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** The following contact information is the latest on record and may not be up to date.
Name: Constantinos Sioutas
Location:University of Southern California
Phone:(213) 740-6134
Street Address:University of Southern California
City:Los Angeles
Zip Code:90089

Associated Project Details for: Constantinos Sioutas
R825270 Development and Evaluation of a Novel Sampling Method to Determine the Phase Partitioning of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Grant December 1, 1996 through November 30, 1999
R827352 Southern California Particle Center and Supersite (SCPCS) Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C001 The Chemical Toxicology of Particulate Matter Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C002 Pro-inflammatory and the Pro-oxidative Effects of Diesel Exhaust Particulate in Vivo and in Vitro Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C003 Measurement of the “Effective” Surface Area of Ultrafine and Accumulation Mode PM (Pilot Project) Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C004 Effect of Exposure to Freeways with Heavy Diesel Traffic and Gasoline Traffic on Asthma Mouse Model Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C005 Effects of Exposure to Fine and Ultrafine Concentrated Ambient Particles near a Heavily Trafficked Freeway in Geriatric Rats (Pilot Project) Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C006 Relationship Between Ultrafine Particle Size Distribution and Distance From Highways Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C012 Controlled Human Exposure Studies with Concentrated PM Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C013 Particle Size Distributions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the LAB Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C015 Exposure Assessment and Airshed Modeling Applications in Support of SCPC and CHS Projects Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827995 Health Effects of Concentrated Ambient Particles from the Central Valley of California Grant February 1, 2000 through January 31, 2003
R827999 Acute Cardiopulmonary Responses to Fine Particulate Pollution and Copollutant Oxidant Gases in Los Angeles Grant March 15, 2000 through March 14, 2003
R829216 Effects of Airborne Particles on Allergic Airway Disease Grant October 31, 2001 through October 30, 2004
R830838 Cardiovascular Responses to Particulate Exposure Grant May 5, 2003 through May 4, 2006
R832413 Southern California Particle Center (SCPC) Centers October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2010
Principal Investigator:
R824834C009 Development of a Personal Cascade Impactor Sampler (PCIS) Centers October 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001
R827352C014 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of PM in the LAB (Source Receptor Study) Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R827352C017 Conduct Research and Monitoring That Contributes to a Better Understanding of the Measurement, Sources, Size Distribution, Chemical Composition, Physical State, Spatial and Temporal Variability, and Health Effects of Suspended PM in the Los Angeles Basin (LAB) Centers June 1, 1999 through May 31, 2005
R828678C009 Development of a Personal Cascade Impactor Sampler (PCIS) Centers January 2, 2001 through December 31, 2005
R832413C001 Contribution of Primary and Secondary PM Sources to Exposure & Evaluation of Their Relative Toxicity Centers October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2010
R833743 Sources, Composition, Variability and Toxicological Characteristics of Coarse (PM10-2.5) Particles in Southern California Grant August 1, 2007 through July 31, 2010

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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