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U.S. Geological Survey
Geologic Investigations Series I-2674

Map of Major Lithologic Units in the Pacific Northwest: A Contribution to the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project


Bruce R. Johnson and Gary L. Raines


This report is one in a series of digital maps, data files, and reports generated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to provide geologic process and mineral resource information for the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project, a U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management interagency project. The various digital maps and data files that were provided by the USGS are being used in a geographic information system (GIS)-based ecosystem assessment that includes a comprehensive analysis of past, present, and future ecosystem conditions within the general area of the Columbia River Basin east of the Cascade Mountains.

Download a PDF version of the map for viewing (28 MB)

Download a PostScript version of this map for plotting (65.3 MB)
Note: This map is approximately 48 inches wide by 36 inches high.

Download the 11-page pamphlet that accompanies this map as a PDF file (612 KB)

To download the digital database for this project, see USGS Open File Report 95-680

Download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader

For questions about the content of this report, contact Bruce Johnson

This map is also available from:

USGS Information Services, Box 25286,
Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225
telephone: 303-202-4210; e-mail:

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Maintained by: Michael Diggles
Created: August 24, 2001
Last modified: June 23, 2005 (mfd)

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