Fort Collins Science Center

Symposium on the Ecology of Plague and its Effects on Wildlife
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Call for Abstracts

Abstract deadline:  May 1, 2008

Notice of acceptance: May 16, 2008

Revised Final Abstracts: September 15, 2008

Abstracts for oral presentations and posters are invited for the Symposium on the Ecology of Plague and its Effects on Wildlife. Abstracts should address at least one of the following symposium themes:

Opportunities for Participation

  1. Oral Presentations are intended to provide a synopsis of important findings from your work and should focus on key findings and conclusions. Cases drawn from management experiences are welcome.

    Oral presentations are limited to 20 minutes per person, with additional time for questions from the audience. Time limits will be strictly enforced. Oral presentations are limited to Microsoft PowerPoint only; no other formats will be accepted. Presenters are encouraged to bring more in-depth papers to pass out at the conference as a follow-up to their presentation.

    All abstracts from the oral presentations will be peer-reviewed, and if accepted will be published in a special issue of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases subsequent to the symposium. A select number of full-length papers will be peer-reviewed and if accepted, will be published in this same journal issue.  

  2. Poster Sessions provide a visual representation of your recent research or ongoing projects. Posters also provide a chance for symposium attendees to interact directly with the presenter. A special poster session will be held concurrently with an evening social event on November 4, 2008.

    All poster abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and if accepted will be published in a special issue of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases subsequent to the symposium. 

For more detailed information regarding poster presentations, please see “Poster Guidelines.”

Abstract Guidelines

Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your abstract:


All authors, including the co-authors, should be responsible for a significant part of the manuscript. All authors and co-authors should have taken part in writing the manuscript, reviewing it, and revising its intellectual and technical content. Any author whose name appears on a paper assumes responsibility and accountability for the results.

General Guidelines

Submit a running title of about 45 characters (including spaces). Provide full contact information for the corresponding author, and name and affiliation of co-authors. Abstract should be double-spaced and no more than 500 words. 


Abstract should provide a clear statement of the problem or objectives, give brief methods and substantive results, and end with a clear conclusion. At the first usage of a term, spell out the term and give the abbreviation or acronym in parentheses. Thereafter, use the abbreviation/acronym alone. Use generic names for drugs where possible. If you wish to use a proprietary drug name, the first time it appears use the generic name followed by the proprietary name, manufacturer, and city in parenthesis. If propriety names must be used, include trademark information. Scientific names for species must appear with genus spelled in full on first occurrence and abbreviated thereafter. Family names should appear on first occurrence of uncommon species.


Up to 2 references can be included with the abstract. The references should be cited in the text using the name/date system. The reference list at the end of the paper should be double-spaced and organized alphabetically by name and year. List only the first four authors followed by "et al." For accepted papers not yet published, cite the journal and add "in press" subsequent to journal name. If references to personal communications or unpublished data are used, cite them parenthetically in the text, not in the references. Sources for personal communications must provide written approval at the time of submission. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. References should be presented in the Vancouver style, as shown below:

Journal example: Chadee, DD, Kitron, U. Spatial and temporal patterns of imported malaria cases and local transmission in Trinidad. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999; 61:513-517.

Book example: Fish, D. Population ecology of Ixodes dammini. In: Ginsberg, H, ed. Ecology and Environmental Management of Lyme Disease. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press; 1993:25-42.

Abstract Submission

Oral presentation or poster? Please include in your abstract submission whether you are interested in an oral presentation or a poster presentation.  For poster presentations, please see the “Poster Guidelines.”

Email abstract submissions to Laura Ellison at If you have questions, please email or call Laura at 970-226-9494.

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