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photo of Ted Melis
Melis, Ted
Acting Chief, GCMRC
Hydrology, Hillslope processes, and Fluvial Geomorphology
Research Station:
Work Address:
U.S. Geological Survey, 2255 N. Gemini Dr., Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Telephone Number:
(928) 556-7282
Email Address:

Biographical Sketch:

Ted Melis has lived in Flagstaff, AZ, on and off since 1981. He originally moved to Flagstaff to study geology at Northern Arizona University, and to be close to Grand Canyon. From 1990-1997, Ted conducted hydrologic research through the Desert Laboratory in Tucson, as a hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. In May 1997, he completed his Ph.D. in geosciences at the University of Arizona, under the supervision of Dr. Victor R. Baker.

Ted has been involved in Colorado River research since 1985, and since 1989, he has studied highly sediment-laden floods, known as debris flows, that occur in hundreds of bedrock tributaries between Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Mead. He and has published numerous reports on the impacts of debris flows on the Colorado River ecosystem. This research, sponsored by the Glen Canyon Environmental Studies (GCES), contributed to the Operations of Glen Canyon Dam-Final EIS. Following his EIS studies on debris-flow impacts, Ted spent 1995-1996, working with members of the GCES and cooperating researchers identifying potential topics for future integration of existing biological and physical data. Ted coordinated and convened an integration workshop on biophysical linkages with over thirty Grand Canyon scientists during 1995; in 1996, he assisted the GCES project manager, and other participating agencies in planning and implementation of the 1996, Beach/Habitat-Building Flow Experiment. Besides planning the flood, he also conducted research to document its reworking effects on debris fans, campsite areas, mainstream sand storage, and rapids, with other USGS scientists.

Ted is interested in adaptive management and its potential for integrating scientific information with social policies and management objectives toward sustaining river-ecosystem resources. He is also interested in the role of climate variability and use of long-term climate forecasting protocols with respect to adaptive management of the Colorado River. Ted joined the program staff of the GCMRC in March 1997, as the physical science advisor to Chief L.D. Garrett, who he assisted in implementing the physical science transition monitoring and research program. In November 1998, Ted was selected as the GCMRC's Physical Science Program Manager, and has been working since then on conducting a review of the physical science program and developing an integrated long-term monitoring plan for water and sediment resources of the Colorado River ecosystem.

Project List

  • Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (AMP)

