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Real Win Win

1926 Arch St
Philadelphia, PA 19103

RealWinWin is a consulting firm that helps building owners and managers find ways to earn above average returns by improving the energy efficiency of their properties. Our financial analysts, energy engineers, lease specialists and other experts help you find the most profitable energy efficiency upgrades to pursue. RealWinWin creates value for owner occupants and income-property owners alike.

RealWinWin has developed the only comprehensive and up-to-date database of rebates and other incentives to improve the energy-efficiency and water-efficiency of buildings, Financial Incentives National Database \™ ( F.I.N.D.). RealWinWin's full-time research staff monitors thousands of utilities, federal, state, and local agencies, and other organizations. RealWinWin helps turbo-charge project approvals by shortening simple payback periods.

Commercial Market(s) Served: Existing Commercial Buildings  

Commercial Market Sectors Served: Commercial Real Estate, Corporate Real Estate, Hospitality & Entertainment, Retail

Services: ENERGY STAR Benchmarking (EPA's Energy Performance Rating for Commercial & Institutional Buildings), Professional Engineer Verifications for ENERGY STAR Labeled Buildings

ENERGY STAR Activity: Learn more about ENERGY STAR Activities
Energy Performance Ratings: 112
Labels: 3
Buildings Improved by 10 points or more: 4

Contact Information:
Mark Jewell
866-799-3463 (phone)
215-732-0470 (fax)
mjewell@realwinwin.com (e-mail)