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 AVIAN INFLUENZA: Information and On-going Research at the USGS Alaska Science Center
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Tundra swan chicks
Newly hatched Tundra Swan cygnets, YK Delta Alaska
Tundra swan released by Craig Ely
Biologist Craig Ely, USGS Alaska Science Center, releasing Tundra Swan after testing for avian influenza
Biologist surveys tundra for swans from aeroplane
Biologist Dr. Hiroyoshi Higuchi surveys the Alaska tundra from airplane for swans
Biologists Hito and Emi with captured Tundra swan
Biologists Dr. Hiroyoshi Higuchi and Emi Hiraoka, University of Toyko, Japan, capture Tundra swans on the YK Delta Alaska
Biologist Emi with captured Tundra swan
Biologist Emi Hiraoka, University of Toyko Japan, readies an implanted Tundra Swan for release
Tundra Swan family with neck collars
Tundra Swan family ready to be released
Gary Chayalkun, Chevak resident, releasing Tundra Swan
Gary Chayalkun, student from Chevak AK, releases a Tundra Swan
Swans flying in fog
Veterinarians implant satellite transmitter in Tundra Swan
Drs. Daniel Mulcahy and Darryl Heard surgically implant a satellite transmitter
Biologists measure Tundra Swan on Alaska's Northern Coastal Plain
Biologists measure and band a Tundra Swan on Alaska's Northern Coastal Plain
Tundra Swan family in Potters Marsh, Alaska
Tundra Swan family at an autumn staging area, Potter's Marsh, Anchorage, Alaska
Biologist Tyrone Donelly holding Tundra Swan
USGS Biologist Tyrone Donnelly gives postoperative care to Tundra Swan
Biologist measures Tundra Swan
USFWS Biologist Susan Savage takes measurements of a Tundra Swan near King Salmon, Alaska
Biologist capture Tundra Swan from boat using dip net
Biologists John Terenzi and Kristen Sesser capture Tundra Swans using an inflatable boat and a dip net
Tundra Swan chases towards biologist with helicopter
Helicopters are used to capture flightless Tundra Swans during the molt period

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