Publications, Maps, and other Products

  1. Fenn, Dennis, Whit Gibbons, Gary Meffe, Scott Wright, Steven P. Gloss, Robert H. Webb, William S. Vernieu, John Loomis, Theodore A. Kennedy, Barbara E. Ralston, Mark K. Sogge, Robert H. Webb, David A. Harpman, Helen C. Fairley, Matt Kaplinski, Jeffrey E. Lovich, and others. 2007. Colorado River Ecosystem Science Symposium 2005. [Training/Workshop]
  2. Wiele, S.M., P.R. Wilcock, and P.E. Grams. 2007. Reach-averaged sediment routing model of a canyon river. Water Resources Research 43, W02425, doi:10.1029/2005WR004824. [Journal Article]
  3. Randle, T. J., J. K. Lyons, R.J. Christensen, and R.D. Stephen. 2007. Colorado River Ecosystem Sediment Augmentation Appraisal Engineering Report. Denver, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. 78 p. [Technical Report]
  4. Hornewer, Nancy J., and Wiele, Stephen M. 2007. Flow velocity and sediment data collected during 1990 and 1991 at National Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona: . U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 246. [Technical Report]
  5. Melis, Theodore S., David J. Topping, David M. Rubin, and Scott A. Wright. 2007. Research Furthers Conservation of Grand Canyon Sandbars. U.S Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3020. [Fact Sheet]
  6. Magirl, Christopher S., Griffiths, Peter G. and Webb, Robert H. 2006. ADV Point Measurements within Rapids of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon,. in Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006, May 21-25 Omaha, NE, 10 p. [Proceedings]
  7. Melis, T.S., S.J.D. Martell, L.G. Coggins, W.E. Pine III and M.E. Andersen. 2006. ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE COLORADO RIVER ECOSYSTEM BELOW GLEN CANYON DAM, ARIZONA: USING SCIENCE AND MODELING TO RESOLVE UNCERTAINTY IN RIVER MANAGEMENT. American Water Resources Association, proceedings of Specialty Conference on Adaptive Management in Water Infrastructure, June 2006, Missoula MT. [Proceedings]
  8. Magirl, Christopher Sean. 2006. Bedrock-Controlled Fluvial Geomorphology and the Hydraulics of Rapids on the Colorado River. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in Hydrology. The University of Arizona. October 2006. [Thesis/Dissertation]
  9. Wohl, Ellen, James P. Bennett, Michael D. Blum, Gordon E. Grant, Daniel M. Hanes, Alan D. Howard, David S. Mueller, David H. Schoellhamer, and Francisco J. Simoes. 2006. Protocols Evaluation Program (PEP-SEDS III): Final Report of the Physical Resources Monitoring Peer Review Panel. 25 p. [Technical Report]
  10. Draut, A.E. and Rubin, D.M. 2006. Measurements of Wind, Aeolian Sand Transport, and Precipitation in the Colorado River Corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona: January 2005 to January 2006. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1188. 88 p. [Open-File Report]
  11. Rubin, David M., Henry Chezar, Jodi N. Harney, David J. Topping, Theodore S. Melis, and Christopher R. Sherwood. 2006. Underwater microscope for measuring spatial and temporal change in bed-sediment grain size :. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2006-1360. [Open-File Report]
  12. Melis, Theodore S., Korman, Josh, and Walters, Carl J. 2005. Active Adaptive Management of the Colorado River Ecosystem Below Glen Canyon Dam, USA : Using Modeling and Experimental Design to Resolve Uncertainty in Large-River Management,. in Proceeding of the International Conference on Reservoir Operations & River Management, Guangzhou, China, September 18-23, 2005 p. 1-8. [Proceedings]
  13. Davis, Philip A. 2004. Review of results and recommendations from the GCMRC 2000-2003 remote-sensing initiative for monitoring environmental resources within the Colorado River ecosystem. USGS Open-File Report 2004-1206. [Technical Report]
  14. Gray J.R., E. Patino, P.P. Rasmussen, M.C. Larsen, T.S. Melis, D.J. Topping, C.F. Alamo. 2003. Evaluation of sediment surrogate technologies for computation of suspended-sediment transport. Proceedings of the 1st International Yellow River Forum on River Basin Management, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China, the Yellow River Conservancy Publishing House, Vol. III, pp. 314-323. [Proceedings]
  15. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, P.G. Griffiths. 2003. Debris Flows and the Colorado River. in, S.S. Beus and M. Morales (editors) Grand Canyon Geology, p. 371-390, Oxford University Press, New York. [Book Chapter]
  16. Melis T.S., D.J. Topping, D.M. Rubin. 2003. Testing laser-based sensors for continuous in situ monitoring of suspended sediment in the Colorado River , Arizona , Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers: . Technological and Methodological Advances , IAHS Publ. 283, p. 21-27. [Book Chapter]
