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National Science Foundation
Grant Policy Manual
Table of Contents
I. Basic Information
II. NSF Awards
III. Grant Administration
IV. Financial Requirements and Payments
V. Grantee Standards
VI. Allowability of Costs
VII. Other Grant Requirements
VIII. Other Proposal and Award Considerations
IX. Reconsideration / Suspension and Termination / Disputes / Research Misconduct
Subject Index
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NSF 05-131 July 2005
Subject Index














Absence of Principal Investigator/Project Director 312
Acceptance of Assistance Agreements 222
Acknowledgment and Disclaimer 744
Acquisition Cost of Equipment 612.2a
Additional Funding Support 260, 602.1, 635
Advance Payments 430, 440
Age Discrimination 705
Alcoholic Beverages 625j
Allowability of Costs Ch.VI
Alterations and Rearrangements 621, 720, Exhibit III-1
Animal Welfare 713
Annual Project Report 263, 341, 812.3
Anti-discrimination Statutes 700
Appeals 900, 920
Applicable Credits 444, 445, 750
Approvals, Requests for NSF Exhibit III-1
Assistance Awards, Definition 210b
Assurance of Compliance Exhibit VII-1

Audits 350
Authorized Organizational Representative 210a
Award Instrument 230


Banks, Use of Women-Owned and Minority-Owned 437
Bayh-Dole Act 731
Bonding and Insurance 722
Budget Changes 320, 635, Exhibit III-1
Business Officer 420a



  • Grantee Notifications to and Requests for Approval from the National Science Foundation Exhibit III-1

  • Grant Budget 320, 635

  • Grant Period 253

  • Grant Policy Manual 123

  • Project Direction or Management 310

  • Objectives, Scope, or Methodology 311

  • Principal Investigator/Project Director 312

Charter Flights 762
Civil Rights Act of 1964 702
Classified Research 850
Closeout 345, 452
Coffee Breaks and Meals 625
Commercial Firms 500, 542.2, 601.1
Compensation for Personal Services 611
Computer Costs 615
Conferences 625
Conflict of Interest Policies 510
Conflicting Guidelines 601.3
Construction, Rearrangements and Alterations 240b, 720
Consultant Services 616, 625f
Continuing Grant 210c, 263
Contracts and Complex Agreements, Division of 115
Contracts under Grants 313
Contributions see "Cost Sharing"
Cooperative Agreements 210d, 221b, 222b
Copyright 732
Copyrightable Material Clause 732.2
Cost Principles 601
Cost Reimbursement Award 210c
Cost Sharing 330
Credits 440, 750
Curriculum Development Projects 862


Data Collection 811
Data Rights 732, 734
Davis-Bacon Act 721
Debarment and Suspension 912.2, 931e
Declination of Proposal (NSF Reconsideration of) 900
Delays 311.3
Delinquent Reports 344
Dependents Travel Costs 614
Direct Costs 610, 620
Disability Regulations 703
Disbursements 420, 450
Disclaimer 744
Discrimination 700
Disputes Resolution 920
Dissemination of Research Results 617, 734, 740, 812.3
Distribution of Grant Materials 740
Division of Grants and Agreements (DGA) 113
Division of Contracts and Complex Agreements (DCCA) 115
Division of Financial Management (DFM) 116
Division of Institution and Award Support (DIAS) 114
DNA Guidelines 712
Documentation Costs 617
Domestic Travel 614


Effective Date 251
Electronic Submission - Financial 436, 451
Entertainment Costs 625
Environmental Impact 830
Equal Employment Opportunity 701b, 706
Equal Opportunity Programs, NSF Office of 118

Erroneous Payments 442
Excess Government Personal Property 546
Expendable Personal Property see "Materials and Supplies"
  • Allowability of Costs Ch. VI

  • Grantee Responsibility 301

  • Reports 450

  • Outlays 420

Experimental Curriculum 862
Expiration Date 251, 253.2
Extension of Grant Period 253.3


