Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) Program Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) Program Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
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The IC CAE in National Security Studies Program was established during 2005 in response to the nation's increasing need for IC professionals who are educated and trained with the unique knowledge, skills and capabilities to carry out America's national security objectives.

The IC CAE Program, as called for in the Intelligence Community's Five Year Strategic Human Capital Plan, provides colleges and universities with the opportunity to implement curricula focusing on the critical IC skill sets needed to strengthen the IC workforce and effectively meet mission requirements.

Meeting this need requires the IC to recruit and retain the best and brightest — those with diverse ethnic, cultural and professional backgrounds, as well as regional, geographical, industry, language and technical expertise (especially first and second generation Americans) — to protect our citizens and lead this country in the 21st Century.

Additional Information

Bullet Strategic Milestones
Bullet Key Goals
Bullet Who Can Apply
Bullet Areas of Focus
Bullet Operational Structure
Bullet Framework
Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
Public Law 108-177, Section 319