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1999 News Archive

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December 30 Top Scientists Point to Research Past, Present and Future
December 29 Tracking the Spread of the Russian Wheat Aphid Goes High-Tech
December 28 Gene Marker for Flood-Tolerant Soybeans
December 27 Time Tunnel Points to Future in High CO2 World
December 23 Meeting Crop Research Challenges in the Next Century
December 22 Natural Product Helps Insects “Bite the Dust”
December 21 Johne’s Disease Tool Now Patented
December 20 Collaboration to Help Thwart Food-borne Pathogens
December 17 Genetic Map for Bt Resistance Is Top ARS Postdoc Award
December 16 New Biofungicide Treats Apples and Oranges Alike
December 15 New Process Boosts Uses for Fats, Oils
December 14 Redesigned Barley Has Potential to Thwart Scab Disease
December 13 Scientists to Caterpillar Pests: Chew on This
December 10 Digging, Burning Thwart Soda Apple Weed
December 9 Researchers Help Cattle Breeders Optimize Profit and Desired Beef Traits
December 8 Preparing Farmers for Possible Longer-Term Weather Forecasts in Future
December 7 Scientists Comb Hives for Mite-Resistant Honey Bees
December 6 Midwest Farmers Get a New Crop for a New Millennium
December 3 Managing Rosette in Blackberries Helps Small Farmers
December 2 Genetically Improving U.S. Cattle--The Future Builds on the Past
December 1 ARS Research Accomplishments: The Past Is Prelude to the Future
November 30 Methyl Bromide Alternative Boosts Citrus Trade
November 29 Keeping E. Coli, Parasites Out of Drinking Water
November 26 Japanese Honeysuckle Fragrances Could Help Control Moth Pests
November 24 USDA Picks Vegetables for the Hungry
November 23 Bromelain--Health Food for Bossie, Too
November 22 Shrub-Derived Latex Products Block Viruses, Bacteria
November 22 New Issue of Healthy Animals Now Online
November 19 Cattle Have a Hankering for Tropical Corn
November 18 Lesquerella Scrutinized as Oil, Gum, Meal Source
November 17 With Green Beans, Less Water Means More Calcium
November 16 Scientists Take Guesswork Out of Assessing Beef Tenderness
November 15 Potato Gene Engineering Research Should Benefit Andes Farmers
November 12 Ag Library Improves Access to Farming History Collection
November 10 New Model Saves Farmers Costs of Fertilizer, Soil Tests
November 9 Scientists Find Abundant Moldy Treasures, Including Penicillia
November 8 USDA to Host Public Meetings on Plum Island Animal Disease Center
November 8 A Holistic Approach to Crop Rotations for the Central Plains
November 5 Walnut Pests Foiled by Fumigant, Studies Show
November 4 Nutrition Studies Get Psyched Over the Internet
November 3 To Zap Strawberry Foes, Scientists Seek Methyl Bromide Alternatives
November 2 Future Wheat Varieties May Be Tailor-Made for Foreign Markets
November 1 New Device Measures Quality in Single Grain Kernels
October 29 Publication Describes Scientific Needs for Developing Health-Enhancing Foods
October 28 Lost Tribe of Leafhoppers Found, May Lead to Better Controls
October 27 Wee Wasps Vanquish Big Bad Beetles
October 26 Developing New Vaccines to Prevent Fish Kills
October 25 Potential Chocolate Shortage May Be Foiled by Beneficial Fungi
October 22 ARS, CGIAR Sign Research Agreement
October 21 Lab Test For Prions May Yield Diagnostic Tool For TSE Diseases
October 20 Organic Growers Join With ARS to Retain Crop Diversity
October 19 Tracking Down Newcastle Virus
October 18 Rare Breeding Line to Develop Waxy Wheat Released
October 15 Seed for New Roadside Grass Now on Sale
October 14 Sun May Rise As Methyl Bromide Sets
October 13 Researchers Seek Key to Increased Lycopene in Tomato
October 12 New Bait May Prove to Be Fatal Last Meal For Pest Termite
October 8 Is the Grass Really Greener? Researchers Aim to Find Out
