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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 617  

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers Under the Trade Act of 1974




Subpart G  

Administration by Applicable State Agencies

20 CFR 617.55 - Overpayments; penalties for fraud.

  • Section Number: 617.55
  • Section Name: Overpayments; penalties for fraud.

    (a) Determination and repayment. (1) If a State agency or a court of 

competent jurisdiction determines that any person or individual has 

received any payment under this part 617 to which the person or 

individual was not entitled, including a payment referred to in 

paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) of this section, such person or 

individual shall be liable to repay such amount to the State agency, and 

the State agency shall recover any such overpayment in accordance with 

the provisions of this part 617; except that the State agency may waive 

the recovery of any such overpayment if the State agency determines, in 

accordance with the guidelines prescribed in paragraph (a)(2) of this 

section, that:

    (i) The payment was made without fault on the part of such person or 

individual; and

    (ii) Requiring such repayment would be contrary to equity and good 


    (2)(i)(A) In determining whether fault exists for purposes of 

paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, the following factors shall be 


    (1) Whether a material statement or representation was made by the 

person or individual in connection with the application for TAA that 

resulted in the overpayment, and whether the person or individual knew 

or should have known that the statement or representation was 


    (2) Whether the person or individual failed or caused another to 

fail to disclose a material fact, in connection with an application for 

TAA that resulted in the overpayment, and whether the person or 

individual knew or should have known that the fact was material.

    (3) Whether the person or individual knew or could have been 

expected to know, that the person or individual was not entitled to the 

TAA payment.

    (4) Whether, for any other reason, the overpayment resulted directly 

or indirectly, and partially or totally, from any act or omission of the 

person or individual or of which the person or individual had knowledge, 

and which was erroneous or inaccurate or otherwise wrong.

    (5) Whether there has been a determination of fraud under paragraph 

(b) of this section or section 243 of the Act.

    (B) An affirmative finding on any one of the factors in paragraphs 

(a)(2)(i)(A) of this section precludes waiver of overpayment recovery.

    (ii)(A) In determining whether equity and good conscience exists for 

purposes of paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section, the following factors 

shall be considered:

    (1) Whether the overpayment was the result of a decision on appeal, 

whether the State agency had given notice to the person or individual 

that the case has been appealed and that the person or individual may be 

required to repay the overpayment in the event of a reversal on appeal, 

and whether recovery of the overpayment will not cause extraordinary and 

lasting financial hardship to the person or individual.

    (2) Whether recovery of the overpayment will not cause extraordinary 

financial hardship to the person or individual, and there has been no 

affirmative finding under paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(A) of this section with 

respect to such person or individual and such overpayment.

    (B) An affirmative finding on either of the foregoing factors in 

paragraphs (a)(2)(ii)(A) of this section precludes waiver of overpayment 


    (C)(1) For the purpose of paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, an 

extraordinary financial hardship shall exist if recovery of the 

overpayment would result directly in the person's or individual's loss 

of or inability to obtain minimal necessities of food, medicine, and 

shelter for a substantial period of time; and an extraordinary and 

lasting financial hardship shall be extraordinary as described above and 

may be expected to endure for the foreseeable future.

    (2) In applying this test in the case of attempted recovery by 

repayment, a substantial period of time shall be 30 days, and the 

foreseeable future shall be at least three months. In applying this test 

in the case of proposed recoupment from other benefits, a substantial 

period of time and the foreseeable future shall be the longest potential 

period of benefit entitlement as seen at the time of the request for a 

waiver determination. In making these determinations, the State agency 

shall take into account all potential income of the person or individual 

and the person's or individual's firm, organization, or family and all 

cash resources available or potentially available to the person or 

individual and the person's or individual's firm, organization, or 

family in the time period being considered.

    (3) Determinations granting or denying waivers of overpayments shall 

be made only on request for a waiver determination. Such request shall 

be made on a form which shall be furnished to the person or individual 

by the State agency. Notices of determination of overpayments shall 

include an accurate description of the waiver provisions of paragraph 

(a) of this section, if the State agency has

elected to allow waivers of TAA overpayments.

