Title 42--Public Health



TEXT PDF435.2 Purpose and applicability.
TEXT PDF435.3 Basis.
TEXT PDF435.4 Definitions and use of terms.
TEXT PDF435.10 State plan requirements.
TEXT PDF435.100 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.110 Individuals receiving aid to families with dependent children.
TEXT PDF435.112 Families terminated from AFDC because of increased earnings or hours of employment.
TEXT PDF435.113 Individuals who are ineligible for AFDC because of requirements that do not apply under title XIX of the Act.
TEXT PDF435.114 Individuals who would be eligible for AFDC except for increased OASDI income under Pub. L. 92-336 (July 1, 1972).
TEXT PDF435.115 Individuals deemed to be receiving AFDC.
TEXT PDF435.116 Qualified pregnant women and children who are not qualified family members.
TEXT PDF435.117 Newborn children.
TEXT PDF435.119 Qualified family members.
TEXT PDF435.120 Individuals receiving SSI.
TEXT PDF435.121 Individuals in States using more restrictive requirements for Medicaid than the SSI requirements.
TEXT PDF435.122 Individuals who are ineligible for SSI or optional State supplements because of requirements that do not apply under title XIX of the Act.
TEXT PDF435.130 Individuals receiving mandatory State supplements.
TEXT PDF435.131 Individuals eligible as essential spouses in December 1973.
TEXT PDF435.132 Institutionalized individuals who were eligible in December 1973.
TEXT PDF435.133 Blind and disabled individuals eligible in December 1973.
TEXT PDF435.134 Individuals who would be eligible except for the increase in OASDI benefits under Pub. L. 92-336 (July 1, 1972).
TEXT PDF435.135 Individuals who become ineligible for cash assistance as a result of OASDI cost-of-living increases received after April 1977.
TEXT PDF435.136 State agency implementation requirements for one-time notice and annual review system.
TEXT PDF435.137 Disabled widows and widowers who would be eligible for SSI except for the increase in disability benefits resulting from elimination of the reduction factor under Pub. L. 98-21.
TEXT PDF435.138 Disabled widows and widowers aged 60 through 64 who would be eligible for SSI except for early receipt of social security benefits.
TEXT PDF435.139 Coverage for certain aliens.
TEXT PDF435.145 Children for whom adoption assistance or foster care maintenance payments are made.
TEXT PDF435.170 Pregnant women eligible for extended coverage.
TEXT PDF435.200 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.201 Individuals included in optional groups.
TEXT PDF435.210 Individuals who meet the income and resource requirements of the cash assistance programs.
TEXT PDF435.211 Individuals who would be eligible for cash assistance if they were not in medical institutions.
TEXT PDF435.212 Individuals who would be ineligible if they were not enrolled in an MCO or PCCM.
TEXT PDF435.217 Individuals receiving home and community-based services.
TEXT PDF435.220 Individuals who would meet the income and resource requirements under AFDC if child care costs were paid from earnings.
TEXT PDF435.222 Individuals under age 21 who meet the income and resource requirements of AFDC.
TEXT PDF435.223 Individuals who would be eligible for AFDC if coverage under the State's AFDC plan were as broad as allowed under title IV-A.
TEXT PDF435.225 Individuals under age 19 who would be eligible for Medicaid if they were in a medical institution.
TEXT PDF435.227 Individuals under age 21 who are under State adoption assistance agreements.
TEXT PDF435.229 Optional targeted low-income children.
TEXT PDF435.230 Aged, blind, and disabled individuals in States that use more restrictive requirements for Medicaid than SSI requirements: Optional coverage.
TEXT PDF435.232 Individuals receiving only optional State supplements.
TEXT PDF435.234 Individuals receiving only optional State supplements in States using more restrictive eligibility requirements than SSI and certain States using SSI criteria.
TEXT PDF435.236 Individuals in institutions who are eligible under a special income level.
TEXT PDF435.300 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.301 General rules.
TEXT PDF435.308 Medically needy coverage of individuals under age 21.
TEXT PDF435.310 Medically needy coverage of specified relatives.
TEXT PDF435.320 Medically needy coverage of the aged in States that cover individuals receiving SSI.
TEXT PDF435.322 Medically needy coverage of the blind in States that cover individuals receiving SSI.
TEXT PDF435.324 Medically needy coverage of the disabled in States that cover individuals receiving SSI.
TEXT PDF435.326 Individuals who would be ineligible if they were not enrolled in an MCO or PCCM.
TEXT PDF435.330 Medically needy coverage of the aged, blind, and disabled in States using more restrictive eligibility requirements for Medicaid than those used under SSI.
TEXT PDF435.340 Protected medically needy coverage for blind and disabled individuals eligible in December 1973.
TEXT PDF435.350 Coverage for certain aliens.
TEXT PDF435.400 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.401 General rules.
