Applied Sciences

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NEW!  Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences – 2008
Element A.28: Earth Science for Decision Support – Gulf of Mexico

A NASA SeaDAS Demonstration workshop, sponsored by the NASA Science Mission Directorate, Applied Sciences DEVELOP Program, was held on Wednesday, July 23,2008. Learn more about the DEVELOP program or view the SeaDAS demonstration agenda.

NASA produces research results, such as observations from satellites, predictions from models, and knowledge from scientific research. These research results have the potential to serve society beyond their intended purpose of answering pressing Earth system science questions.

NASA’s Applied Sciences Program systematically evaluates the potential of these research results to serve society by conducting projects with regional and national scale operational partners. The partners have the responsibility to provide information to decision makers for a specific aspect of the Earth system. These projects address NASA’s National Applications and the societal benefit areas under the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (see below).

Prototyping is used in two ways in NASA’s Applied Sciences Program. The first is in the National Applications program. High fidelity prototypes are used to assess the incorporation of NASA research results into a partner’s decision support systems. This creates a prototype system that has been rigorously tested with the partner to understand the scientific uncertainty and improved value compared to the old method. In many cases, these completed prototypes are adopted or adapted for use by the operational partners.

The second falls under the Crosscutting Solutions program. Here, low fidelity prototypes that are low cost and quickly produced are used to evaluate the potential of a wider collection of NASA research results to serve society. The result is an evaluation of many and varied NASA research results for their potential to be candidates for further, more rigorous development. The intention is to seed the community with many creative ideas that might be beneficial to pursue at the right time and with the right partners.