BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Indonesia Local time: 11:56 AM

Indonesian Companies looking for U.S. Products / Services

The U.S. Commercial Center of the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta is pleased to assist Indonesian companies in building relationships with American exporters and partners. More information about our full range of services to Indonesian companies can be found here.

1. The U.S. Commercial Center Library
Open by-appointment only on weekdays, the Commercial Center library includes complete information on American products, companies, organizations, trade events and trade publications. Our librarian can supply you with contact lists of U.S. producers and exporters free of charge, even via phone or fax. Should you need to visit the library, please call for an appointment to (62-21) 526-2850.

2. Formal introduction to U.S. Firms
The Commercial Center’s sector specialist regularly invite qualified Indonesian firms to discuss specific business proposals with American firms wishing to enter the Indonesian market. The center regularly organizes trade missions and trade fairs to match U.S. companies with Indonesia agents, representatives and partners.

3. U.S. Trade Fairs and Technical Visits
Our sector specialist regularly lead groups of Indonesian buyers to major trade fairs in the U.S. Participants are offered preferential rates and services; in addition, technical visits and seminars are organized by major U.S. manufacturers in the sector.

4. Full Service Conference Facilities
Indonesia firms representing or partnering with U.S. companies can use the Center’s fully equipped conference facilities at a very low cost for new product presentations, video conferences, press conferences, seminars, or technical training.