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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10: The Pacific Northwest
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Manifest Rule

Anytime a hazardous waste is moved off-site by a small- or large-quantity generator, a manifest is required to accompany the waste. The manifest is designed to track waste from the time it leaves the generator until it arrives at a destination facility, typically a permitted hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility. The manifest allows waste generators to verify that wastes have been properly delivered and that no waste has been lost or unaccounted for in the process.

EPA has revised the Hazardous Waste Manifest Forms used to track hazardous waste from a generator’s site to the site of its disposition. Handlers of waste will obtain new forms from any source that has registered with EPA to print and distribute the form. Please note that existing forms must be used until September 4, 2006, and the new Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest must be used starting on September 5, 2006.

For the State of Alaska, EPA Region10 does not require copies of manifests to be submitted to EPA regardless of whether the waste originates or is disposed of in the state. The only exception is when EPA Region 10 is the generator of the waste or when the shipment is an international shipment. See below for the mailing address of EPA Region 10.

Alaska does not have any state-specific waste codes. Link to more information on the Hazardous Waste Manifest System.

For more information, contact Xiangyu Chu at (206) 553-2859.

Mailing Address:
EPA Region 10
1200 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98101

Unit: RCRA/TSCA Permits Team
Point of contact: Xiangyu Chu
E-Mail: chu.xiangyu@epa.gov
Phone Number: (206) 553-2859
Last Updated: 08/24/2006


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URL: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/OWCM.NSF/webpage/Manifest+Rule