USGS Western Ecological Research Center

(Photos by Eric Knapp)

Click here to see Before and After
photos of the Sequoia-Kings
Canyon fire treatment program.
Applying fire with a drip torch

Applying fire with a drip torch
Prescribed fire burning through dense multi-aged old-growth forest (Unit 5, Oct. 17, 2001).

Prescribed fire burning through dense
multi-aged old-growth forest
(Unit 5, Oct. 17, 2001).
Prescribed fire consuming heavy surface fuels (Unit 5, Oct. 17, 2001).

Prescribed fire consuming heavy
surface fuels (Unit 5, Oct. 17, 2001).
Low intensity surface fire on an area with little slope in Unit 3 (June 27, 2002).

Low intensity surface fire on an area
with little slope in Unit 3 (June 27, 2002).
Moderate intensity surface fire on a steep slope in Unit 4 (June 27, 2002).

Moderate intensity surface fire on a
steep slope in Unit 4 (June 27, 2002).
Fire backing slowly down-slope (Unit 5, Oct. 17, 2001).

Fire backing slowly down-slope
(Unit 5, Oct. 17, 2001).
View from the south fire line, Oct. 17, 2001.

View from the south fire line,
Oct. 17, 2001.
USGS crew evaluating forest thinning one year after a late-season burn (Unit 5).

USGS crew evaluating forest thinning
one year after a late-season burn (Unit 5).
Area of low to moderate fire 
		severity one year after a late season burn (Unit 5).

Area of low to moderate fire severity
one year after a late season burn
(Unit 5).
Patchiness in fuel consumption after an early-season prescribed fire (Unit 3, burned June 27, 
		2002).  Surface fuels at the time of ignition were still relatively high in moisture content.

Patchiness in fuel consumption after
an early-season prescribed fire
(Unit 3, burned June 27, 2002). Surface
fuels at the time of ignition were still
relatively high in moisture content.
First-year manzanita <em>(Arctostaphylos patula)</em> seedlings.  Seeds of this species are stimulated to germinate by fire.

First-year manzanita (Arctostaphylos
seedlings. Seeds of this species
are stimulated to germinate by fire.

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Last update: 15 January 2004