October 7 What Americans of Hispanic Origin Eat
October 6 Researchers to Help Restore Burned Nevada Lands
October 5 USDA Aims to Find Market Niches for Appalachian Small Farms
October 4 Areawide IPM Project a Success for Northwest Orchards
October 1 New Uses for Milkweed
September 30 These Genes Might Let You Grow Pesticide-Free Veggies
September 29 New Lure May Help Foil Fruit Fly Pest
September 28 Scientists Sleuth Forage Secrets
September 27 Pollinating Sunflowers: Big Job Is a Good Fit for the Right Bee
September 24 Hawaii's Banana Growers Can Now Target New Markets
September 23 Measuring Waste on the Run
September 22 Research to Pasteurize Manure Featured at Chesapeake Bay Day
September 21 Red Imported Fire Ants...Still Going
September 20 Building a Better Berry
September 17 Three Scientists Introduced into ARS Hall of Fame
September 16 Appetite Hormone Puts Pigs on Faster Growth Track
September 15 Chromium Critical for Glucose Tolerance
September 14 Nonfattening Food Additive Made From Sugar
September 13 Nut Shells on Tap for Industrial Clean Up
September 10 Blueberries May Restore Some Memory, Coordination and Balance Lost with Age
September 10 BARC-18 Gives Farmers Many Choices for Vegetable Soybeans
September 9 Arctic and Arid-Land Plants Have New Homes
September 8 Insect "UFO's" Identified at Marine Corps Air Station
September 7 Fungi Thwart Two Major Insect Pests
September 3 Weather, Research Bring Relief from New Barley Disease
September 2 Deer Collar Could Help Harness Lyme Ticks
September 1 Louisiana and Texas Cooperate to Prevent Spread of Mexican Rice Borer
August 31 Scientists Adapt DNA Test to Sugarbeet Fungal Pathogens
August 30 Online Information to Help Identify and Track $100 Billion Worm Pests
August 27 Green Pixie--Not Just Another New Green Pea
August 26 ARS Releases New Soybean Disease Defenses
August 25 Vegetative Mulch Cuts Pesticide Losses in Runoff
August 24 USDA Researchers Help Farmers Preserve Tennessee Valley Soils
August 23 New Gauze, Coatings Improve Medical Uses of Cotton
August 20 Is There a Copper-Aging Connection?
August 19 New Clue About Plants' Sunlight Sensors Revealed
August 18 New Test Pinpoints Animal Antibiotic
August 17 Athletes Need Enough Zinc
August 16 New R&D Agreement Aims at Natural Controls for Plant Fungi
August 13 Simulated Gut Measures Iron Available From Food
August 12 High CO2 Stimulates Soil-Building "Glue"
August 11 So Far, This Corn Defies the Drought
August 10 Senator Byrd Plants Bluebyrd Plum Celebrating 20 Years of ARS Research Station
August 9 Antioxidant Power of Natural Product Supplements Highly Variable
August 6 ARS Hosts International Conference on Preserving Boar Semen
August 5 Breeder Readies Russian Honey Bees for American Hives
August 4 A Better Way to Measure Catfish Feed Intake, Growth
August 3 Villain Fungus Transformed Into Hero
August 2 Technology Spurs Alfalfa Genome Mapping
July 30 Seed Catalogs Offer Glimpse of Yesterday
July 29 New Tests Quickly Diagnose Bluetongue, Related Diseases
July 28 New Grass on Menu for Western Cattle and Wildlife
July 27 New Pecan Tree Bears Fruit Every Year
July 26 New Barrier Blocks Pesky Beetles
July 23 Attacking Heart Disease at Its Genes
July 22 Glickman Announces USDA Testing of New Lure to Combat Asian Longhorned Beetle
July 21 Project Underway to Battle Cotton Pest in Delta
July 20 New Vaccine Could Cut Shipping Fever in Cattle
July 19 Attention Wasps: Uncle Sam Wants You
July 16 Cutting Phosphorus in Dairy Cattle Feed Will Save Money, Help Environment
July 15 In Barns, Measuring Air Movement Is a Breeze With FANS
July 14 Biotech Bouquet in the Works
July 13 New Mosquito Trap in Time for Summer
July 12 A Ratio Process Makes It Easier To Detect Aflatoxin Levels
July 9 Bacteria, Fungi May Be Crucial in Weed Biocontrol by Insects
