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photo of Jayne Belnap © Stephen Trimble
Belnap, Jayne
Research Ecologist
Research Station:
Work Address:
2290 S. West Resource Blvd., Moab, UT 84532
Telephone Number:
(435)719-2333 fax:(435)719-2350
Email Address:

Biographical Sketch:

Jayne Belnap has been a scientist with the Department of Interior since 1987. She received her two undergraduate degrees (in biology and natural history) from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1980; her Masters of Science (Ecology Department) from Stanford University in 1983 and her PhD (Botany and Range Department) from Brigham Young University in 1991. Her dissertation was on the effects of coal-fired power plants on the physiological functioning of biological soil crusts and rock lichens. Over the past 20 years, she has published 105 peer-reviewed articles and books on soil crusts that include a BLM technical reference (co-authored with 3 other BLM scientists) and the only comprehensive book available on the topic. She is recognized by scientists around the globe as one of world's authorities on soil crusts. Dr. Belnap has been invited by many governments to train their scientists in soil crust ecology, including those of South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, China, Siberia, Australia, and Iceland. She travels extensively throughout the U. S., training BLM, NPS, USFS, BIA, DoD, and DOE staff and managers on management of soil crusts. She is past Chair of the Soil Ecology chapter of Ecological Society of America, as well as the President-Elect of the Soil Ecology Society.

Project List

  • Invasive Annual Grasses: We are studying several aspects of invasive grasses. First, we are attempting to identify the factors that enable annual grasses to invade a site so that we can predict ahead of time what areas are susceptible to invasion. We are researching ways to suppress these grasses to facilitate restoration of natives. We are working on ways to carry out prescribed fires without enhancing the susceptibility of the burned areas to invasion. We are also documenting the effect of annual grass invasions on soil food webs, native plants, nutrient cycles, and biological soil crusts.
  • Biological Soil Crusts: We have long studied the role of biological soil crusts in desert ecosystems, including their influence on soil fertility and stability. We also have extensively documented the effects of soil surface disturbance on soil crusts. A new study is addressing the effects of climate change (increased temperatures, altered precipitation regimes) on the structure and function of these soil crusts.
  • Effect of Grazing on Sediment and Runoff Production: Using a set of paired watersheds, we are continuing a 50-year study on the effects of grazing on water runoff and the production of sediment from a Mancos shale landscape. We will be also be comparing levels of salinity and selenium in the water and sediments leaving the grazed and ungrazed watersheds.
  • Mojave Desert: We are developing ways to predict the species composition of biological soil crusts in different areas of the Mojave desert. We are also looking at the effect of off-road vehicles on dust production from different soil types.
  • National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring: We are assisting the National Park Service in developing protocols for indicators of ecosystem health. These indicators include soil stability, soil fertility, vegetation cover and composition, and social trailing.

Publications, Maps, and other Products

  1. J. Belnap, S.K. Sherrod. 2008. Salt sensitivity of the exotic grass Bromus tectorum L. and facilitation by Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth. In press, Plant Ecology. [Journal Article]
  2. Belnap, J, S.L. Phillips, D.L. Witwicki, M.E. Miller. 2008. Visually assessing the level of development and soil surface stability of cyanobacterially dominated biological soil crusts. Journal of Arid Environments 72: 1257-1264. [Journal Article]
  3. Rosentreter, R., M. Bowker, J. Belnap. 2008. A field guide to biological soil crusts of western U.S. drylands: Common lichens and bryophytes. Denver, Colorado, U.S. Government Printing Office,104 p. [Book]
  4. Bowker, M., M. E. Miller, T. Sisk and N. Johnson . 2008. (In press). Prioritizing conservation effort through the use of biological soil crusts as ecosystem function indicators in an arid region. Conservation Biology. [Journal Article]
  5. Bowker, M. A., J. Belnap, V. B. Chaudhary, N. C. Johnson. 2008. Revisiting classic water erosion models in drylands: The strong impact of biological soil crusts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40(9):2309-2316. [Journal Article]
  6. Schwinning, S., J. Belnap, D.R. Bowling, J.R. Ehleringer. 2008. Sensitivity of the Colorado Plateau to change: Climate, ecosystems and society. Ecology and Society. In press. [Journal Article]
  7. Bowker, M.A., J. Belnap. 2008. A simple classification of biological soil crust habitat on the Colorado Plateau, USA. Journal of Vegetation Science. In press. [Journal Article]
