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Contact Information:

photo of Brent Sigafus
Sigafus, Brent
Research Technician
Research Assistance, IT Assistance
Research Station:
Work Address:
125 Biological Sciences East, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
Telephone Number:
(520)621-5508, FAX:(520)670-5001
Email Address:

Biographical Sketch:

Brent has lived all of his life in Tucson and married his high school sweetheart. They have two kids, two dogs, two lizards, one snake, and one desert tortoise. At their high school reunion, Brent and his wife won the, "Most Legs Under One Roof" award. He loves the flora and fauna of the southwest and hopes to spend many more years doing resarch and raising a family here. In May, 2000, Brent graduated from the University of Arizona with a B.S. from the School of Natural Resources in Watershed, Rangeland Management, and Wildlife and Fisheries Science with an option in Wildlife Science. Upon graduating, Brent was introduced to Cecil R. Schwalbe, a USGS Ecologist for SDRS, as a possible field tech for doing some amphibian work and that was, "The beginning of the end," for Brent.

Brent now assists Cecil with all aspects of the Amphibian Research and Monitor Iniative (ARMI) project. Along with the ARMI project, Brent provides IT support, photo digitizing and editing, and Palm OS data collection design and devlopment with support from the San Diego USGS office. He also assists Cecil's graduate students on their various projects with GIS support, database design in MS Access, acquisition of supplies, and sometimes, "Giving them some sweat and blood out in the field." The main projects Brent focuses on are bullfrog ecology and dispersal under M.S. student Dennis Suhre and ARMI. He provides all local IT support for SDRS, and assists Wendy Parrish, USGS Administrative Operations Assistant for SDRS, on various budgetary tasks.

Project List

  1. Amphibian Research and Monitor Iniative (ARMI)
  2. IT assistance

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