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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10 Cleanup: Portland Harbor
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The Arkema site is a former pesticide manufacturing facility located on the southwest bank of the Willamette River near the railroad bridge. The site has very high levels of DDT and breakdown products, monochlorobenzene, chrome, and perchlorate contributing to acute toxicity across the entire site in water. An early action is underway to address this "hot spot" within Portland Harbor.

Removal Action Documents

Final Decision On Disputes of February 19,2008 and March 27,2008 by Legacy Site Services LLC (LSS) Regarding U.S. EPA Region 10 Docket No. CERCLA 10-2005-0191, May 23, 2008 (11pp, 1.8MB) This report is large and is recommended only for those with broadband.

Arkema EECA Workplan (PDF) (30 pp. 1MB to start) This report is large and is recommended only for those with broadband. -May 11, 2007

Arkema Photo Gallery

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Point of contact: Judy Smith
Phone Number: (503) 326-6994
Last Updated: 05/27/2008