  17. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, P.G. Griffiths. 2003. Debris Flows and the Colorado River. in , S.S. Beus and M. Morales (editors) Grand Canyon Geology , p. 371-390, Oxford University Press, New York,. [Book Chapter]
  18. Topping D.J., T.S. Melis, D.M. Rubin. 2003. Evaluation of a laser-acoustic system for continuously monitoring suspended-sediment concentration and grain size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Poster presented at the Fall 2003 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Poster with Abstract]
  19. Melis T.S., D.J. Topping, D.M. Rubin. 2003. Testing laser-based sensors for continuous in situ monitoring of suspended sediment in the Colorado River AZ, Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement in Rivers: technological and Methodological Advances. OAJS Publ. 283. [Publication]
  20. Gray J.R., T.S. Melis, Eduardo Patiño, M.C. Larsen, D.J. Topping, P.P. Rasmussen, Carlos Figueroa-Alama. 2003. U.S. Geological Survey research on surrogate measurements for suspended sediment. In , Renard, Kenneth, G., McElroy, Stephen A., Gburek, William J., Canfield, H. Evan, and Scott, Russell L., eds., Proceedings of the 1st Interagency Conference on Research in Watersheds: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, October 27-30, 2003, Benson, Arizona, pp. 95-100. [Audio]
  21. Gray J.R., T.S. Melis, E. Patino, M.C. Larsen, D.J. Topping, P.P. Rasmussen, C. Figueroa-Alama. 2003. U.S. Geological Survey research on surrogate measurements for suspended sediment. in, Renard, Kenneth, G., McElroy, Stephen A., Gburek, William J., Canfield, H. Evan, and Scott, Russell L., eds., Proceedings of the 1st Interagency Conference on Research in Watersheds: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, October 27-30, 2003, Benson, Arizona, pp. 95-100. [Proceedings]
  22. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis. 2002. Observations of environmental change in Grand Canyon. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigation Report #02-4080, 33 p. [Technical Report]
  23. Wiele S.M., J.E. Hazel, T.S. Melis. 2002. Efficient use of water and sand in the maintenance of sand bars in the Colorado river below Glen Canyon Dam. Annual meeting of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Prescott, AZ. [Abstract]
  24. Korman J., C. Walters, T.S. Melis. 2002. Challenges in assessing the effects of experimental flow regimes from Glen Canyon Dam on fine-sediment storatge and native fish populations--Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Poster presented at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Poster]
  25. Fenn D.B., T.S. Melis. 2002. The Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center's Role in Colorado River Ecosystem Science Below Glen Canyon Dam: An Overview on Science-Based River Management. Oral Presentation made at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Presentation]
  26. Melis T.S., D.J. Topping, D.M. Rubin, Y.C. Agrawal. 2002. Recent innovations in monitoring suspended-sediment mass balance of the Colorado River Ecosystem below Glen Canyon Dam: A laser-based approach. Poster presented at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Poster with Abstract]
  27. Wiele S.M., J. Hazel, J.C. Schmidt, T.S. Melis. 2002. The significance of discharge in the replenishment of sandbar deposits along the Colorado River through Grand Canyon. Poster presented at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Poster with Abstract]
  28. Rubin D.M., D.J. Topping, J.C. Schmidt, J. Hazel, M. Kaplinski, T.S. Melis. 2002. Recent Sediment Studies Refute Glen Canyon Dam Hypothesis. EOS, American Geophysical Union, v. 83, no. 25, p. 273, 277-278. [Popular Publication]
  29. Korman J., C. Walters, T.S. Melis. 2002. Challenges in assessing the effects of experimental flow regimes from Glen Canyon Dam on fine-sediment storage and native fish populations - Colorado River in Grand Canyon. poster presented at the Fall 2002 Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. [Abstract]
  30. Rubin D.M., D.J. Topping, J.C. Schmidt, J. Hazel, M. Kaplinski, T.S. Melis. 2002. Recent Sediment Studies Refute Glen Canyon Dam Hypothesis. Eos, American Geophysical Union , v. 83, no. 25, p. 273, 277-278. [Journal Article]
  31. MaGirl C.S., M.J. Breedlove, R.H. Webb, T. Melis. 2002. One-Dimensional Hydraulic Model of the Colorado River Updated to May 2002. In Prep. [Technical Report]
  32. Melis, T.S., Topping, D.J., Rubin, D.M., and Agrawal, Y.C. 2002. Recent innovations in monitoring suspended-sediment mass balance of the Colorado River ecosystem bedow Glen Canyon Dam: A laser-based approach. EOS, Trnasactions, American Geophysical Union. [Abstract]