  8. Belnap J., S.L. Phillips, S. Flint, J. Moeny, M. Caldwell. 2008. Global change and biological soil crusts: Effects of ultraviolet augmentation under altered precipitation regimes and nitrogen additions. Global Change Biology 14: 670-686. [Journal Article]
  9. Darby, B. J., D. A. Neher, and J. Belnap. 2007. Soil nematode communities are ecologically more mature beneath late- than early-successional stage biological soil crusts. Applied Soil Ecology 35(1): 203-212. [Journal Article]
  10. Belnap, J., S. L. Phillips, and S. D. Smith. 2007. Dynamics of cover, UV-protective pigments, and quantum yield in biological soil crust communities of an undisturbed Mojave Desert shrubland. Flora, 202: 674-686. [Journal Article]
  11. Belnap, J., S. L. Phillips, J. E. Herrick, J. R. Johansen. 2007. Wind erodibility of soils at Fort Irwin, California (Mojave Desert), USA, before and after trampling disturbance: Implications for land management. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32(1):75-84. [Journal Article]
  12. Yeager, C. M., J. L. Kornosky, R. Morgan, E. Cain, J. Belnap, C. R. Kuske. 2007. Three distinct clades of cultured heterocystous cyanobacteria comprise the dominant N2-fixing members of biological soil crusts of the Colorado Plateau, USA. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 60(1): 85-97. [Journal Article]
  13. Belnap, J. 2007. ESA publications revisited. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5(10):515-515. [Journal Article]
  14. Newingham, B. A., P. Vidiella, and J. Belnap. 2007. Do soil characteristics or microhabitat determine field emergence and success of Bromus tectorum. Journal of Arid Environments 70(3): 389-402. [Journal Article]
  15. Belnap, Jayne. 2006. Meeting the Mission: The Interplay of Science and Management. Learning from the Land: Bureau of Land Management Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Science Symposium, September 12-14 2006, Cedar City, Utah. [Training/Workshop]
  16. Bowker, M. A, J. Belnap, M. E. Miller. 2006. Spatial modeling of biological soil crusts to support rangeland assessment and monitoring. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59(5):519-529. [Journal Article]
  17. Hartley, A.E., N. Barger, J. Belnap, and G.S. Okin. 2006. Nutrient cycling in dryland ecosystems. in P. Marshner and Z. Rengel, editors. Nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. [Book Chapter]
  18. Belnap, J. 2006. The potential roles of biological soil crusts in dryland hydrologic cycles. Hydrological Processes 20: 3159-3178. [Journal Article]
  19. Belnap J. 2006. From the ground up: Biological soil crusts in the Sonoran Desert. In: W. Broyles and R. Felger, editors. Dry Borders: Great Natural Reserves of the Sonoran Desert: Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press. [Book Chapter]
  20. Belnap, J., S.L. Phillips, T. Troxler. 2006. Soil lichen and moss cover and species richness can be highly dynamic: The effects of invasion by the annual exotic grass Bromus tectorum and the effects of climate on biological soil crusts. Applied Soil Ecology 32:63-76. [Journal Article]
  21. Hawkes, C.V., J. Belnap, C.M D'Antonio, M.K. Firestone. 2006. Arbuscular mycorrhizal assemblages in native plant roots change in the presence of invasive exotic grasses. Plant and Soil 281(1-2): 367-379. [Journal Article]
  22. Barger, N.N., J.E. Herrick, J. VanZee, J. Belnap. 2006. Impacts of biological soil crust disturbance and composition on C and N loss from water erosion. Biogeochemistry 77(2): 247-263. [Journal Article]
  23. Newingham, B.A., J. Belnap. 2006. Direct effects of soil amendments on field emergence and growth of the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum L. and the native perennial grass Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth. Plant and Soil 280(1-2): 29-40. [Journal Article]
  24. I. Lebron, M. D. Madsen, D. G. Chandler, D. A. Robinson, O. Wendroth, J. Belnap. 2006. Ecohydrological controls on soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity within a pinyon-juniper woodland. Water Resources Research. [Journal Article]
  25. B. J. Darby, D. C. Housman, A. M. Zaki, Y. Shamout, S. M. Adi, J. Belnap, D. A. Neher. 2006. Effects of altered temperature and precipitation on desert protozoa associated with biological soil crusts. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 53(6):507-514. [Journal Article]
  26. Fernandez, D., Neff, J., Belnap, J., and Reynolds, R. 2006. Soil respiration in the cold desert environment of the Colorado Plateau (USA): Abiotic regulators and thresholds. Biogeochemistry 78(3)247-265. [Journal Article]
  27. Sperry, L.J., J. Belnap and R.D. Evans. 2006. Bromus tectorum invasion alters nitrogen dynamics in an undisturbed arid grassland ecosystem. Ecology, v. 87, no. 3, p. 603-615. [Journal Article]
  28. Bowker, M.A., J. Belnap, D.W. Davidson, H. Goldstein. 2006. Correlates of biological soil crust abundance across a continuum of spatial scales: Support for a hierarchical conceptual model. Journal of Applied Ecology 43(1):152-334. [Journal Article]
