Slide 1 Motor Carrier Presentation May, 2005 DataQs Overview Slide 2 What is DataQs DataQs is a system on the Internet that provides an electronic means for filing data quality challenges about Federal and State data released to the public by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Slide 3 What is DataQs (cont'd) It is: A single location for data challenge entry and response A web-based interface to view the status of data challenges and supporting documentation throughout the challenge process A support tool that assists FMCSA and States in generating responses It is not: A change in either the State or FMCSA data correction guidelines A system that allows or requires FMCSA to intervene in the State data correction process Slide 4 What Does DataQs Do? Allows users to submit data quality challenges related to motor carrier safety data Routes the challenges to the appropriate organization for resolution based on the type of challenge Slide 5 What Does DataQs Do? (cont'd) Allows all involved in a data quality challenge to view the challenge and its status at any time Stores all information related to the challenge in a centralized place, e.g., correspondence between the user that submitted the challenge and the organization that is assigned the challenge, documentation pertaining to the challenge, status of the challenge, etc. Slide 6 Who can use DataQs? Motor Carriers and the General Public can use DataQs to submit data quality challenges related to motor carrier safety data FMCSA HQ, Field, and State personnel use DataQs to enter, respond to, track and manage the challenges Slide 7 How Do I Access DataQs if I’m a Motor Carrier or the General Public? DataQs can be accessed from Motor Carriers and the General Public new users can register via the DataQs Login Screen Slide 8 How do I Access DataQs If I’m a State or FMCSA employee? State and FMCSA personnel are required to register via the standard FMCSA Account Request Form. Slide 9 What Registration Information is Needed? Users can select their own username and password Motor carriers can be validated by entering their FMCSA provided PIN. This verifies to FMCSA and State agencies that the user is with the motor carrier. slide 10 DataQs offers a simple 2 step process for submitting challenges (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) First, select the data challenge type that best describes the data issue you are challenging Slide 11 DataQs offers a simple 2 step process for submitting challenges (cont.) (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Second, add the specific details of the challenge The challenge will be forwarded to the appropriate office for resolution Slide 12 Supporting Documentation can be added to the challenge Documentation can be faxed or uploaded into the system for all involved to view Slide 13 DataQs automatically notifies the appropriate organization (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) DataQs informs the appropriate people within the responding organization that a data challenge has been assigned to them Slide 14 Responses Can Be Filed (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Enter responses here State and FMCSA employees can change the challenge status Slide 15 DataQs provides weekly data challenge email alerts to FMCSA/State agencies assigned challenges (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) An HTML formatted table contains the challenge ID, type, US DOT #, and the number of days open for all challenges that are open over 10 days and over 17 days Subject: DataQs - Challenge Alert Slide 16 DataQs provides weekly email alerts to motor carriers for ‘Open-Pending Carrier Response’ challenges (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) An HTML formatted table contains the challenge ID, type, Date entered and whether challenge was closed due to non-response by motor carrier Subject: FMCSA DataQs Alert Slide 17 DataQs allows all involved with the challenge to view the status at any time (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) All users can view the status of the challenges they submitted via DataQs Click on challenge ID to view details of challenge Slide 18 DataQs allows all involved with the challenge to view the status at any time (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) FMCSA HQ, Field, and State organizations can view the status of the challenges assigned to them via DataQs Slide 19 DataQs provides a centralized location of all information related to the data challenge (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Supporting Documentation (if entered) is accessible here View correspondence between the user that submitted the challenge and the organization assigned the challenge View details of challenge Slide 20 DataQs provides online reports of all information related to the data challenge (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 21 DataQs provides general public view of reports of all information related to the data challenge (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 22 DataQs provides online reports of all information related to the data challenge: Challenge Status (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 23 DataQs provides online reports of all information related to the data challenge: Challenge Type Breakdown (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 24 DataQs provides online reports of all information related to the data challenge: Inspection Challenge Type Breakdown (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 25 DataQs provides online reports of all information related to the data challenge: Crash Challenge Type Breakdown (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 26 DataQs provides online reports of all information related to the data challenge: Summary by Challenge Type and Status (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 27 DataQs provides online reports of all information related to the data challenge: Open Data Challenges by Organization Type (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 28 DataQs Provides Help on Using the System (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.) Slide 29 DataQs Provides Help on Using the System (Screen shot graphic is shown of online application.)