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Biology - Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Marine Ecosystems Program

Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC)

The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC) focuses on the terrestrial and semi-aquatic wildlife inhabiting the lands and waters of the eastern United States. Key areas of research include environmental contaminants and the recovery of endangered wildlife species. The Center is a leader in monitoring avian populations, co-hosting with the Canadian Wildlife Service an international, long-term research and monitoring program, spanning decades of research, for North America’s birds.

12100 Beech Forest Rd., Suite 4039
Laurel, MD 20708-4039
Phone: 301-497-5500

Samples of Ecosystems-related research at PWRC:

  • Integrating the Effects of Land Use and Global Climate Change on Hydrology and Vegetation of Northern Great Plains Wetlands (also related to Global Change, Prairie Potholes)
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More Research Samples from:

Contaminant Biology Program

Wildlife: Terrestrial and Endangered Resources Program

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Featured Publication

Prairie Wetlands and Climate Change - Droughts and Ducks on the PrairiesThe Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) contains 5-8 million small wetlands and is one of the most ecologically valuable freshwater resources of the Nation. Climate records indicate that the strong west-east moisture gradient across the PPR steepened during the 20th century. Prairie Wetlands and Climate Change - Droughts and Ducks on the Prairies. Fact Sheet. Download the File. (431 KB, PDF--get Adobe Reader)

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