  29. Belnap J., O. L. Lange. 2005. Lichens and microfungi in biological soil crusts: Community structure, physiology and ecological functions. In: J. Dighton, editor. The Fungal Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem Vol. 23: Boca Raton, Florida, Taylor & Francis Group, p.397-712. [Book Chapter]
  30. Barger, N.N., J. Belnap, D. Ojima, A. Mosier. 2005. NO gas loss from biologically crusted soils in Canyonlands National Park, Utah. Biogeochemistry 75(3): 373-391. [Journal Article]
  31. Neff, J.C., R. Reynolds, J. Belnap, P. Lamothe. 2005. Multi-decadal impacts of grazing on soil physical and biogeochemical properties in Southeast Utah. Ecological Applications 15(1): 87-95. [Journal Article]
  32. Belnap J. 2005. Crusts: Biological. In: D. Hillel, editor. Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment: London, Elsevier, p. 339-346. [Book Chapter]
  33. Belnap J. 2005. Cyanobacteria and algae. In: D. M. Sylvia, J. J. Fuhrmann, P. G. Hartel, and D. A. Zuberer, editors. Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Pearson Education, Inc., p. 162-180. [Book Chapter]
  34. Belnap, J., J.R. Welter, N.B. Grimm, N.N. Barger, J.A. Ludwig. 2005. Linkages between microbial and hydrologic processes in arid and semi-arid watersheds. Ecology 86(2): 298-307. [Journal Article]
  35. Breshears, D.D., N.S. Cobb, P.M. Rich, K.P. Price, C.D. Allen, R.G. Balice, W.H. Romme, J.H. Kastens, M.L. Floyd, J. Belnap, J.J. Anderson, O.B. Myers, C.W. Meyer. 2005. Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(42): 15144-15148. [Journal Article]
  36. Belnap J., O. Lange. 2005. Biological soil crusts and global changes: What does the future hold. In: J. Dighton, editor. The Fungal Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem Vol. 23: Boca Raton, Florida, Taylor & Francis Group, p. 697-712. [Book Chapter]
  37. Johnson S. L., C. R. Budinoff, J. Belnap, F. Garcia-Pichel. 2005. Relevance of ammonium oxidation within biological soil crust communities. Environmental Microbiology 7(1):1-12. [Journal Article]
  38. Webb, R. H., J. Belnap, J. S. Weisheit. 2004. Cataract Canyon: A Human and Environmental History of the Rivers in Canyonlands. Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press, 268 pp. [Book]
  39. Bowker M. A., J. Belnap, R. Rosentreter, B. Graham. 2004. Wildfire-resistant biological soil crusts and fire-induced loss of soil stability in Palouse praries, USA. Applied Soil Ecology 26(1):41-52. [Journal Article]
  40. Austin A. T., M. L. Yahkjian, J. M. Stark, J. Belnap, A. Porporato, I. C. Burke, U. Norton, D. Ravetta, S. M. Shaeffer. 2004. Water pulses and biogeochemical cycles in arid and semiarid ecosystems. Oecologia 141(2): 221-235. [Journal Article]
  41. Loik M. E., D. D. Breshears, W. K. Laurenroth, J. Belnap. 2004. A multi-scale perspective of water pulses in dryland ecosystems: Climatology and ecohydrology of the western USA. Oecologia 141(2): p. 269-281. [Journal Article]
  42. Barger, N.N., D. Ojima, J. Belnap, W. Shiping, W. Yanfen, and Z. Chen. 2004. Changes in plant functional groups, litter quality, and soil C and N mineralization with sheep grazing in an Inner Mongolian grassland. Journal of Range Management 57: 613-619. [Journal Article]
  43. Belnap, J., S. L. Phillips and M. E. Miller. Oecologia 141(2): 306-316. 2004. Response of desert biological soil crusts to alterations in precipitation frequency. Oecologia 141(2): 306-316. [Journal Article]
  44. Belnap J. 2003. Factors influencing nitrogen fixation and nitrogen release in biological soil crusts. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.241-261. [Book Chapter]
  45. Evans, R. D., J. Belnap, F. Garcia-Pichel and S. L. Phillips. 2003. Global change and the future of biological soil crusts. Pages 417-429 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management, Second edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  46. Belnap J. 2003. Magnificent microbes: Biological soil crusts in Piñon-Juniper communities. In: M. L. Floyd, editor. Ancient Piñon-Juniper Woodlands: A Natural History of Mesa Verde Country: Boulder, Colorado, University Press of Colorado, pp.75-88. [Book Chapter]
  47. Belnap J. 2003. Biological soil crusts in deserts: A short review of their role in soil fertility, stabilization, and water relations. Algological Studies 109:113-126. [Journal Article]
  48. Belnap J., J. P. Lindsey. 2003. At the ground level: Fungi and mosses. In: M. L. Floyd, editor. Ancient Piñon-Juniper Woodlands: A Natural History of Mesa Verde Country: Boulder, Colorado, University Press of Colorado, pp.61-74. [Book Chapter]
  49. Belnap J., D. Eldridge. 2003. Disturbance and recovery of biological soil crusts. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150,Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition.Berlin, pp.363-383. [Book Chapter]
  50. Belnap J., B. Büdel, O. L. Lange. 2003. Biological soil crusts: Characteristics and distribution. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.3-30. [Book Chapter]
