Chapter 8: State Indicators

Science and Technology in the Economy

Select Indicator:

Quartiles | Findings | Description

Employment in high-technology establishments as share of total employment: 2002

Employment in high-technology establishments as share of total employment: 2002

Employment in High-Technology Establishments as Share of Total Employment: 2002.


Employment in high-technology establishments as share of total employment: 2002*

1st Quartile
2nd Quartile
3rd Quartile
4th Quartile
No data
Colorado Arizona Alabama Alaska California
Connecticut Delaware Arkansas Florida Texas
District of Columbia Illinois Georgia Hawaii
Idaho Iowa Missouri Louisiana
Indiana Kentucky Nebraska Maine
Kansas Minnesota New Mexico Mississippi
Maryland New Jersey New York Montana
Massachusetts Ohio North Carolina Nevada
Michigan Oregon North Dakota South Dakota
New Hampshire South Carolina Oklahoma West Virginia
Vermont Tennessee Pennsylvania Wyoming
Virginia Utah Rhode Island
Washington Wisconsin
*States in alphabetical order, not data order.

SOURCES: U.S. Census Bureau, 1989-2002 Business Information Tracking Series, special tabulations; and County Business Patterns. See table 8-38.

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  • Employment in high-technology establishments grew from 9.6 to 10.1 million workers between 1998 and 2000 but declined to 9. million workers by 2002.

  • Nearly 7% of the jobs in high-technology industries in the United States disappeared between 2000 and 2002.

  • On the high-technology employment indicator, states varied greatly in 2002, ranging from 2.6% to 11.7% of their workforce.

  • Not surprisingly, states were distributed similarly on the high-technology employment and high-technology establishment indicators.

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This indicator measures the extent to which the workforce in a state is employed in high-technology industries. High-technology industries are defined as those in which the proportion of employees both in research and development and in all technology occupations is at least twice the average proportion for all industries. State economies with a high value are probably well positioned to take advantage of new technological developments because they have a relatively larger pool of experienced high-technology workers.

The data pertaining to establishments for the years 1998 through 2002 were based on their classification according to the 1997 edition of the North American Industry Classification System.

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National Science Board.