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USGS Team Studying Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound Wins Award for Innovation in Integrated Science

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Rob Koeppen, Brian Cole, Marijke van Heeswijk, Lee Case, Cindi Barton, Guy Gelfenbaum, and Western Regional Director Doug Buffington
Above: From left to right, Rob Koeppen, Brian Cole (behind podium), Marijke van Heeswijk, Lee Case, Cindi Barton, Guy Gelfenbaum, and Western Regional Director Doug Buffington at October's Western Region Awards Ceremony. [larger version]

A newly established award for Innovation in Integrated Science was presented to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)'s Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound (CHIPS) team at the Western Region 2005 Awards Ceremony on October 12, 2005, in Menlo Park, CA. The CHIPS team consists of Cindi Barton (director, Washington Water Science Center), Lee Case (chief, Technology Support Section, National Geospatial Technology Operations Center IV), Guy Gelfenbaum (oceanographer, Coastal and Marine Geology Program), Lief Horwitz (natural-resource specialist, Biological Resources Discipline, Western Regional Office), Rob Koeppen (Western Regional Science Coordinator), Lyman Thorsteinson (director, Western Fisheries Research Center), Marijke van Heeswijk (hydrologist, Washington Water Science Center), and Dave Woodson (deputy director, Western Fisheries Research Center).

Western Regional Deputy Director Brian Cole described the team's accomplishments at the awards ceremony:

"This team has worked together to support the Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership—a coalition of Federal, State, tribal, local, and nongovernmental organizations working to restore the Puget Sound ecosystem. By working closely with partners at all levels, they have helped develop a science-based, adaptive-management approach to Puget Sound restoration. Because of them, the USGS is now a major force in the development of strategic science to support Puget Sound restoration. Undeterred by administrative barriers, they planned for USGS science that builds on the strengths of each discipline and is a showcase of how interdisciplinary collaboration can and should work. These successes played a key role in new Congressional appropriations in FY06 that will allow three new pilot projects to begin in this region."

After the ceremony, awardee Guy Gelfenbaum added that the CHIPS project could not have gone forward without the support of Western Regional Biologist Anne Kinsinger and Coastal and Marine Geology Program Coordinator John Haines. "One reason this effort is succeeding is because the Puget Sound project meets both regional goals and program goals, as outlined in the Bureau Coastal Plan that was led by John."

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Deltaic Habitats in Puget Sound—Natural Versus Human-Related Change
Dec. 2004 / Jan. 2005

Related Web Sites
Puget Sound Restoration Project
cooperative effort to restore Puget Sound

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