  51. Belnap J. 2003. Biological soil crusts and wind erosion. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management, Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.339-347. [Book Chapter]
  52. Strayer D. L., M. E. Power, W. F. Fagan, S. T. A. Pickett, J. Belnap. 2003. A classification of ecological boundaries. BioScience 53(8):723-729. [Journal Article]
  53. Gelbard J. L., J. Belnap. 2003. Roads as conduits for exotic plant invasions in a semiarid landscape. Conservation Biology 17(2):420-432. [Journal Article]
  54. Garcia-Pichel F., S. L. Johnson, D. Youngkin, J. Belnap. 2003. Small-scale vertical distribution of bacterial biomass and diversity in biological soil crusts from arid lands in the Colorado Plateau. Microbial Ecology 46(3):312-321. [Journal Article]
  55. Garcia-Pichel F., J. Belnap, S. Neuer, F. Schanz. 2003. Estimates of global cyanobacterial biomass and its distribution. Algological Studies 109:213-227. [Journal Article]
  56. Belnap J., S. K. Sherrod, M. E. Miller. 2003. Effects of soil amendments on germination and emergence of downy brome (Bromus tectorum) and Hilaria jamesii. Weed Science 51:371-378. [Journal Article]
  57. Belnap J., S. L. Phillips, M. Duniway, R. Reynolds. 2003. Soil fertility in deserts: A review on the influence of biological soil crusts and the effect of soil surface disturbance on nutrient inputs and losses. In: A. S. Alsharhan, W. W. Wood, A. Goudie, A. R. Fowler, and E. M. Abdellatif, editors. Desertification in the Third Millennium: Lisse, The Netherlands, Swets & Zeitlinger (Balkema), pp.245-252. [Book Chapter]
  58. Duda J. J., D. C. Freeman, J. M. Emlen, J. Belnap, S. G. Kitchen, J. C. Zak, E. Sobek, M. Tracy, J. Montante. 2003. Differences in native soil ecology associated with invasion of the exotic annual chenopod, Halogeton glomeratus. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38(2):72-77. [Journal Article]
  59. Sherrod S.K., J. Belnap, and M.E. Miller. 2003. Repeated use of ion-exchange resin membranes in calcareous soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 34(1&2): 13-21. [Journal Article]
  60. Bashkin M., T. J. Stohlgren, Y. Otsuki, M. Lee, P. Evangelista, J. Belnap. 2003. Soil characteristics and plant exotic species invasions in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah, USA. Applied Soil Ecology 22(1):67-77. [Journal Article]
  61. Rosentreter R., J. Belnap. 2003. Biological soil crusts of North America. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.31-50. [Book Chapter]
  62. Garcia-Pichel F., J. Belnap. 2003. Small-scale environments and distribution of biological soil crusts. In: J. Belnap and O. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.193-201. [Book Chapter]
  63. Belnap J., O. L. Lange. 2003. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 503 pp. [Book]
  64. Belnap J., O. L. Lange. 2003. Preface. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological soil crusts: structure, function, and management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.v-ix. [Book Chapter]
  65. Belnap J., O. L. Lange. 2003. Structure and functioning of biological soil crusts: A synthesis. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.471-479. [Book Chapter]
  66. Belnap, J. 2003. Microbes and microfauna associated with biological soil crusts. Pages 167-174 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, Eds. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management, Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Editon. Berlin, Springer-Verlag. [Book Chapter]
  67. Jayne Belnap. 2003. Exotic annual grasses in western rangelands: Predicting resistance and resilience of native ecosystems invasion. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program. [Publication]
  68. Belnap J., C. V. Hawkes, M. K. Firestone. 2003. Boundaries in miniature: Two examples from soil. BioScience 53(8):739-749. [Journal Article]
  69. Belnap J. 2003. The world at your feet: Desert biological soil crusts. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(5):181-189. [Journal Article]
  70. Belnap J. 2003. Comparative structure of physical and biological soil crusts. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.177-191. [Book Chapter]
  71. Belnap J., R. Prasse, K. T. Harper. 2003. Influence of biological soil crusts on soil environments and vascular plants. In: J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Ecological Studies Series 150, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.281-300. [Book Chapter]
  72. Belnap J. 2002. Biological soil crusts of Arabian sabkhat. In: H.-J. Barth and B. Böer, editors. Sabkha Ecosystems. Volume 1: The Arabian Peninsula and Adjacent Countries. Tasks for Vegetation Science Vol. 36, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp.227-237. [Book Chapter]
  73. Belnap J. 2002. Impacts of off-road vehicles on nitrogen cycles in biological soil crusts: resistance in different U.S. deserts. Journal of Arid Environments 52(2):155-165. [Journal Article]
