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USGS Volunteer Wins AAPG Pacific Section Award for Best Paper at Annual Meeting

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Jake Covault
Above: Jake Covault during a break in fieldwork in Chilean Patagonia, March 2005. The low mountain behind Jake is Cerro Ballena, named for its whale-like shape, and the taller mountain to the right is Monumento Moore. The big body of water is the Seno Última Esperanza (Last Hope Sound). View southward.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) volunteer and Stanford Ph.D. student Jake Covault won the A.I. Levorsen Memorial Award for the best paper at last May's American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Pacific Section meeting, held jointly with the Geological Society of America (GSA) Cordilleran Section meeting in San Jose, CA. Every year a Levorsen Award is given for one paper at each of the AAPG section meetings, with particular emphasis on creative thinking toward new ideas in exploration. Jake's paper, entitled "Sea-Level and Tectonic Controls on Late Quaternary Sedimentation in San Diego Trough, Offshore California," was based on data collected for USGS studies of offshore earthquake hazards in southern California. Jake has been working as a volunteer with the Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team (WCMG) since February 2004, first on studies of southern California offshore earthquake hazards and currently on studies of sediment transport in submarine canyons.

The Levorsen Award is named for A.I. Levorsen, a prominent petroleum geologist who served as the first dean of Stanford University's School of Mineral Sciences (now School of Earth Sciences) when it was established in 1947. As a historical note, the first Levorsen Award was presented to USGS scientist Dave Scholl (now a USGS scientist emeritus) in 1968. For more information about the award, visit the A.I. Levorsen Memorial Award Web site.

Jake's award-winning paper will constitute part of the dissertation he is writing as a Ph.D. candidate in Stanford's Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, where he also earned a B.S. degree. No stranger to awards, Jake was a scholarship football player during his undergraduate years at Stanford and was named All Pac-10 in 2003.

Jake's Levorsen Award was announced on page 22 of the October issue of the AAPG Explorer, as reprinted below:

"Jacob A. Covault, with the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, in Stanford Calif., is the winner of the Pacific Section's A.I. Levorsen Memorial Award, presented at the group's annual meeting.

"Covault's paper was titled 'Sea-Level and Tectonic Controls on Late Quaternary Sedimentation in San Diego Trough, Offshore California.'

"His coauthors were William R. Normark with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and Stephan A. Graham with the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, in Stanford, Calif.

"Covault will receive his award at the 2006 Pacific Section meeting, set for May 8-11 in Anchorage, Alaska."

Related Web Sites
A.I. Levorsen Memorial Award Web site
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

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USGS Volunteer Wins AAPG Pacific Section Award for Best Paper

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)