Facilities Capital Cost of Money 633.2c
Federal Assistance Award Data System 800
Federal Cash Transactions Reports 345, 440, 450
Federal Cost Principles 601
Federal Employees 616.3, 618.1
Federal Demonstration Project 240b
Fee Payments 640
Fees, Consultant 616.1, 625f
Fellowships 632.2, 733.2, 901
Final Disbursement Reporting 452
Final Project Report 342, 343, 812.4
Final Technical Information Items 343
Financial Disclosure 510
Financial Management, Division of 116
Financial Management System Standards 410, 520
Fiscal Reports 450
Fixed Amount Award 210c, 240b, 633.1b3
Flood Insurance 723
Foreign Projects 712.4, 731.1, 731.2, 732.2c, 733.3, 763
Foreign Travel 614, 760
Foreign-Flag Air Carriers 761.3
Freedom of Information Act 812.2
Fringe Benefits 611.2
  • Allowability of Costs/Expenditures Ch.VI

  • Payment of 430

  • Residual 262

  • Safeguarding 432

  • Transfer of 313, 322

  • Withholding 432c

Furniture and Furnishings 612.2c, 612.4


General Counsel, NSF Office of 117
General Purpose Equipment 543b, 612.2c, 612.4
Government-Owned Equipment 545, 546

Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) 130
Grant Policy Manual (GPM) 120

Grants and Agreements, Division of 113
Grants Officer 113
Greenland 763b
Guide to Programs 100
Guidelines, Conflicting 601.3


Human Subjects 711, 862


Income 444, 732.1, 750
Independent Research and Development 633.2b
Indirect Costs 630
Informal Resolution of Grant Administration Disputes 920
Information Release 812
In-Kind Contributions see "Cost Sharing"
Inspector General, Office of 119, 930
Institutional Ledger Section (ILS) 116
Instrumentation and Facilities Guidelines 544
Insurance 722, 723
Intangible Property see "Intellectual Property"
Intellectual Property 730
Interest 443
Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs 800

Intra-University Consulting 616.2
Inventions and Patents 731
Investigator Financial Disclosure 510


Leased Facilities and Equipment 623
Leave, Sabbatical 611.1b3
Legal Services 616.1f
Liabilities and Losses 861
License Rights 731
Long-Term Absence of PI/PD 312.4
Living Organisms 710


"March-in" Rights 731.3
Marine Mammal Protection Act 714
Matching Share 334
Materials and Supplies 613
Maximum Obligation of NSF 602.1
Meals and Coffee Breaks 618.2, 625
Meetings and Conferences 625
Merit Review 130, 264
Methodology Changes 311.2
Metric Measurements 863
Minority-Owned Banks 437
Misconduct in Science 930
Motor Vehicles 612.2c


National Register of Historic Places 840
National Science Board 111, 731.2, 812, 902
National Science Foundation:

National Security Exhibit I-1, 850
New Grantee 501
News Release 622, 812.1
No-Cost Extension 253.3
Nonexpendable Personal Property see "Equipment"
Non-Discrimination Statutes 700
Non-profit Organization 601.1, 731.3
Notifications to NSF Exhibit III-1
NSF-Grantee Relationships 220


Objectives, Changes in 311
Obligations 420
Off-Campus (Off Site) Activities 633.1e
Office Equipment and Furniture 612.2c, 612.4
Office of Equal Opportunity Programs (NSF) 118
Office of the General Counsel (NSF) 117
Office of Inspector General (NSF) 118, 930
OMB Circulars 121, 350, Exhibit I-1
Open Government Legislation 812.2
Outlays 420
Overhead see "Indirect Costs"


Page Charges in Scientific Journals 617
Participant Support Costs 618, 625, 633.2
Passports and Visas 764
Patent Rights Clause 731.3
Patents and Inventions 731
Payments 420i, 430
Per Diem 614, 618.2, 625
Permanent Equipment 612
Permits 715
Person Months 312
  • Change in Person-Months 312