  74. Redfield E., S. M. Barns, J. Belnap, L. L. Daane, C. R. Kuske. 2002. Comparative diversity and composition of cyanobacteria in three predominant soil crusts of the Colorado Plateau. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 40(1):55-63. [Journal Article]
  75. Bowker M., S. C. Reed, J. Belnap, S. Phillips. 2002. Temporal variation in community composition, pigmentation, and Fv /Fm of desert cyanobacterial soil crusts. Microbial Ecology 43(1):13-25. [Journal Article]
  76. Belnap J., S. D. Warren. 2002. Patton's tracks in the Mojave Desert, USA: An ecological legacy. Arid Land Research and Management 16(3):245-258. [Journal Article]
  77. Belnap J. 2002. Nitrogen fixation in biological soil crusts from southeast Utah, USA. Biology and Fertility of Soils 35(2):128-135. [Journal Article]
  78. Belnap, J. 2002. Biological soil crusts: Webs of life in the desert. (Online). US Geological Survey Fact Sheet No. FS-065-01. Moab, Utah, US Geological Survey. [Fact Sheet]
  79. Belnap, J. and O. L. Lange. 2001. Structure and functioning of biological soil crusts: A synthesis. Pages 471-479 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  80. Belnap, J., R. Prasse and K. T. Harper. 2001. Influence of biological soil crusts on soil environments and vascular plants. Pages 281-300 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  81. Belnap, J., B. Büdel and O. L. Lange. 2001. Biological soil crusts: Characteristics and distribution. Pages 3-30 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  82. Belnap, J. and D. Eldridge. 2001. Disturbance and recovery of biological soil crusts. Pages 363-383 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  83. Belnap, J. and O. L. Lange. 2001. Preface. Pages v-ix in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  84. Belnap, J. 2001. Biological soil crusts and wind erosion. Pages 339-347 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  85. Belnap, J. 2001. Comparative structure of physical and biological soil crusts. Pages 177-191 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  86. Belnap, J. and O. L. Lange, editors. 2001. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 503 pp. [Book]
  87. Belnap J., R.L. Reynolds, M. Reheis, S.L. Phillips. 2001. What makes the desert bloom? The contribution of dust and crusts to soil fertility on the Colorado Plateau. in 11th Wild Shrubland Symposium: Shrubland Ecosystem Genetics and Biodiversity, June 13-15, 2000, Provo, Utah, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, p. 147-153. [Abstract]
  88. Stohlgren T. J., Y. Otsuki, C. A. Villa, M. Lee, J. Belnap. 2001. Patterns of plant invasions: A case example in native species hotspots and rare habitats. Biological Invasions 3(1):37-50. [Journal Article]
  89. Reynolds R., J. Belnap, M. Reheis, P. Lamothe, F. Luiszer. 2001. Aeolian dust in Colorado Plateau soils: Nutrient inputs and recent change in source. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98(13):7123-7127. [Proceedings]
  90. Miller M., J. Belnap, S. Beatty, B. Webb. 2001. Components of spatial and temporal soil variation at Canyonlands National Park: implications for P dynamics and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) performance. In. E. D. McArthur and D. J. Fairbanks, Eds. 11th Wildland Shrub Synposium: Shrubland Ecosystem Genetics and Biodiversity, June 13-15, 2000, Provo, UT, Proceedings RMRS-P-21. Ogden, Utah, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, pp. 154-162. [Proceedings]
  91. Harper K., and J. Belnap. 2001. The influence of biological soil crusts on mineral uptake by associated vascular plants. Journal of Arid Environments 47(3):347-357. [Journal Article]
  92. Evans R. D., R. Rimer, L. Sperry, J. Belnap. 2001. Exotic plant invasion alters nitrogen dynamics in an arid grassland. Ecological Applications 11(5):1301-1310. [Journal Article]
  93. Belnap J., J. H. Kaltenecker, R. Rosentreter, J. Williams, S. Leonard, D. Eldridge. 2001. Biological soil crusts: Ecology and management. In: P. Peterson, editor. January 2001. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Denver, Colorado. BLM Technical Reference 1730-2, 110 p. [Technical Report]
  94. Belnap J. 2001. Revised [Web Page]
  95. Rosentreter, R. and J. Belnap. 2001. Biological soil crusts of North America. Pages 31-50 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  96. Garcia-Pichel, F. and J. Belnap. 2001. Small-scale environments and distribution of biological soil crusts. Pages 193-201 in J. Belnap and O. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  97. Evans, R. D., J. Belnap, F. Garcia-Pichel and S. L. Phillips. 2001. Global change and the future of biological soil crusts. Evans, R. D., J. Belnap, F. Garcia-Pichel and S. L. Phillips. (2001). Global change and the future of biological soil crusts. Pages 417-429 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  98. Belnap, J. 2001. Microbes and microfauna associated with biological soil crusts. Pages 167-174 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  99. Belnap, J. 2001. Factors influencing nitrogen fixation and nitrogen release in biological soil crusts. Pages 241-261 in J. Belnap and O. L. Lange, editors. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [Book Chapter]