July 8 First Biological Control Agent For Saltcedar Released
July 7 Orange Cauliflower May Help Crop Scientists Boost Nutrition
July 6 New Test Could Help Breed Edema-Resistant Pigs
July 2 A Dwarf Pear Tree: Another Genetic Engineering First
July 1 Weevil May Help Fight Invasive Water Weed
June 30 Corn Farmers May Enlist Bacteria Against Toxin
June 29 Transforming Pollen for Better Plants for the “Pharm”
June 28 Seed To Fight Scab Epidemic Keeps Rolling In
June 25 Researchers Find Internal "Hiding Place" of New Turkey Ailment
June 24 Chicory Is a Biological Plow and Sponge, All in One
June 23 "Spurgefest" Will Offer Flea Beetles a Feast
June 22 Genetic Testing Helps Single Out Leanness Gene
June 21 Good News on Mississippi Groundwater
June 18 Trio of New Seedless Grapes on the Way to Consumers
June 17 Cedarwood Oil: Making It More Aromatic, More Available
June 16 Vanadium: Nature's "Junk Food" For Plants
June 15 NIR Helps Turn Vegetable Oil into High-Quality Biofuel
June 14 In Plants, "Calling All Cells" Means Busy Electrical Circuits
June 11 Computer to Help Overcome Yield Constraints in the Tropics
June 10 New Liquid Epoxies Created from Cane Sugar
June 9 ARS Employees Receive 1999 Honor Awards
June 8 Textile Treatment Keeps Microbes at Bay
June 7 New Web Resource on Farm Animal Health
June 4 Algae and Bacteria Influence Herbicide Fate
June 3 Pectin Plays Key Role in Fiber Quality
June 2 Center of Excellence and Seafood Safety Lab Dedicated at Delaware State University
June 1 Food Irradiation and Chlorine Team Up to Kill E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella
May 28 Iron for Premature Infants--Is Formula the Best Way?
May 27 "Waste" Gypsum Could Help Boost Crop Yields
May 26 Plants with Allergen-Free Latex Now Easier to Genetically Engineer
May 25 Friendly Fungus With Dirty Name Takes on Southern Menace
May 24 High-Tech Surveillance Nabs Water Weeds
May 21 Researchers Explore Possible Changes in Body Composition of Future Pigs
May 20 Making Harvests More Nutritious
May 19 New Attractant and Repellent to Target Pest Ants
May 18 USDA Research Yields New Wheat Variety to Help Farmers Fight Scab
May 17 Farmers Now Part of the Global Warming Solution as U.S. Agriculture Becomes Net Carbon Sink
May 14 Iron-Hungry Compound Can Glow as Satisfaction Grows
May 13 Women's Depression Unlikely to Be Linked to Iron-Poor Blood
May 12 For Real: A Store-Bought Tomato with Vine-Ripened Taste
May 11 Labs Play Key Role in Developing Tomorrow’s Wheats
May 10 USDA and LSU Embark on New Sugarcane Drainage Research
May 7 National Agricultural Library Publishes Guide to Animal Handling, Transport
May 6 Cattle Fill Ecological Niche Where Buffalo No Longer Roam
May 5 Bats Enlisted to Gobble Up Earworm Pests
May 4 Improved Sex-Sorting of Livestock Sperm
May 3 Mining Health Treasures from Soybeans
April 30 New Plant May Help Thwart Grass Tetany
April 29 Research Helps Midwest Farmers Expand into New Markets
April 28 Plant Explorers Seek Wild Lesquerella
April 27 New Peanut Types Could Mean Trouble for Nematodes
April 26 Genetic Help on the Way for Flood-Prone Corn
April 23 ScaleNet: For All You Want to Know About Scale Insects
April 22 Human Genome Project Aids Soybean Genome Mapping
April 21 Ag Scientists Garner Federal Tech-Transfer Awards
April 20 License Granted for Aerial Electrostatic Spray System
April 19 Microbes Help Scientists Sucker Sap Beetles
April 16 Scientists Eye Farm Uses of Landsat 7 Imagery
April 15 Corn Spills the Beans
April 14 Alfalfa Plants Vacuum Up Fertilizer Spill
April 13 Wandering Gypsy Moths Get Nasty Surprise
April 12 Recycled Tire “Fluff” and “Crumb” Help the Environment
April 9 One Book -- 10,000 Plants
April 8 Scientists Alter Insects Using Special Genetic Element
April 7 USDA Launches Database of Beneficial Compounds in Soy Foods