TEXT PDF435.403 State residence.
TEXT PDF435.404 Applicant's choice of category.
TEXT PDF435.406 Citizenship and alienage.
TEXT PDF435.408 Categories of aliens who are permanently residing in the United States under color of law.
TEXT PDF435.500 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.510 Determination of dependency.
TEXT PDF435.520 Age requirements for the aged.
TEXT PDF435.522 Determination of age.
TEXT PDF435.530 Definition of blindness.
TEXT PDF435.531 Determinations of blindness.
TEXT PDF435.540 Definition of disability.
TEXT PDF435.541 Determinations of disability.
TEXT PDF435.600 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.601 Application of financial eligibility methodologies.
TEXT PDF435.602 Financial responsibility of relatives and other individuals.
TEXT PDF435.608 Applications for other benefits.
TEXT PDF435.610 Assignment of rights to benefits.
TEXT PDF435.622 Individuals in institutions who are eligible under a special income level.
TEXT PDF435.631 General requirements for determining income eligibility in States using more restrictive requirements for Medicaid than SSI.
TEXT PDF435.640 Protected Medicaid eligibility for individuals eligible in December 1973.
TEXT PDF435.700 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.725 Post-eligibility treatment of income of institutionalized individuals in SSI States: Application of patient income to the cost of care.
TEXT PDF435.726 Post-eligibility treatment of income of individuals receiving home and community-based services furnished under a waiver: Application of patient income to the cost of care.
TEXT PDF435.733 Post-eligibility treatment of income of institutionalized individuals in States using more restrictive requirements than SSI: Application of patient income to the cost of care.
TEXT PDF435.735 Post-eligibility treatment of income and resources of individuals receiving home and community-based services furnished under a waiver: Application of patient income to the cost of care.
TEXT PDF435.800 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.811 Medically needy income standard: General requirements.
TEXT PDF435.814 Medically needy income standard: State plan requirements.
TEXT PDF435.831 Income eligibility.
TEXT PDF435.832 Post-eligibility treatment of income of institutionalized individuals: Application of patient income to the cost of care.
TEXT PDF435.840 Medically needy resource standard: General requirements.
TEXT PDF435.843 Medically needy resource standard: State plan requirements.
TEXT PDF435.845 Medically needy resource eligibility.
TEXT PDF435.900 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.901 Consistency with objectives and statutes.
TEXT PDF435.902 Simplicity of administration.
TEXT PDF435.903 Adherence of local agencies to State plan requirements.
TEXT PDF435.904 Establishment of outstation locations to process applications for certain low-income eligibility groups.
TEXT PDF435.905 Availability of program information.
TEXT PDF435.906 Opportunity to apply.
TEXT PDF435.907 Written application.
TEXT PDF435.908 Assistance with application.
TEXT PDF435.909 Automatic entitlement to Medicaid following a determination of eligibility under other programs.
TEXT PDF435.910 Use of social security number.
TEXT PDF435.911 Timely determination of eligibility.
TEXT PDF435.912 Notice of agency's decision concerning eligibility.
TEXT PDF435.913 Case documentation.
TEXT PDF435.914 Effective date.
TEXT PDF435.916 Periodic redeterminations of Medicaid eligibility.
TEXT PDF435.919 Timely and adequate notice concerning adverse actions.
TEXT PDF435.920 Verification of SSNs.
TEXT PDF435.930 Furnishing Medicaid.
TEXT PDF435.940 Basis and scope.
TEXT PDF435.945 General requirements.
TEXT PDF435.948 Requesting information.
TEXT PDF435.952 Use of information.
TEXT PDF435.953 Identifying items of information to use.
TEXT PDF435.955 Additional requirements regarding information released by a Federal agency.
TEXT PDF435.960 Standardized formats for furnishing and obtaining information to verifying income and eligibility.
TEXT PDF435.965 Delay of effective date.
TEXT PDF435.1000 Scope.
TEXT PDF435.1001 FFP for administration.
TEXT PDF435.1002 FFP for services.
TEXT PDF435.1003 FFP for redeterminations.
TEXT PDF435.1004 Recipients overcoming certain conditions of eligibility.
TEXT PDF435.1005 Recipients in institutions eligible under a special income standard.
TEXT PDF435.1006 Recipients of optional State supplements only.
TEXT PDF435.1007 Categorically needy, medically needy, and qualified Medicare beneficiaries.
TEXT PDF435.1008 Institutionalized individuals.
TEXT PDF435.1009 Definitions relating to institutional status.
TEXT PDF435.1010 Requirement for mandatory State supplements.
TEXT PDF435.1011 Requirement for maintenance of optional State supplement expenditures.
TEXT PDF435.1100 Basis and scope.
TEXT PDF435.1101 Definitions related to presumptive eligibility for children.
TEXT PDF435.1102 General rules.

