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Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team's Sea-Floor-Mapping Systems Described on New Web Pages

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Western Coastal and Marine Geology (WCMG) team has posted a set of Web pages that describe the coastal- and sea-floor-mapping systems used by the team. These Web pages were created by WCMG Webmistress Laura Zink Torresan, from a PowerPoint presentation designed and created by WCMG scientist Peter Dartnell.

The new Web pages provide a quick overview about how we map the deep ocean floor, coastal areas, and beaches and how we combine this information with video footage, photographs, and sediment-sample data to make interpretations and create databases that many scientists can use.

We invite you to visit these pages at URL

Schematic diagram showing the various types of sea-floor-mapping systems used by the Western Coastal and Marine Geology team.
Above: Schematic diagram showing the various types of sea-floor-mapping systems used by the Western Coastal and Marine Geology team. Drawing by Bruce Rogers, modified from image on a Web page posted by the USGS Woods Hole Sea-Floor Mapping Group. [larger version]

Related Web Sites
Coastal and Seafloor Mapping
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Sea-floor Mapping Technology
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in this issue: Fieldwork
cover story:
Monitoring Eruption of Augustine Volcano

Submarine Groundwater Discharge Study

USGS Assists in Search for Airplane Wreckage

Research Methane Hydrate off Southern California Coast

Outreach Open House at FISC St. Petersburg

Falmouth Science Teachers visit USGS Woods Hole

Sea-Floor-Mapping Systems Described on New Web Pages

Awards Wetland Ecologist Named Fulbright Senior Specialist

Multiple Award Winner in USGS Photography Contest

Staff USGS Scientist on Nanjing University Committee

Publications March 2006 Publications List U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)