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Project Work Plan

Greater Everglades Science Program: Place-Based Studies

Project Work Plan FY 2003


Project Title: South Florida Information Access Geospatial Interface
Project start date: 10/1/2001 Project end date: 9/30/04
Principal Investigator: Roy S. Sonenshein
Email address:
Phone: 305-717-5824 Fax: 305-717-5801
Mail address: 9100 NW36th Street, Suite 107, Miami, FL 33178

Project Summary: The South Florida restoration effort requires multidisciplinary information relating to present and historical conditions for use in responsible decision-making. The South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) database is the cornerstone of information management for the South Florida place-based science program. Currently, the SOFIA web site and database does has a minimal geospatial interface which relies on the Geo-Data Explorer (GeoDE) system developed by the USGS Energy Resources Program in Reston. A geospatial interface using currently available commercial software (ArcIMS) is needed to develop a more easily maintained and user-friendly interface. Developing an interface that is directly connected to the SOFIA website and database will provide a more stable long term solution to providing a geospatial interface. The interface development was started in FY02.

Project Objectives and Strategy: A geospatial interface will be developed using ArcIMS software. The interface will provide a means of accessing information stored in the SOFIA database and the SOFIA data exchange web site through a geospatial query. The spatial data will be served using the ArcSDE software, which provides a mechanism for storing spatial data in a relational database. A spatial database will be developed from existing data sets, including national USGS data sets, the Florida Geographic Digital Library, and other available data sets. Additional data sets will be developed from the published data sets available from PBS and other projects.

Potential Impacts and Major Products: The SOFIA GIS interface provides geographical interface to the data stored in the SOFIA database.

Collaborators: None

Clients: All government agencies, educational institutions, and public and private organizations responsible for, doing research on, or interested in the Everglades restoration.


Title of Task 1: Design and Maintenance of Geospatial Interface and Database
Task Funding: PBS
Task Leaders: Roy Sonenshein
Phone: 303-717-5835
Fax: 305-717-5801
Task Status (proposed or active): active
Task priority: high
Task Personnel: Raul Patterson and ETI contract personnel - currently 1 contractors on staff in Miami and 1 contractor on staff in St. Petersburg are involved in this effort

Task Summary and Objectives: Complete the design of the geospatial interface and publish to the web. A prototype is planned for release late in FY02 or early in FY03. Populate the geospatial library with background data layers from existing data layers. Develop data layers representing the location of USGS data collection sites. Develop data layers representing published USGS products, such as geologic contour maps. Many of these data sets will be used for the Atlas being prepared as part of the SOFIA database project.

Work to be undertaken during the proposal year and a description of the methods and procedures:

  1. Complete coding of ArcIMS site to customize for PBS needs.
  2. Update the site based on feedback from customers following the public release of the site.
  3. Load existing background datasets into the geospatial library. Check that the data sets have appropriate metadata records.
  4. Create data layers from the SOFIA database of USGS data collection sites by theme. Prepare metadata records.
  5. Create data layers from published USGS map products. Prepare metadata records.

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
This page is: /projects/workplans03/sofiagis.html
Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: 16 January, 2003 @ 09:14 AM (KP)