  33. Pulwarty R.S., T.S. Melis. 2001. Climate extremes and adaptive management on the Colorado River: Lessons from the 1997-1998 ENSO event. Journal of Environmental Management, 63, p. 307-324. [Journal Article]
  34. Fritzinger C., M.J. Liszewski, T. Melis, S. Mietz, B. Ralston, M. Yard, B. Gold. 2000. Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center: A science plan for WY 2000 low summer steady flows. [Technical Report]
  35. Fritzinger C., M. Liszewski, T. Melis, S. Mietz, B. Ralston, M. Yard, B. Gold. 2000. A science plan for WY 2000 low summer steady flows. Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center. April, 2000. [Technical Report]
  36. Webb R.H., P.G. Griffiths, T.S. Melis, D.R. Hartley. 2000. Sediment Delivery by Ungaged Tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report # 00-4055, 67 p. [Technical Report]
  37. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, P.G. Griffiths, J.G. Elliott, T.E. Cerling, R.J. Poreda, T.W. Wise, J.E. Pizzuto. 1999. Lava Falls Rapid in Grand Canyon: Effects of Late Holocene Debris Flows on the Colorado River. USGS Professional Paper 1591, 90 p. [Technical Report]
  38. Melis T., M.J. Liszewski, B. Gold, L. Stevens, F.M. Gonzales, R. Lambert, L.D. Garrett, W. Vernieu, B. Ralston. 1998. Prospectus for evaluating GCMRC monitoring protocols for the Colorado River Ecosystem. GCMRC Libary. [Technical Report]
  39. Griffiths P.G., R.H. Webb, T.S. Melis. 1997. Initiation of Debris Flows in Tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. in Cheng-lung Chen (editor) Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, Proceedings of the First International Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 12-20. [Proceedings]
  40. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, P.G. Griffiths, J.G. Elliott. 1997. Reworking of aggraded debris fans by the 1996 controlled flood on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 97-16, 36 p. [Technical Report]
  41. Melis T.S., R.H. Webb, P.G. Griffiths. 1997. Debris flows in Grand Canyon National Park: peak discharges, flow transformations, and hydrographs. in Cheng-lung Chen (editor) Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction, and Assessment, Proceedings of the First International Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 727-736. [Proceedings]
  42. Melis T.S. 1997. Influence of debris flows on habitats of the Colorado River ecosystem in Grand Canyon, Arizona. [Abstract]
  43. Griffiths P.G., R.H. Webb, T.S. Melis. 1996. Initiation and frequency of debris flows in Grand Canyon, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-491, 35 p. [Technical Report]
  44. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis, T.W. Wikse. 1996. The great cataract,¿ Effects of late Holocene debris flows on Lava Falls Rapid, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-460, 96 p. [Technical Report]
  45. Melis T.S., W.M. Phillips, R.H. Webb, D.J. Bills. 1996. When the blue-green waters turnred: historical flooding in Havasu Creek, Arizona. US Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report #96-4115, 85 p. [Technical Report]
  46. Meretsky V.J., T.S. Melis. 1996. Integration of Grand Canyon physical and biological information: a progress report. Transactions and Proceedings of the Third-Biennial Conference on Colorado Plateau Research, /series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-97/12, Department of Interior, National Park Service, p. 193-214. [Proceedings]
  47. Webb R.H., T.S. Melis. 1995. The 1995 debris flow at Lava Falls Rapid. Nature Notes, Grand Canyon National Park , fall, 1995, v. 11, no. 3, p. 1-4. [Newsletter]
  48. Melis T.S. 1995. A Draft Prospectus on Integration of Biological and Physical Data Below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Program 81 p. [Technical Report]
  49. Melis T.S., R.H. Webb, P.G. Griffiths, T.W. Wise. 1994. Magnitude and Frequency Data for Historic debris Flows in Grand Canyon National Park and Vicinity. Arizona USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 94-4214, 285 p. [Technical Report]
  50. O'Connor J.E., L. L. Ely, E.E. Wohl, L. E. Stevens, T.S. Melis,V.S. Kale, V.R. Baker. 1994. A 4,500-year record of large floods on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Journal of Geology, vol. 102, pp. 1-12. [Journal Article]
  51. Melis T.S., R.H. Webb. 1993. Debris flows in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: Magnitude frequency and effects on the Colorado River. In American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings of the 1993 Conference, Hydraulic Engineering '93, vol. 2, pp. 1290-1295, H.W. Shen, S.T. Su and F. Wen (eds). [Proceedings]