  100. Belnap J. 2000. Structure and function of biological soil crusts. In: Proceedings: Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystems Symposium. June 23-25, 1999. Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. BLM Publication No. BLM/ID/PT-0001001+1150, pp.55-62. [Proceedings]
  101. Belnap J., D. Ojima, S. Phillips, N. Barger. 1999. Biological soil crusts of Mongolia: Impacts of grazing and precipitation on nitrogen inputs. In. D. Eldridge and D. Freudenberger, Eds. People and Rangelands: Building the Future: Proceedings of the VI International Rangeland Congress, July 17-23, 1999, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, Vol. 1, pp. 264-265. [Abstract]
  102. Belnap J., J. Williams, J. Kaltenecker. 1999. Structure and function of biological soil crusts. In: R. T. Meurisse, W. G. Ypsilantis, and C. Seybold, editors. Proceedings: Pacific Northwest Forest & Rangeland Soil Organism Symposium. March 17-19, 1998. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, Oregon. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-461, pp.161-178. [Proceedings]
  103. Carroll C. R., J. Belnap, B. Breckenridge, G. Meffe. 1999. Ecosystem sustainability and condition. In: W. T. Sexton, A. J. Malk, R. C. Szarzo, and N. C. Johnson, editors. Ecological stewardship: a common reference for ecosystem management. Elsevier Science, New York, pp.583-598. [Book Chapter]
  104. Ojima D., L. Tieszen, T. Chuluun, J. Belnap, J. Dodd, Z. Chen. 1999. Factors influencing production systems of the Mongolian Steppe: Potential global change impacts on semi-arid ecosystems. In: D. Eldridge and D. Freudenberger, editors. Proceedings: VI International Rangeland Congress, July 19-23, 1999. VI Internatioal Rangeland Congress, Inc., Townsville, Queensland, Australia, pp.264-265. [Book Chapter]
  105. Evans R. D., and J. Belnap. 1999. Long-term consequences of disturbance on nitrogen dynamics in an arid ecosystem. Ecology 80(1):150-160. [Journal Article]
  106. Belnap J. 1998. Choosing indicators of natural resource condition: A case study in Arches National Park, Utah, USA. Environmental Management 22(4):635-642. [Journal Article]
  107. Belnap J., D. A. Gillette. 1998. Vulnerability of desert biological soil crusts to wind erosion: The influences of crust development, soil texture, and disturbance. Journal of Arid Environments 39(2):133-142. [Journal Article]
  108. Davidson D., J. Belnap. 1998. Non-native brome grasses in the new National Monument. In. L. M. Hill, Ed. Learning from the Land: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Science Symposium Proceedings, November 4-5, 1997, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah, BLM Technical Report BLM/UT/GI-98/006+1220. Cedar City, Utah, pp. 161-172. [Proceedings]
  109. Reynolds R., J. Belnap, M. Reheis, N. Mazza. 1998. Eolian dust on the Colorado Plateau--magnetic and geochemical evidence from sediment in potholes and biologic soil crust. In: A. Busacca, S. Lilligren, and K. Newell, editors. Proceedings: Dust Aerosols, Loess, Soils, and Global Change: An Interdisciplinary Conference and Field Tour on Dust in Ancient Environments and Contemporary Environmental Managment, October 11-14, 1998. Washington State University, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Seattle, Washington, pp.231-234. [Proceedings]
  110. Stohlgren T. J., J. Belnap, G. W. Chong, R. Reich. 1998. A plan to assess native and exotic plant diversity and cryptobiotic crusts in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. In. L. M. Hill, Ed. Learning from the Land: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Science Symposium Proceedings, November 4-5, 1997, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah, BLM Technical Report BLM/UT/GI-98/006+1220. Cedar City, Utah, pp. 269-276. [Proceedings]
  111. Lange O. L., J. Belnap, H. Reichenberger. 1998. Photosynthesis of the cyanobacterial soil-crust lichen Collema tenax from arid lands in southern Utah, USA: Role of water content on light and temperature responses of CO2 exchange. Functional Ecology 12(2):195-202. [Journal Article]
  112. Bogan M. A., C. D. Allen, E. H. Muldavin, S. P. Platania, J. N. Stuart, G. H. Farley, P. Mehlhop, J. Belnap. 1998. Southwest. In: M. J. Mac, P. A. Opler, C. E. Puckett-Haecker, and P. D. Doran, editors. Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources. US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, pp.543-592. [Book Chapter]
  113. Belnap J. 1998. Impacts of trampling soils in southeast Utah ecosystems. In. L. M. Hill, Ed. Learning from the Land: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Science Symposium Proceedings, November 4-5, 1997, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah, BLM Technical Report BLM/UT/GI-98/006+1220, pp. 231-244. [Proceedings]
