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Contact Information:

photo of Mike Kunzmann
Kunzmann, Michael R.
(Not yet specified.)
Research Station:
Work Address:
125 Biological Sciences East, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721
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Biographical Sketch:

I am an Ecologist at the USGS Sonoran Desert Research Station (SDRS). SDRS is affiliated with the School of Natural Resources at The University of Arizona. For the last twenty years, I have been involved in many research activities throughout the Desert Southwest and have provided a wide array of ecological services to federal and state agencies. Examples include, but are not limited to, the Arizona GAP Program and the Yellow-billed Cuckoo Habitat Evaluation Study. In conjunction with the University of Arizona's Advanced Resource Technology Program, I have been investigating the integrated use of Global Positioning, Geographic Information Systems (GPS/GIS), and the automation of data collection and analysis. For past several years, I have also taught "Natural Resources Mapping" RNR 422/522" which provides a framework of understanding and field-based training to graduate and under-graduate students in the collection and analysis of ecologically important field data.

Project List

  • (Not yet specified.)

Publications, Maps, and other Products

  1. Halvorson W.L., K. Thomas, L. Graham, M. Kunzmann, P. Bennett, C. Van Riper . 2001. Arizona GAP Report. C. Drost with B. S. Gebow, editor Final Report to the National GAP Office, USFWS, NBS, and USGS Gap Analysis Program. [Technical Report]
  2. Halvorson, W. L., M.R. Kunzmann. 2000. Recent advances in information management. Presentation to the USGS Reston Informatics and I&M staff. (Invited). [Proceedings]
  3. Ram Sudha, M. R. Kunzmann, J. Kim, J. Abbruzzi. 2000. "A Digital Living Library - A Prototype for Harvesting Ecological Data over the Internet. In Proceedings of the 2000 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Twentieth Annual User Conference, June, 26-30, 2000, San Diego, California. (Paper #588 on CD-ROM or available on the World Wide Web: [Proceedings]
  4. Honaman A., M. R. Kunzmann, W. Grunberg. 2000. GPS & GIS: Useful Tools in an Academic Setting. In Proceedings of the 2000 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Twentieth Annual User Conference, June, 26-30, 2000, San Diego, California. (Paper #433 on CD-ROM or available on the World Wide Web: [Proceedings]
  5. Kunzmann M. R., A. Rybak, P. S. Bennett. 2000. "Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus occidentalis) Habitat Identification Factors Using GPS and GIS Analysis Techniques. In Proceedings of the 2000 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Twentieth Annual User Conference, June, 26-30, 2000, San Diego, California. (Paper #429 on CD-ROM or available on the World Wide Web: [Proceedings]
  6. Aukema J., M. R. Kunzmann. 2000. GPS & GIS, Spatial Tools to help document the spread of desert mistletoe (Phoradendron californicum), a plant parasite in Arizona. In Proceedings of the 2000 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Twentieth Annual User Conference, June, 26-30, 2000, San Diego, California. (Paper #521 on CD-ROM or available on the World Wide Web: [Proceedings]
  7. Kunzmann M. R., K. Ellison, K. L. Purcell, R. R. Johnson, L. Haight. 2000. "California Towhee (Pipilo crissalis)". pp. 20. In "The Birds of North America, No. 632 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc. Philadelphia, PA. (May 23, 2002). [Book Chapter]
  8. Buchmann S., M. R. Kunzmann, R. J. Hobbs, J. Donovan. 1999. Gap Analysis of Pollinator (bats, bees, hummingbirds) Species Richness in Arizona: Implications in for Conservation Biology. In Proceedings of the 1999 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Nineteenth Annual User Conference, July, 26-30, 1999, San Diego, California. (Paper #530 on CD-ROM or available on the World Wide Web: [Proceedings]
  9. Bradley G. E., M. R. Kunzmann, W. Grunberg, D. L. Guertin. 1999. "Integrating Differential GPS, GIS, and Sonar Measurements to Map the Bathymetry of Topock Marsh, Arizona.". In Proceedings of the 1999 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Nineteenth Annual User Conference, July, 26-30, 1999, San Diego, California. (Paper #396 on CD-ROM or available on the World Wide Web: [Proceedings]
  10. Kunzmann M. R., R. J. Hobbs, C. S. A. Wallace, S. E. Marsh. 1999. "AVHRR Imagery Analysis and Habitat Modeling as Planning Tools for Conducting Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus occidentalis) Surveys in Arizona. In Proceedings of the 1999 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Nineteenth Annual User Conference, July, 26-30, 1999, San Diego, California. (Paper #361 on CD-ROM or available on the World Wide Web: [Proceedings]
  11. Brady Laura M., J. Abbruzzi, M. R. Kunzmann, S. Ram, C. Wissler, S. Garcia. 1999. "A Prototype Server for the Arizona Spatial Clearinghouse Node for Spatial Data". In Proceedings of the Arizona Geographic Information Council Sixth Annual GIS Conference, August 8-10, 1999, Tucson, Arizona. [Proceedings]