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State Trail Administrators Meeting
July 7-8 2009

Organized by the National Association of State Trail Administrators
and the FHWA Recreational Trails Program

Hosted by the Florida Office of Greenways and Trails and the Southeastern Equestrian Trails Conference

Gainesville, Florida

Held in conjuction with the
Southeastern Equestrian Trails Conference

The State Trail Administrators Meeting is for State trail administrators and Federal agency personnel who are involved with statewide or national trail programs. To register, please contact Stuart Macdonald at or Christopher Douwes at

There is no registration fee.

We need your help to determine what topics interest you. If you know of any issues that need extra attention or resolution in your State, please let us know. See Requests for Technical Questions and other Topics below. You may contact Jonathan LeClere at

The following information will be posted as it becomes available:

Request for Technical Questions

FHWA will compile the questions and have responses available at the meeting. Please feel free to submit a question even if you are unable to attend the training workshop. If you've asked or wondered about something, others probably have too!

Request for Training, Research, and Technology Development Topics

Please respond to Jonathan LeClere at

To provide Feedback, Suggestions, or Comments for this page contact Christopher B. Douwes at

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