  114. Belnap J. 1998. Ecological resources of the Grand Staricase-Escalante National Monument. In: L. M. Hill, editor. Proceedings: Learning from the Land: Science in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. November 4-5, 1997. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah. BLM Technical Report BLM/UT/GI-98/006+1220, pp.17-25. [Proceedings]
  115. Belnap J. 1998. The biota and ecology. In: R. B. Keiter, S. B. George, and J. Walker, editors. Visions of the Grand Staircase-Escalante: Examining Utah's Newest National Monument. Utah Museum of Natural History and Wallace Stegner Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, pp.21-30. [Book Chapter]
  116. Marticorena B., G. Bergametti, D. Gillette, J. Belnap. 1997. Factors controlling threshold friction velocity in semiarid and arid areas of the United States. Journal of Geophysical Research 102(D19):23,277-223,287. [Journal Article]
  117. Belnap J. 1997. Cryptobiotic soils: Holding the place in place. U.S. Global Change Research Program: Impact of Climate Change and Land Use in the Southwestern United States, Web-based Workshop. [Journal Article]
  118. Lange O. L., J. Belnap, H. Reichenberger, A. Meyer. 1997. Photosynthesis of green algal soil crust lichens from arid lands in southern Utah, USA: Role of water content on light and temperature responses of CO2 exchange. Flora 192:1-15. [Journal Article]
  119. Johnston R. L., J. Belnap. 1997. Potential for influencing native bunchgrass restoration by manipulating soil biota. In. T. N. Kaye, A. Liston, R.M. Love, D. L. Luoma, R. J. Meinke and M. B. Wilson, Eds. Conservation and Management of Native Plants and Fungi. Corvalis, Native Plant Society of Oregon, pp. 99-104. [Book Chapter]
  120. Belnap J., D. A. Gillette. 1997. Disturbance of biological soil crusts: Impacts on potential wind erodibility of sandy desert soils in southeastern Utah. Land Degradation and Development 8(4):355-362. [Journal Article]
  121. Steppe T. F., J. B. Olson, H. W. Paerl, R. W. Litaker, J. Belnap. 1996. Consortial N2 fixation: A strategy for meeting nitrogen requirements of marine and terrestrial cyanobacterial mats. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 21(3):149-156. [Journal Article]
  122. Belnap J. 1996. Soil surface disturbances in cold deserts: Effects on nitrogenase activity in cyanobacterial-lichen soil crusts. Biology and Fertility of Soils 23:362-367. [Journal Article]
  123. Belnap J. 1996. Impact of soil surface disturbance on cyanobacterial-lichen soil crusts in deserts of the southwest United States. In: B. Bartholomew, editor. Desert Tortoise Council: Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Symposium, March 29-31, 1996, Las Vegas, NV, pp.42-43. [Abstract]
  124. Belnap J. 1996. Impacts of soil surface trampling: A case study in Arches National Park. In: B. Bartholomew, editor. Desert Tortoise Council: Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Symposium, March 29-31, 1996, Las Vegas, NV, pp.44. [Abstract]
  125. DeFalco L., J. Belnap, K. Harper, S. Warren. 1996. Cryptobiotic crusts and their influence on annual plants and the desert tortoise. In: B. Bartholomew, editor. Desert Tortoise Council: Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Symposium, March 29-31, 1996, Las Vegas, NV, pp.43-44. [Abstract]
  126. Johnston R., J. Belnap. 1996. Soil biota changes along a disturbance gradient: Impacts on vegetation composition and prospects for restoration. In: B. Bartholomew, editor. Desert Tortoise Council: Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Symposium, March 29-31, 1996, Las Vegas, NV, pp.33-34. [Abstract]
  127. Garcia-Pichel F., J. Belnap. 1996. Microenvironments and microscale productivity of cyanobacterial desert crusts. Journal of Phycology 32(5):774-782. [Journal Article]
  128. Belnap J., R. L. Sanford, L. Lungu. 1996. Biological soil crusts: Ecological roles and response to fire in Miombo woodlands of Zimbabwe. Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association 70:14-20. [Journal Article]
  129. Belnap J. 1995. Surface disturbances: Their role in accelerating desertification. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 37:39-57. [Journal Article]
  130. Belnap J. 1995. Recovery of nitrogenase activity in cyanobacterial-lichen soils crusts of the Great Basin and the Colorado Plateau. In. The Transdisciplinary Nature of Ecology: 80th Annual Ecological Society of America Meeting, July 2-August 3 1995, Snowbird, UT, Ecological Society of America. 76(2), pp. 18-19. [Book Chapter]
  131. Belnap J. 1995. Genetic integrity: Why do we care? An overview of the issues. In: B. A. Roundy, E. D. McArthur, J. S. Haley, and D. K. Mann, editors. Proceedings: Wildland Shrub and Arid Land Restoration Symposium. October 19-21 1993. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Las Vegas, Nevada. General Technical Report INT-GTR-315, pp.265-266. [Book Chapter]
  132. Belnap J., K. T. Harper. 1995. Influence of cryptobiotic soil crusts on elemental content of tissue of two desert seed plants. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 9:107-115. [Journal Article]
