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USGS Ridge-to-Reef Team Honored for Work in Hawaiian Islands

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 2006 Western Region Innovation in Integrated Science Award was presented to the USGS Ridge-to-Reef team for their multidisciplinary work in the Hawaiian Islands (see the Reef to Ridge Project). The recipients, who were honored at the USGS Western Region Awards Ceremony on October 11, 2006, in Menlo Park, Calif., are: remote-sensing expert Pat Chavez (Flagstaff, Ariz.), marine geologist Michael Field (Santa Cruz, Calif.), biologist David Helweg (Hawaiʻi National Park, Hawaiʻi), botanist Jim Jacobi (Hawaiʻi National Park, Hawaiʻi), geomorphologist Jonathan Stock (Menlo Park, Calif.), and hydrologist Gordon Tribble (Honolulu, Hawaiʻi).

Mike Field accepts plaque Jon Stock accepts plaque
Above: Members of the USGS Ridge-to-Reef team Mike Field (left photograph, larger version) and Jon Stock (right photograph, larger version) accept plaques commemorating the team's 2006 Western Region Innovation in Integrated Science Award, presented by USGS Acting Western Regional Director Anne Kinsinger.

Mike Field and Jon Stock represented the team at the ceremony, accepting the award from USGS Acting Western Regional Director Anne Kinsinger. As noted at the ceremony: “This multidisciplinary group has been working together on the islands of Molokai, Kauai, and Maui to explain how changing tropical watersheds are affecting coral ecosystems and coastal habitats. This work is a direct response to the Hawaiian Land-Based Sources of Pollution Local Action Strategy and is being implemented under the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force. The team works closely with local watershed partnerships, Federal and State agencies, and universities, providing new scientific understanding and products that are useful to, and used by, resource managers. [The work honored by] this award is a modern-day example of the basic science that drove the U.S. Geological Survey in its early days. The Ridge-to-Reef team is looking at landscape-level problems, putting aside the interests and limitations of each scientific discipline, and is doing great research which is having practical results.”

Related Web Sites
Ridge To Reef Project
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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)