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NPSAS: Executive Summary Profile of Undergraduates in U.S. Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1999-2000
Who Were 1999-2000 Undergradautes?
Where Are Undergraduates Enrolled and What Do They Study?
Degree Program
Field of Study
Undergraduate Diversity and The Risk of Leaving Postsecondary Education?
Research Methodology
Full Report (PDF)
Executive Summary (PDF)

This profile of 1999–2000 undergraduates suggests that the postsecondary education system in the United States offers opportunities to a diverse group of individuals. Indeed, the admissions policies of most community colleges and some 4-year colleges—combined with federal, state, and institutional financial aid—have provided access to postsecondary education for individuals of widely varying backgrounds and resources. Despite such enrollment opportunities, however, gaining access to postsecondary education does not necessarily lead to obtaining a degree or certificate. In fact, as the diversity of the undergraduate population broadens, it is possible that the rate of leaving postsecondary education without a degree will increase. Accommodating an undergraduate population that carries a substantial risk of attrition will be a continuing challenge to postsecondary education institutions.

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