  133. Rutman S., J. Belnap. 1995. The hidden world of cryptobiotic soil "Don't Tread on Me". Arizona Conservation Voter 3(4):10. [Journal Article]
  134. Belnap J., S. Sharpe. 1995. Reestablishing cold-desert grasslands: A seeding experiment in Canyonlands National Park, Utah. In: B. A. Roundy, E. D. McArthur, J. S. Haley, and D. K. Mann, editors. Proceedings: Wildland Shrub and Arid Land Restoration Symposium. October 19-21, 1993. US Department of Agriculture, National Forest Service Intermountain Research Station, Las Vegas, NV. USDA General Technical Report INT-GTR-315, pp.46-51. [Proceedings]
  135. Belnap, Jayne. 1994. Cryptobiotic soil crusts: Basis for arid land restoration (Utah). Restoration and Management Notes 12(1): 85-86. [Journal Article]
  136. Belnap J., K. T. Harper, S. D. Warren. 1994. Surface disturbance of cryptobiotic soil crusts: Nitrogenase activity, chlorophyll content, and chlorophyll degradation. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 8:1-8. [Journal Article]
  137. Belnap J. 1994. Potential role of cryptobiotic soil crusts in semiarid rangelands. In: S. B. Monsen and S. G. Kitchen, editors. Proceedings: Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, May 18-22, 1992, Boise, ID, General Technical Report INT-GTR-313, pp.179-185. [Proceedings]
  138. Belnap J. 1994. Cyanobacterial-lichen soil crusts of San Nicolas Island. In: W. L. Halvorson and G. J. Maender, editors. Proceedings: The Fourth California Islands Symposium: Update on the status of Resources, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, CA, pp.491-495. [Proceedings]
  139. Hof M., J. Hammett, M. Rees, J. Belnap, N. Poe, D. W. Lime, B. Manning. 1994. Getting a handle on visitor carrying capacity - a pilot project at Arches National Park. Park Science 14(1):11-13. [Journal Article]
  140. Belnap J., J. S. Gardner. 1993. Soil microstructure in soils of the Colorado Plateau: The role of the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus. Great Basin Naturalist 53(1):40-47. [Journal Article]
  141. Halvorson W. L., S. Veirs, B. Shaw, D. Meko, J. McAuliffe, R. Hiebert, E. Betterton, J. Belnap. 1993. Review of the air quality biological effects research program, Saguaro National Monument, Arizona. In: Saguaro National Monument Air Quality Biological Effects Research Review Panel. US Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Western Region Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. National Park Service Technical Report NPS/WRUA/NRTR-93/09 (CPSU/UA No. 49), pp.34. [Technical Report]
  142. Belnap J., L. Sigal, W. Moir, S. Eversman. 1993. Identification of sensitive species. In: Lichens as bioindicators of air quality. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. USDA General Technical Report GTR-RM-224, pp.67-88. [Technical Report]
  143. Belnap J. 1993. Recovery rates of cryptobiotic crusts: Inoculant use and assessment methods. Great Basin Naturalist 53(1):89-95. [Journal Article]
  144. Gladney E. S., R. W. Ferenbaugh, J. Belnap. 1993. Elemental composition of background soils from Arches National Park, Utah. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. 20 pp. [Book]
  145. Belnap J. 1992. Characteristics of cyanobacterial-lichen soil crusts in long-term saguaro monitoring plots. In: C. P. Stone and E. S. Bellantoni, editors. Proceedings of the Symposium on Research in Saguaro National Monument, 23-24 January 1991. National Park Service, Rincon Institute, and Southwest Parks and Monuments Association, Tucson, Arizona, pp.259-262. [Proceedings]
  146. Belnap J. 1991. Sensitivity of desert cryptogams to air pollutants: soil crusts and rock lichens. In: D. Mangis, J. Baron, and K. Stolte, editors. Acid Rain and Air Pollution in Desert Park Areas, USDI, National Park Service Technical Report NPS/NRAQD/NRTR-91/02, Proceeding of a Workshop, May 16-18, 1988. Tucson, Arizona, pp.112-119. [Proceedings]
  147. Belnap J. 1991. Effects of wet and dry pollutants on the physiology and elemental accumulation of cryptogamic crusts and selected lichens of the Colorado Plateau. National Park Service, Air Quality Division Final Report: Denver, CO, 45 p. [Technical Report]
  148. Belnap J., and K.T. Harper. 1990. Effects of a coal-fired power plant on the rock lichen Rhizoplaca melanophthalma: Chlorophyll degradation and electrolyte leakeage. The Bryologist 93(3): 309-312. [Journal Article]
  149. Belnap J. 1990. Microphytic crusts: 'Topsoil' of the desert. Permaculture Drylands Journal(10):4, 5, 14. [Journal Article]
  150. Belnap J. 1990. Microbiotic crusts: Their role in past and present ecosystems. Park Science: A Resource Management Bulletin 10(3):3-4. [Journal Article]
  151. Belnap J. 1990. Effects of air pollutants on cold-desert cyanobacterial-lichen crusts and rock lichens: Chlorophyll degradation, electrolyte leakage and nitrogenase activity. In: Proceedings: Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants: Environmental Protection Agency/Air & Waste Management Association International Symposium, April 30-May 4, Raleigh, NC, pp.661-666. [Proceedings]