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Sonoran Desert Research Station Factsheets

  1. Thomas, K.A., J. Franklin, T. Keeler-Wolf, and P. Stine. 2005. Central Mojave Vegetation Database. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet. USGS FFS-2205-3098. [Fact Sheet]
  2. O’Brien C., D. W. Blinn, C. van Riper III. 2003. Waterfowl, acanthocephalans, and amphipods at Montezuma Well, Arizona – What is the role of parasites. Dept. of the Interior, USGS FS-125-03. [Fact Sheet]
  3. Knick S. T., C. van Riper III. 2002. Loss of sagebrush ecosystems and declining bird populations in the Intermountain West: Priority research issues and information needs. Dept. of the Interior, USGS FS-122-02. [Fact Sheet]