
    R828112C065VIII - IX Studies of Changes in Lung Structure and Enzyme Activities in Rats After Prolonged Exposure to Ozone
    R828112C065X An Innovative Approach to Analyzing Multiple Experimental Outcomes: A Case Study of Rats Exposed to Ozone
    R828112C065XI The Consequences of Prolonged Inhalation of Ozone on Rats: An Integrative Summary of the Results of Eight Collaborative Studies
    R828112C066 Interactive Effects of Nitropyrenes in Diesel Exhaust
    R828112C067 Detection of Formaldehyde–DNA Adducts: Development of New Methods
    R828112C068I Comparison of the Carcinogenicity of Diesel Exhaust and Carbon Black in Rat Lungs
    R828112C068II An Investigation of DNA Damage in the Lungs of Rats Exposed to Diesel Exhaust
    R828112C068III No Evidence For Genetic Mutations Found In Lung Tumors From Rats Exposed To Diesel Exhaust or Carbon Black
    R828112C069 Noninvasive Determination of Respiratory Ozone Absorption: The Bolus-Response Method
    R828112C070 The Effects of Inhaled Oxidants and Acid Aerosols on Pulmonary Function
    R828112C071 Biochemical Consequences of Ozone Reacting with Membrane Fatty Acids
    R828112C072 DNA Mutations in Rats Treated with a Carcinogen Present in Diesel Exhaust
    R828112C073 Developmental Neurotoxicity of Inhaled Methanol in Rats
    R828112C074 Methanol Distribution in Non Pregnant and Pregnant Rodents
    R828112C075 Is Increased Mortality Associated with Ozone Exposure in Mexico City?
    R828112C076 Effects of Fuel Modification and Emission Control Devices on Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Emissions
    R828112C077 Metabolic Studies in Monkeys Exposed to Methanol Vapors
    R828112C078 Effects of Ozone on Pulmonary Function and Airway Inflammation in Normal and Potentially Sensitive Human Subjects
    R828112C079 Improvement of a Respiratory Ozone Analyzer
    R828112C080 Mechanism of Oxidative Stress from Low Levels of Carbon Monoxide
    R828112C081 Long-Term Exposure to Ozone: Development of Methods to Estimate Past Exposures and Health Outcomes
    R828112C082 Effects of Ambient Ozone on Healthy, Wheezy, and Asthmatic Children
    R828112C083 Daily Changes in Oxygen Saturation and Pulse Rate Associated with Particulate Air Pollution and Barometric Pressure
    R828112C084 Evaluation of The Potential Health Effects of the Atmospheric Reaction Products of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
    R828112C085 Mechanisms of Response to Ozone Exposure: The Role of Mast Cells in Mice
    R828112C086 Statistical Methods for Epidemiologic Studies of the Health Effects of Air Pollution
    R828112C087 Development of New Methods to Measure Benzene Biomarkers
    R828112C088 Alveolar Changes in Rat Lungs After Long-Term Exposure to Nitric Oxide
    R828112C089 Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Inhaled Methanol on Nonhuman Primates and Their Infant Offspring
    R828112C090 A Pilot Study of Potential Biomarkers of Ozone Exposure
    R828112C091 Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particles on the Cardiac and Pulmonary Systems of Dogs
    R828112C092 Cancer, Mutations, and Adducts in Rats and Mice Exposed to Butadiene and Its Metabolites
    R828112C093 Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particles in Rats and Hamsters: An Exploratory Study
    R828112C094I The National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study: Methods and Methodologic Issues
    R828112C094II The National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study: Morbidity and Mortality from Air Pollution in the United States
    R828112C095 Association of Particulate Matter Components with Daily Mortality and Morbidity in Urban Populations
    R828112C096 Acute Pulmonary Effects of Ultrafine Particles in Rats and Mice
    R828112C097 Identifying Subgroups of the General Population That May Be Susceptible to Short-Term Increases in Particulate Air Pollution
    R828112C098 Daily Mortality and Fine and Ultrafine Particles in Erfurt, Germany
    R828112C099 A Case-Crossover Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Out-of-Hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrest
    R828112C100 Effects of Mexico City Air on Rat Nose
    R828112C101 Penetration of Lung Lining and Clearance of Particles Containing Benzo[a]pyrene
    R828112C102 Metabolism of Ether Oxygenates Added to Gasoline
    R828112C103 Characterization and Mechanisms of Chromosomal Alterations Induced by Benzene in Mice and Humans
    R828112C104 Acute Cardiovascular Effects in Rats from Exposure to Urban Ambient Particles
    R828112C105 Genetic Differences in Induction of Acute Lung Injury and Inflammation in Mice
    R828112C106 Effects on Mice of Exposure to Ozone and Ambient Particle Pollution
    R828112C107 Emissions from Diesel and Gasoline Engines Measured in Highway Tunnels

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    The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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