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US-ASEAN Biofuels and Automotive Industry Seminar

Please join us for the 2007 US-ASEAN Biofuels and Automotive Industry Seminar to be held on October 24, 2007 at the Siam City Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. Join us to learn about the latest developments in the biofuel industry as we are joined by experts from around the world. Topics will include standards and regulatory developments, global harmonization efforts as well as best practices from around the globe.

Biofuel & Automotive SeminarASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership Biofuels and the Automotive Industry Seminar

The United States Department of Commerce and the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) have partnered to organize the ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership Automotive Biofuels Seminar.  This event, supported by the Thailand Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), will be held on October 24 at the Siam City Hotel in Bangkok.   

The seminar will address regulatory best practices and the development of biofuels markets in the ASEAN region.  Distinguished speakers from the private, public, and academic sectors of ASEAN, the United States will participate in the seminar, and will cover topics such as biofuels development and use in the United States, biofuels and new engine and vehicle technology, alternative fuels standards development, biofuels regulatory activity and market development in ASEAN, and efforts to harmonize fuel standards in ASEAN.  Note that both the APEC Biofuels Task Force and the APEC Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies will be meeting during the same week, also at the Siam City Hotel, meetings which will undoubtedly provide further opportunities for a rich discussion with biofuels experts from around the region. 

Global Technical Regulations Roundtable

Please join us on October 25th for a Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) -hosted Global Technical Regulations Roundtable with Kenneth Feith from the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air & Radiation, Office of Policy Analysis & Review.  Mr. Feith, who was an instrumental player in the drafting of the UNECE 1998 Agreement on Global Technical Regulations, will lead a discussion on the achievements of and ways forward for the 1998 Agreement.  Mr. Feith will also engage with ASEAN automobile regulators on efforts to harmonize regulations in the ASEAN region under the ACCSQ Automotive Product Working Group (APWG) Roadmap for the Integration of the Automotive Sector.  This event is structured to emphasize discussion and exchange, so that participants may focus on current issues pertaining to ASEAN integration. Given Mr. Feith’s expertise on global harmonization issues, this discussion promises to be exciting and informative.

The Global Technical Regulations Roundtable will take place from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Thursday, October 25th at the Siam City Hotel, Kamolmart Room, 6th Floor, Bangkok.  Due to space limitations, we strongly encourage APWG members and automotive industry representatives to confirm their participation as soon as possible.  Please RSVP at: Ms. Kritsananan (Khun Nan), phone 662-205-5282, fax 662-255-2915.

ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership

Heads of state from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and U.S. President George Bush launched the ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership through a Joint Vision Statement released in November 2005.  The following July, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and ASEAN foreign ministers signed the Plan of Action. 

The ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership framework document establishes a five-year master plan for activities in several areas, including Political and Security Cooperation, Economic Cooperation, and Social and Educational Cooperation.  The Enhanced Partnership is designed to promote ASEAN-U.S. links among all sectors of society; state, provincial and local government; non-governmental organizations; business; educational institutions; and individual citizens. It will help ASEAN and the United States meet the challenges and reap the benefits of an increasingly globalized world.

ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Regulatory Cooperation initiative

Together with the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ), the Department of Commerce is the coordinating agency for the ASEAN-U.S. Enhanced Partnership Economic Section Standards, Conformity Assessment, and Regulatory Cooperation initiative.  This initiative will support progress towards the standards and conformance goals defined by the U.S.-ASEAN Enhanced Partnership:

a) Further ASEAN use of international standards; b) Promote trade between the ASEAN and the U.S.; c) Facilitate ASEAN-U.S. dialogue in target sectors that appear on both ASEAN’s list of 11 Priority Sectors and in the U.S. National Export Strategy; and d) Pursue strategic outreach and technical assistance in order to promote wider ASEAN-U.S. standards cooperation. For FY 2007, the work plan for this initiative will include two in-region workshops on medical devices and automotive standards issues.

For more information, please click here to download agenda. To register for this free event, please complete the form below:

Biofuels and the Automotive Industry Seminar

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