April 6 "Restrained Eating" May Put Bones at Risk
April 5 This Library Has Deep Roots on the Farm
April 2 TOPAZ is a Software Gem
April 1 Three New Peaches on the Way
March 31 Compost, Mulch and Microbes May Protect Strawberries
March 30 Production of Anti-Cancer Drug, Taxol, Could Get a Boost
March 29 Sunflower Stalks Trap More Snow
March 26 Agency Develops and Licenses New Catfish Vaccine
March 25 Growers' Group to Work With USDA Seed Banks
March 24 Historic Cherry Trees from Japan Given New Life
March 23 Symposium Highlights Potential Benefits of Citrus Compounds
March 22 Soapstock Waste May Yield New Products
March 19 Study Suggests It's Wise to Consume Adequate Copper During Pregnancy
March 18 USDA Researchers Create Highly Aflatoxin-Resistant Corn
March 17 Green-Plant Enzyme Puts a Red Light on Porphyrins
March 16 A Salad That Diamondback Moths Can’t Resist
March 15 Snapshot of U.S. Homocysteine Levels
March 11 Goat Farmers Could Profit From Peanuts
March 10 New Research Explains Signaling System for Plant Nutrients
March 9 New Capsules: “Kiss of Death” or “Breath of Life” for Insects
March 8 Glickman Announces $3 Million Boost For Research to Combat Wheat Scab
March 5 Timing of Vaccination Critical To Saving Eggs
March 4 Fungi, Sex Drive Could Help Thwart Costly Nematode Worms
March 3 Natural Plant Extracts Could Be Methyl Bromide Substitute
March 2 Researchers, Farmers Team Up To Revive Mississippi Lakes
March 1 Some Starchy Foods May Contribute to Overeating
February 26 Topsoil: Keeping It Fresh
February 25 Hot on the Tail of Poultry Killer
February 24 Calcium Bath Keeps Melons Fresh Longer
February 23 Helping Girls with Rett Syndrome Improve Growth
February 22 Progress in Yellow Starthistle Biological Control
February 19 Making Coccidia Less Cocky
February 18 New Plants Put a Hurt on Pests
February 17 New Test Readied for Pig Disease
February 16 New Tests Nab Toxins
February 12 Kids Get Science Project Ideas from NAL
February 11 A Farewell Party for Corn Earworm Pests
February 10 Safer Salad In The Bag
February 9 When it Comes to Soybeans--Dig Deep
February 8 High-ORAC Foods May Slow Aging
February 5 Scientists Find New Clue to Treat Lethal Horse Disease
February 4 Field Studies Begin on New, Improved Tests to Identify Major Bacterial Food Pathogens
February 3 Agency Scientists Win Top Research Awards
February 2 USDA Research Agency Honors Scientists for Technology Transfer
February 1 Compounds in Horseradish May Keep Food Fresher
January 29 A Healthy Change for the Delta
January 28 Researchers Warm to the Chilly Truth About Winterfat Seeds
January 27 New Edible Coating Helps Pecans Stay Fresh Longer
January 26 Coal Burning Byproduct Gives Ol’ Bossy a Leg Up on Mud
January 25 Sleuthing of Plant Genes Speeds Ahead of Schedule
January 22 One-Stop Web "Shop" to Find Collections of Biological Specimens
January 21 Triple Whammy Makes Nuisance Flies Flee the Coop
January 20 Glickman Announces New Rapid Test For Antibiotic-Resistant Salmonella
January 19 Scientists Steal Parasite’s Digestive Secrets
January 17 USDA: New Gene Data Center and Gene-Analyzing Machines Will Speed Discoveries
January 15 USDA, Universities to Establish New Corn Genetics Center
January 14 Electronic Pulses Zap Hitchhikers on Citrus
January 13 New Red Raspberry Variety Available
January 12 A New Use for "Old" Grass
January 11 Partnership Could Yield New "Attract-and-Kill" Lures for Bad Bugs
January 8 Model Bioinsecticide Aimed at High-Value Crops
January 7 Scientists Confirm Leptin Link to Sexual Maturity in Swine
January 6 New Web Tool for Finding Info on Dietary Supplements
January 5 Animal Study Sheds Light on Link Between Cancer and High Doses of Beta Carotene Supplements
January 4 Setting the Bait for Pecan Orchard Pests

Last Modified: 01/01/2008
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