USGS Western Coastal and Marine Geology
Western Coastal and Marine Geology

Fate of Dredge Disposal Material and Polluted Sediment, Offshore Honolulu, Hawaii

Maps & Images
Raw Data


Raw Data


Map of 1993 Seismic Tracklines (74 Kb)
1993 Seismic reflection profiles
Map of 1994 Seismic Tracklines (62 Kb)
1998 Multibeam 3D images

Various Photographs

1994 Seafloor bottom photos taken along tracklines
1995 Seafloor bottom photos taken at box core locations
Photos of front face of 1995 box cores (139 Kb)
Map of 1994 camera tracklines (73 Kb)
Map of 1994 (pt 1) seafloor photo locations (70 Kb)
Map of 1994 (pt 2) seafloor photo locations (85 Kb)
Map of 1995 box core locations (88 Kb)

Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Sediment Samples

Map of 1994 box core sample locations (86 Kb)
1994 Box core descriptions
1994 Box core xrays
Metadata and Sediment Descriptors for 1994 samples [text version]
Map of 1995 box core sample locations (88 Kb)
1995 Box core descriptions
Metadata for 1995 samples [text version]
List of analyses for 1994 and 1995 sediment samples, with analyte abbreviations [text version]
Analysis of Metals in 1994 Samples [text version]
Analysis of Organics in 1994 Samples [text version]
Analysis of Metals and Organics in 1994 Composite Samples [text version]
Analysis of Metals in 1995 Samples [text version]
Analysis of Organics in 1995 Samples [text version]

Arc/Info Data Layers

Surface Profiles (110 Kb) of Mamala Bay seafloor

Western Coastal and Marine Geology Information Bank

The USGS WCMG Information Bank is a structured information database. It includes field data collection activity information ( i.e. Formal Metadata, overviews, crew, tracklines, metering, ports, samples, stations); data ( i.e. navigation, gravity, magnetic, bathymetry, seismic shot point); and information about analog materials. For more specific information about cruises pertaining to this project, click on any of the links below.  NOTE: any of these links will take you out of the Mamala Bay Project web pages and into the Information Bank. Use the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.

K-1-93-HW Cruise Info
K-1-94-HW Cruise Info
K-2-94-HW Cruise Info
K-1-95-HW Cruise Info
K-1-96-HW Cruise Info
K-2-96-HW Cruise Info


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For more information, please contact:
Michael E. Torresan

U.S. Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road MS 999
Menlo Park, CA 94025

 Mamala Bay Home page  USGS WCMG Home  USGS WCMG Search

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U.S. Department of the Interior    U.S. Geological Survey

Maintained by Laura Zink Torresan
Last modified 11 October 2005 (lzt)