  • Compensation 611.1

  • Definition 210

  • Long-Term Absence 312.4

  • Short-Term Absence 312.3

  • Substitute 312.7

  • Transfer to Another Institution 312.8

  • Withdrawal 312.6

Post-Expiration Costs 602.3
Pre-Award Costs 602.2
Pre-College Students 862
Predetermined Fixed Rate 631
Preservation of Historic Places 840
Press Releases 622, 812.1
Principal Investigator (PI) 210f
Principles, Federal Cost 601
Printing-Related Costs 617, 625d, 742
Prior NSF Approval 603.2, 614, Exhibit III-1
Procurement Standards 530
Project Director (PD) 210f
Program Income 444, 750
Project Reports 340
Project Income see "Program Income"
Project Performance 300
  • Acquisition 543

  • Copyright and Publication 732, 740

  • Data and Software 734

  • Equipment 542, 612, 615

  • Excess Government Personal Property 546

  • Intellectual 730

  • Inventions and Patents 731

  • Management Standards 540

  • Materials and Supplies 541, 613, 625

  • Protection of Historic Places 840

  • Title 541, 542, 545, 730

  • Reconsideration 900

  • Submission 130

Proprietary Information 812.3
Provisional Rate, Maximum 633.1
Publication 617, 625d, 734, 740, 812.3


Quarterly Disbursement Report 451
Questionnaires 811


Rearrangements and Alterations 621, 720, 840, Exhibit III-1
Rebudgeting 320, 635, Exhibit III-1
Recombinant DNA 712
Reconsideration of Proposals 900
Records Retention 350
Refunds to NSF 440
Registration Fees 618.1
Regulations, NSF Exhibit I-1
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 703
Reimbursements 434
Release of Information 812
Relocation Costs 624
Renewed Support 262
Rearrangements 621, 720
Rental or Lease of Facilities/Equipment 615, 623
Reporting Requirements 340, 450, 930
  • Cost Sharing 333.6

  • Federal Cash Transactions 451

  • Final Disbursement Reporting 452

  • Final Project 342, 812.3

  • Annual Project 341, 812.3

  • Technical Information Items 343

Request for Advance or Reimbursement 430, Exhibit IV-1
Research Equipment 612
Residual Funds 262
Resolution of Grant Administration Disputes 920
Revocation 910
Rights in Data and Software 734
Royalties Under Grants 730


Sabbatical Leave 611.1b3
Salaries and Wages 611
Scope, Change in 311.1
Security, National 850
Seismic Safety 724
Sex Discrimination 704
Shared Use of Equipment 543
Sharing Research Results 617, 734, 740
Short-Term Absence of PI/PD 312.3
Significant Change, Delay or Event of Unusual Interest 311.3
Site Visits 301
Small Business 542.2, 731, 901
Software Rights 734
Special Purpose Equipment 612.2d, 612.3
Speaker Fees 625
Staff Benefits see "Fringe Benefits"

Standard Grant 210, 262
Statutes, Executive Orders and Other Directives Exhibit I-1
Stipends 618.2
Subawards, subcontracts 313, 432, 731.3g, Exhibit III-1
Subsistence Allowances 618.2
Substitute Principal Investigator/Project Director 312.7
Summer Salaries 611.1b2
Sunshine Act 812.2
Supplemental Support 264, 633.1c, 633.1d
Supplies 541, 613, 625b
Suspension of Award 910


Tangible Property 735
Tax Status 820
Technical Reporting Requirements 340
Termination of Award 910
  • Equipment 542

  • Patents and Inventions 731.3

  • Supplies and Materials 541

  • Tangible Property 735.2

Training Equipment see "Special Purpose Equipment"
Transfer of:

Travel Allowances:
  • Conference or Group Travel Award Grant General Conditions 240b

  • Costs 614

  • Dependent 614

  • Domestic 614

  • Foreign 614, 761

Two-Ninths Rule 611.1b2 611.1b2


Underrecovery of Indirect Costs 634
Unliquidated Obligations 420
Unobligated Balance 420, 441
Unused Award Funds 441
U.S.-Flag Air Carriers 761.2


Vendor Express, ACH 436, Exhibit IV-1
Vertebrate Animals 713
Visas 764


Wages 611
Withdrawal of Principal Investigator/Project Director 312.6
Withholding Payments 432c
Women-Owned Banks 437
Working Capital Advance 435
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