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Lakota Studies 400/600:  Special Topics:  Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Science

Unit 7 Assignment

This week, the assignment is to do the following 2 things:

1)  Lab Exercise   - visit the link for Lab 7.  This lab involves the download and use of local Census data for the Todd County portion of the Rosebud Sioux lands.  The scenario is that you are working for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and want to plan an after-school GIS club for primary and secondary school students by using the demographic data.  The lab also includes an introduction to address geocoding, a way of spotting points on a digital map based on street addresses. 

To complete the lab, highlight the whole web page with your cursor, and copy it to WordPad or your favorite word processor.  Paste the text there.  Fill in your answers, and email me the whole document when complete.  Follow this procedure with each lab.

2)  Write your fourth of 5 annotated bibliographies.   Keep thinking about your final project, and focus the bibliographies on your field of interest.  See Week 3 pages for sources for the articles.


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Author:  Joseph J. Kerski, Geographer, USGS,, 303-202-4315 

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