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Oceanographer Joins the Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team

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Jodi Eshleman
Above: Jodi Eshleman programs a current meter before data collection as part of a recent field investigation of eelgrass in Puget Sound, WA (see article “Eelgrass in Puget Sound,” this issue).

Jodi Eshleman has recently joined the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team as an oceanographer who will be working with Guy Gelfenbaum.

Jodi received a B.S. degree in civil engineering from Lehigh University and recently completed an M.S. degree in coastal engineering at the University of Florida. While working on her Master's research, she spent 8 months at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Field Research Facility in Duck, NC, where she gained valuable field experience collecting cross-shore profiles with the amphibious LARC and CRAB vehicles, and a backpack-mounted GPS (global positioning system). This experience will be beneficial at the USGS, where Jodi will be working with Guy, Peter Ruggiero, and Dan Hanes in the Coastal Evolution Modeling project to collect nearshore bathymetric data with the Coastal Profiling System (a waverunner equipped with a GPS receiver and an echo sounder to measure depth).

In addition, Jodi will be primarily involved in the new Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound project. Her efforts will focus on all aspects of the project, from data collection in the field to processing, analyzing, compiling, and presenting the results of the study.

Please come by Room 1213 in the Menlo Park, CA, office and welcome Jodi to the USGS.

Related Sound Waves Stories
Eelgrass in Puget Sound—A New Study of Flow, Sediment Transport, and Zostera marina
September 2004

Related Web Sites
Western Region Coastal & Marine Geology
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Santa Cruz & Menlo Park, CA
Field Research Facility
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Duck, NC

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Eelgrass in Puget Sound

Microbial Ecology of Deepwater Corals

Big Sur's Landslide Hazards

Research Manatee Population Analysis

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Staff & Center News Oceanographer Joins USGS

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)