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Earthquake Hazards Banner
Maps of Recent Earthquake Activity in California-Nevada

Earthquake Index Map
Advanced National Seismic System Home Page CA Geological Survey Homepage US Geological Survey Homepage 115-33 115-34 115-35 115-36 115-37 115-38 115-39 115-40 115-41 116-33 116-34 116-35 116-36 116-37 116-38 116-39 116-40 116-41 117-33 117-34 117-35 117-36 117-37 117-38 117-39 117-40 117-41 118-33 118-34 118-35 118-36 118-37 118-38 118-39 118-40 118-41 119-33 119-34 119-35 119-36 119-37 119-38 119-39 119-40 119-41 120-33 120-34 120-35 120-36 120-37 120-38 120-39 120-40 120-41 121-33 121-34 121-35 121-36 121-37 121-38 121-39 121-40 121-41 122-33 122-34 122-35 122-36 122-37 122-38 122-39 122-40 122-41 123-33 123-34 123-35 123-36 123-37 123-38 123-39 123-40 123-41 124-33 124-34 124-35 124-36 124-37 124-38 124-39 124-40 124-41 125-33 125-34 125-35 125-36 125-37 125-38 125-39 125-40 125-41
bullet Click on the map to zoom in.
bullet Maps are updated within 5 minutes of an earthquake and once an hour. Try to reload this page if you do not have the most current map.
 Options and other maps
bullet List of earthquakes on this map
bullet List of earthquakes PLUS map
bullet Alphabetical index of CA-NV faults
bullet Map showing recency of fault movement in CA
bullet Faster loading map without topography and fault names
bullet Remove earthquakes from this map

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Southern CA
|| Northern CA

bullet Red lines are known faults.
bullet Magnitude = ? for new earthquakes until a magnitude is determined (takes 4-5 minutes).
bullet About Real-time Earthquake Maps
Frequently Asked Questions, Data Sources, Credits and Disclaimer, Glossary, Other Sites that Host these Maps.