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Lakota Studies 400/600:  Special Topics:  Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Science

Unit 3 Assignment

This week, the assignment is to do the following 2 things:

1)  Lab Exercise 3  - visit the link for Lab 3.  The lab includes a review of some of the functions in ArcView GIS that you explored last week, with new functions added that are designed to keep you moving forward.  The lab involves analyzing a historical population county data set from 1900 to 2000.

To complete the lab, highlight the whole web page with your cursor, and copy it to WordPad or your favorite word processor.  Paste the text there.  Fill in your answers, and email me the whole document when complete.  Follow this procedure with each lab.

2)  Write your first of 5 annotated bibliographies.   Each should be on an article where GIS is used or discussed in some way.  An annotated bibliography should be 1 page in length.  At the top of the page, write the complete reference for the article, including web or print publication, author, date, title of the article.  Underneath, concentrate on writing on two main themes.  First, describe in your own words what the article is about.  Second, write your reactions to the article.  What about GIS or about the application of GIS surprised you?  What were the problems and issues that the organization working with GIS encountered?  How were these solved?  How did GIS enhance or change the projects, products, or mission of the organization?  What was different about the GIS approach versus an approach with paper maps and documents?  What might you have done differently from what the people in the article did?  

The purpose of the bibliographies is threefold:  1)  To acquaint you with the sources and types of literature in the geographic information sciences; 2) To help you understand how GIS is applied around the world; and (3) To help you think about how you want to use GIS in your own work. 

A few sources for online articles are below.  This is not a comprehensive list but should get you started.

ESRI User Conference Proceedings:

Directions Magazine:                         

Spatial News:                                      

GeoSpatial Solutions:                       


GPS World:                                         

GIS Vision:                                          

GIS Monitor:                                       

URISA Journal:                                   

Photogrammetric Engineering 

and Remote Sensing::                       


Point of Beginning:                            

GIS Journal Listing at U Maine:         

GIS Journal Listing at NCSU:            

See the links on Nativemaps:            

See the links at the USGS:                

Back to SGU GIS Course Home

Author:  Joseph J. Kerski, Geographer, USGS,, 303-202-4315 

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