# _wqdata.rdb (tab-delimited ASCII file ) # Date created: May 27, 1998 (19980527 13:46:31) # # Water-quality data for sites in # # This file contains concentration data for nontidal sampling # sites where major forms of nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus), sediment, # major ion and organic carbon concentrations, dissolved oxygen, selected # field parameters, and selected biological data were sampled. # The selection of water-quality data from nontidal sites for inclusion # in the database was based on the following minimum criteria (Langland and # others, 1995): # # - Nutrient- and sediment-concentration data collected between # October 1, 1971, through December 31, 1996. # # - A minimum of 12 nutrient- and sediment-concentration samples # representing fall, winter, spring, and summer conditions # collected throughout any consecutive 3-year time span. # # - Nutrient- and sediment-concentration data available in digital format. # # REFERENCE: Langland, M.J., Lietman, P.L., and Hoffman, S.A., Synthesis of # nutrient and sediment data for watersheds within the # Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin, 1995, U.S. Geological Survey # Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4233, p. 6. # # Contacts: Michael J. Langland, langland@usgs.gov # # For more information, visit the USGS Chesapeake Bay Activities Web Page at: # http://chesapeake.usgs.gov/chesbay/ . # # Field descriptions: # # Column Description Type Length # # agency Agency code char 10 # staid Station number char 15 # date Date char 8 # time Time char 4 # cd61 Remark code char 1 # p61 Flow, cfs num 8 # cd600 Remark code char 1 # p600 Total Nitrogen as N, mg/L num 8 # cd610 Remark code char 1 # p610 Total Ammonia as N, mg/L num 8 # cd608 Remark code char 1 # p608 Dissolved Ammonia as N, mg/L num 8 # cd625 Remark code char 1 # p625 Total Kjeldahl as N, mg/L num 8 # cd623 Remark code char 1 # p623 Dissolved Kjeldahl as N, mg/L num 8 # cd630 Remark code char 1 # p630 Total Nitrite + Nitrate as N, mg/L num 8 # cd631 Remark code char 1 # p631 Dissolved Nitrite + Nitrate as N, mg/L num 8 # cd665 Remark code char 1 # p665 Total Phosphorus as P, mg/L num 8 # cd666 Remark code char 1 # p666 Dissolved Phosphorus as P, mg/L num 8 # cd671 Remark code char 1 # p671 Dissolved Orthophosphate as P, mg/L num 8 # cd80154 Remark code char 1 # p80154 Suspended sediment, mg/L num 8 # cd530 Remark code char 1 # p530 Suspended solids at 105 degC, mg/L num 8 # cd620 Remark code char 1 # p620 Total Nitrate as N, mg/L num 8 # cd618 Remark code char 1 # p618 Dissolved Nitrate as N, mg/L num 8 # cd615 Remark code char 1 # p615 Total Nitrite as N, mg/L num 8 # cd613 Remark code char 1 # p613 Dissolved Nitrite as N, mg/L num 8 # cd300 Remark code char 1 # p300 Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L num 8 # cd32211 Remark code char 1 # p32211 Chlorophyll A Phytoplankton, ug/L num 8 # cd60 Remark code char 1 # p60 Stream flow, cfs num 8 # cd65 Remark code char 1 # p65 Stream stage, feet num 8 # cd10 Remark code char 1 # p10 Water temperature, centigrade num 8 # cd32231 Remark code char 1 # p32231 Chlorophyll B, mg/L num 8 # cd32232 Remark code char 1 # p32232 Chlorophyll C, mg/L num 8 # cd49954 Remark code char 1 # p49954 Periphyton biomass, water, g/m2 num 8 # cd400 Remark code char 1 # p400 pH, units num 8 # cd900 Remark code char 1 # p900 Total hardness as CaCO3, mg/L num 8 # cd76 Remark code char 1 # p76 Turbidity, turbidity meter, HACH, ftu num 8 # cd95 Remark code char 1 # p95 Conductivity at 25C, micromhos num 8 # cd410 Remark code char 1 # p410 Total alkalinity as CaCO3, mg/L num 8 # cd680 Remark code char 1 # p680 Total organic carbon as C, mg/L num 8 # cd681 Remark code char 1 # p681 Dissolved organic carbon as C, mg/L num 8 # cd955 Remark code char 1 # p955 Dissolved silica as Si, mg/L num 8 # cd915 Remark code char 1 # p915 Dissolved calcium as Ca, mg/L num 8 # cd925 Remark code char 1 # p925 Dissolved magnesium as Mg, mg/L num 8 # cd930 Remark code char 1 # p930 Dissolved sodium as Na, mg/L num 8 # cd935 Remark code char 1 # p935 Dissolved potassium as K, mg/L num 8 # cd940 Remark code char 1 # p940 Total chloride as Cl, mg/L num 8 # cd945 Remark code char 1 # p945 Total sulfate as SO4, mg/L num 8 # agency staid date time cd61 p61 cd600 p600 cd610 p610 cd608 p608 cd625 p625 cd623 p623 cd630 p630 cd631 p631 cd665 p665 cd666 p666 cd671 p671 cd80154 p80154 cd530 p530 cd620 p620 cd618 p618 cd615 p615 cd613 p613 cd300 p300 cd32211 p32211 cd60 p60 cd65 p65 cd10 p10 cd32231 p32231 cd32232 p32232 cd49954 p49954 cd400 p400 cd900 p900 cd76 p76 cd95 p95 cd410 p410 cd680 p680 cd681 p681 cd955 p955 cd915 p915 cd925 p925 cd930 p930 cd935 p935 cd940 p940 cd945 p945 10N 15N 8N 4N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N 1N 9N