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Colleen M. Handel

Title: Research Wildlife Biologist
Address: 4210 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508-4626
Phone: (907) 786-7181
Fax: (907) 786-7021

Image of Colleen M. Handel

Education and/or Training

Ph.D.2002University of California Davis, Davis, CA Ecology
M.S.1982 University of California Davis, Davis, CA Ecology
B.A.1974Harvard University, Cambridge, MABiological Sciences

Areas of Specialization and/or Research Interests

Population ecology of passerines and shorebirds, behavioral ecology, population monitoring, and sampling design.

Professional Experience

1996 - PresentResearch Wildlife Biologist, USGS, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska
1993 - 1996 Research Wildlife Biologist, NBS, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska
1978 - 1993 Research Wildlife Biologist, USFWS, Alaska Fish and Wildlife Research Center, Anchorage, Alaska
1977 - 1978Research/ Teaching Assistant, University of California Davis, Davis, California
1975 - 1978Biological Science Technician, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska
1975 - 1975Biological Science Aide, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Kenai, Alaska
1974 - 1974Botany and Ornithology Instructor, Murray Rhode School, Newton Public High Schools, Newton, Massachusetts
1972 - 1972Assistant Curator, Farlow Herbarium, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1972 - 1972Research Assistant, Concord Field Station, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Professional Activities and/or Memberships

American Ornithologists' Union (Elected Member, Associate Editor)
Association of Field Ornithologists
Colonial Waterbird Group
Cooper Ornithological Society
Ecological Society of America
Pacific Seabird Group
Society for Conservation Biology
Wader Study Group
Wildlife Society
Wilson Ornithological Society

Significant Recent Publications

Matsuoka, S.M. and C.M. Handel. 2007. Nesting ecology of boreal forest birds following a massive outbreak of spruce beetles. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(1):51-63.

McCaffery, B.J. C. M. Handel, R. E. Gill, Jr, and D. Ruthrauff. 2007. The blind men and the elephant: concerns about the use of juvenile proportion data. Stilt 50:194-204.

Handel, C. M., L. M. Pajot, S. L. Talbot, and G. K. Sage. 2006. Use of buccal swabs for sampling DNA from nestling and adult birds. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(4):1094-1100.

Ralph, C. J., E. H. Dunn, W. J. Peach, and C. M. Handel. 2004. Recommendations for the use of mist nets for inventory and monitoring of bird populations. Studies in Avian Biology 29:187-196.

Matsuoka, S. M., C. M. Handel, and D. R. Ruthrauff. 2001. Densities of breeding birds and changes in vegetation in an Alaskan boreal forest following a massive disturbance by spruce beetles. Can. J. Zool. 79(9):1678-1690.

Handel, C. M. and R. E. Gill, Jr. 2001. Black Turnstone (Arenaria melanocephala). The Birds of North America, No. 593, In A. Poole and F. Gill, (eds). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.

Handel, C. M. and R. E. Gill, Jr. 2000. Mate fidelity and breeding site tenacity in a monogamous sandpiper, the Black Turnstone. Anim. Behav. 58:471-481.

Matsuoka, S. M., C. M. Handel, D. D. Roby, and D. L. Thomas. 1997. The relative importance of nesting and foraging sites in selection of breeding territories by Townsend's Warblers. Auk 114:657-667.

Matsuoka, S. M., C. M. Handel, and D. D. Roby. 1997. Nesting ecology of Townsend's Warblers in relation to habitat characteristics in a mature boreal forest. Condor 99:271-281.

Gill, R. E., Jr., C. A. Babock, C. M. Handel, W. R. Bulter, Jr., and D. G. Raveling. 1996. Migration, fidelity, and use of autumn staging grounds in Alaska by Cackling Canada Geese (Branta canadensis minima). Wildfowl 47:42-61.

Gill, R. E., Jr., C. M. Handel, and G. W. Page. 1995. Western North American shorebirds. Pp. 60-65 in E. T. LaRoe, G. S. Farris, C. E. Puckett, P. D. Doran, and M. J. Mac, (eds.). Our living resources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems. U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Biological Service, Washington, DC. 530pp.

Lanctot, R. B., R. E. Gill, Jr., T. L. Tibbitts, and C. M. Handel. 1995. Brood amalgamation in the Bristle-thighed Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis): process and function. Ibis 137:559-569.

Gill, R. E., Jr., R. W. Butler, P. S. Tomkovich, T. Mundkur, and C. M. Handel. 1994. Conservation of North Pacific shorebirds. Trans. No. Am. Wildl. & Natur. Resour. Conf. 59:63-78.

Handel, C. M., and R. E. Gill, Jr. 1992. Breeding distribution of the Black Turnstone. Wilson Bull. 104:122-135.

Handel, C. M., and R. E. Gill, Jr. 1992. Roosting behavior of premigratory Dunlins (Calidris alpina). Auk 109:57-72.

Gill, R. E., Jr., R. B. Lanctot, J. D. Mason, and C. M. Handel. 1991. Observations on habitat use, breeding chronology and parental care in Bristle-thighed Curlews on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Wader Study Group Bull. 61:28-36.

Gill, R. E., Jr., and C. M. Handel. 1990. The importance of subarctic intertidal habitats to shorebirds: a study of the central Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Condor 92:709-725.

Vacca, M. and C. Handel. 1988. Factors Influencing Predation Associated with Visits to Artificial Goose Nests. J. Field Ornithol., 59(3):215-223.

Handel, C. M., and C. P. Dau. 1988. Seasonal occurrence of migrant whimbrels and bristle-thighed curlews on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Condor 90:782-790.

Vacca, M. M., and C. M. Handel. 1988. Factors influencing predation associated with visits to artificial goose nests. J. Field Ornith. 59:215-223.

Gill, R. E., Jr., C. M. Handel, and L. A. Shelton. 1983. Memorial to a Black Turnstone: An exemplar of breeding and wintering site fidelity. North Am. Bird Bander 8:98-101.

Handel, C. M., and R. E. Gill, Jr. 1983. Yellow birds stand out in a crowd. North Am. Bird Bander 8:6-9.

Gill, R. E., Jr., and C. M. Handel. 1981. Shorebirds of the eastern Bering Sea. Pp. 719-738 in D. W. Hood and J. A. Calder (eds.), The eastern Bering Sea shelf: oceanography and resources. Vol. 2, Univ. Washington Press, Seattle, WA.

Handel, C. M., M. R. Petersen, R. E. Gill, Jr., and C. J. Lensink. 1981. An annotated bibliography of literature on Alaskan water birds. U.S. Dept. Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program, Washington, D.C. FWS/OBS-81/12. 515 pp.

Gill, R. E., Jr., and C. M. Handel. 1980. First record of the Common Cuckoo from mainland North America. Condor 82:472.

Handel, C. M. 1995. Boreal Partners in Flight: Working together to build a regional research and monitoring program. in R. Bonney, D. Pashley, L. Niles, and R. Cooper, eds. Strategies for Bird Conservation: The Partners in Flight Planning Process. Proceedings of the 1995 Partners in Flight International Workshop, October 1-5, 1995, Cape May, NJ.

Websites of Interest

Population status and ecology of shorebirds in Alaska
Status and trends of boreal landbird populations
Alaska Landbird Resource Information System
Landscape analyses of spruce bark beetle infestation and salvage logging of spruce forests in and around Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve, Alaska

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