    (4) Each State shall have the option to establish a policy as to 

whether the waiver provisions of this section shall be applied to TAA 

overpayments. A State's decision on its policy shall not be controlled 

by whether it waives UI overpayments, but the State's decision shall be 

published for the information of the public and the Department.

    (5)(i) Unless an overpayment is otherwise recovered, or is waived 

under paragraph (a) of this section, the State agency shall recover the 

overpayment by deduction from any sums payable to such person or 

individual under:

    (A) This part 617;

    (B) Any Federal unemployment compensation law administered by the 

State agency; or

    (C) Any other Federal law administered by the State agency which 

provides for the payment of unemployment assistance or an allowance with 

respect to unemployment.

    (ii) In addition, a State agency may recover the overpayment from 

unemployment insurance payable to such person or individual under the 

State law.

    (b) Fraud. If a State agency or a court of competent jurisdiction 

finds that any person or individual:

    (1) Knowingly has made, or caused another to make, a false statement 

or representation of a material fact; or

    (2) Knowingly has failed, or caused another to fail, to disclose a 

material fact; and as a result of such false statement or 

representation, or of such nondisclosure, such individual has received 

any payment under this part 617 to which the person or individual was 

not entitled, such person or individual shall, in addition to any other 

penalty provided by law, be ineligible for any further payments under 

this part 617.

    (c) Training, job search and relocation allowances. (1) If an 

individual fails, with good cause, to complete training, a job search, 

or a relocation, any payment or portion of a payment made under this 

part 617 to such individual or any person that is not properly and 

necessarily expended in attempting to complete such training, job 

search, or relocation, shall constitute an overpayment.

    (2) If an individual fails, without good cause, to complete 

training, a job search, or a relocation, any payment made under this 

part 617 to such individual or any person shall constitute an 


    (3) Such overpayment shall be recovered or waived as provided in 

paragraph (a) of this section.

    (d) Final determination. Except for overpayments determined by a 

court of competent jurisdiction, no repayment may be required, and no 

deduction may be made, under this section until a determination under 

paragraph (a) of this section by the State agency has been made, notice 

of the determination and an opportunity for a fair hearing thereon has 

been given to the person or individual concerned, and the determination 

has become final.

    (e) Deposit. Any amount recovered by a State agency under this 

section shall be deposited into the Federal fund or account from which 

payment was made.

    (f) Procedural requirements. (1) The provisions of paragraphs (c), 

(e), and (g) of Sec. 617.50 shall apply to determinations and 

redeterminations made pursuant to this section.

    (2) The provisions of Sec. 617.51 shall apply to determinations and 

redeterminations made pursuant to this section.

    (g) Fraud detection and prevention. State procedures for the 

detection and prevention of fraudulent overpayments of TAA shall be, as 

a minimum, commensurate with the procedures adopted by the State with 

respect to State unemployment compensation and consistent with the 

Secretary's ``Standard for Fraud and Overpayment Detection,'' Employment 

Security Manual, Part V, sections 7510-7515 (Appendix C of this part).

    (h) Debts due the United States or Others. (1) Notwithstanding any 

provision of this part 617, TAA payable to a person or an individual 

under this part 617 shall be applied by the State agency for the 

recovery by offset of any debt due the United States from the person or 


    (2) TAA shall not be applied or used by the State agency in any 

manner for the payment of any debt of any person or individual to any 

State or any other

entity or person, except that TRA payable to an individual shall be 

payable to someone other than the individual if required by State law 

and Federal law to satisfy the individual's obligation for child support 

or alimony.

    (i) Definition of person. For purposes of this section, a person 

includes any employer or other entity or organization as well as the 

officers and officials thereof who may bear individual responsibility.

[59 FR 939, Jan. 6, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 943, Jan. 6, 1994]
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