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Trust Species & Habitats Current Research

Total Current Project: 40

 Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)

 Analysis of White-tailed Kite Population Bottleneck Using Museum Specimens

 Assessing Family Relationships in Broad-tailed Hummingbird

 Bat Population Database

 Bat Species of Concern: An Ecological Synthesis for Resource Managers

 Bird Migration Patterns in the Arid Southwest Using Doppler Radar

 Boreal Toad and Wood Frog Demographics

 Causes and Consequences of Bat Fatalities at Wind Turbines

 Climate change as a challenge to bird conservation in arid and semi-arid regions of North America

 Conservation Studies of Long-Nosed Bats in New Mexico

 Consolidation and Integration of the USGS and University of New Mexico Mammal Collections

 Degradation Rates of DNA Extracted from Fecal Samples for Use with Molecular Markers

 Developing a Regional Approach for Integrated Monitoring Related to Energy Exploration and Development

 Development and Application of the Hydroecological Integrity Assessment Process

 Development of Stable Isotope Analyses for Use in Studies of the Population Dynamics and Ecology of Current and Historic Avian Populations

 Ecology of Virus Transmission in Commensal Bats

 Effects of Climate Change on White-tailed Ptarmigan

 Engineered Wetland Evaluation

 Estimating Effects of Limiting Habitat Relationships with Regression Quantiles

 Evaluation of Black Bear Population Structure in Colorado

 Forecasting the Effects of Agricultural Practices on Prairie Wetlands: Implications for the Conservation of Migratory Shorebirds

 Gender Identification of White-winged Doves

 Interactions between Native and Non-native Aquatic Species in the Southwestern United States

 Limnology and Stream Ecology

 Measuring the Effects of West Nile Virus on Wild American Kestrel Populations in Colorado

 Metapopulation Dynamics of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken in Southwestern Kansas

 Museum Curation

 Native Fish Sanctuary Evaluation

 Partners in Flight Coordinator for USGS

 Population genetic analysis of cougar populations in Colorado

 Population Genetics of Wood Frogs in Rocky Mountain National Park

 Population Structure and Dynamics of the Midget Faded Rattlesnake

 Quantitative and Statistical Research Collaboration

 Rocky Mountain Center for Conservation Genetics and Systematics

 San Clemente Island Fox

 Status and Breeding Ecology of the Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow

 Using DNA as an Individual Marker for Mark-Recapture Analysis of Gunnison Sage-Grouse

 Using Genetics Tools to Obtain Information about the Biology of Summer Roosting Bats

 Wild Horse and Burro Research

 Wintering Habitat Use by Priority Grassland Birds

 Learn More: Trust Species & Habitats Research Archive

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