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... preserving the nation's pavement investment


Pavement preservation is a cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life and improve safety and motorist satisfaction while saving public tax dollars.

The National Center for Pavement Preservation (NCPP) seeks to advance and promote sound preservation practices through education, research management, outreach, and hands-on technical assistance.

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NH DOT Shutting Down Light Poles to Save Money:  As a cost and energy savings measure, the New Hampshire Transportation Department is shutting down sections of light poles along Interstate 95 in Portsmouth and Interstate 93 in Hooksett and Manchester....[more]

Portion of Gas Tax May Pad LA Bridge/Hwy Program:  The state probably will have to start tapping the 16 cents-a-gallon gasoline tax to help pay for a special bridge and highway construction program because the money earmarked for it is not sufficient to see it through to completion, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Secretary William Ankner said Wednesday....[more]

AASHTO approves $544.5 billion SAFETEA-LU Proposal:  At its Fall Board meeting the week of Oct. 20, AASHTO approved a proposal from its SAFETEA-LU reauthorization task force to recommend to Congress that next year's surface transportation legislation authorize $544.5 billion in new funding....[more]

N.C. highway spending cut by $50 million:  North Carolina state officials, reacting to declining tax revenue, are cutting the state’s transportation and road-building budget by $50 million, but they said that number could rise to $200 million for the year....[more]

Fix the Roads, Boost Small Business:  “If Congress wants to support small business, create thousands of jobs here at home and stimulate the economy, it should invest in the more than 3,000 ‘ready to go’ highway projects that could be under contract within the next 30-to-90 days.” said John Horsley, Executive Director of AASHTO....[more]

FHWA Warns About Need for New Revenue Source:  The current transportation financing system relies so heavily on conventional motor fuel sales that as Americans drive less and purchase less fuel, there is less revenue going into the highway trust fund to maintain the roads....[more]

VA, WA and AZ Struggle to Close Budget Gaps:  Just months after slashing $1.1 billion in road and transit projects from the state's six-year transportation spending plan, Virginia officials say the state's fiscal situation is so bad that they will have to hold a special meeting to cut even more....[more]

Minnesota Struggles to Maintain Roads:  Rising construction costs are making it difficult for Minnesota counties to maintain their roads. Policymakers are thinking about new ways to fund transportation. State legislators say the current reliance on the gas tax is an outdated funding mechanism that needs to be replaced, particularly since less revenue is expected as people switch to more efficient cars and drive less....[more]

Chicagoans Drive Less but Roads Still Congested:  Motorists in the Chicago area are making fewer trips to gas stations, but highways are still severely congested despite a decline of almost 5 percent in miles driven this year....[more]

Next President Must Improve Infrastructure:  Whether it’s Sen. Barack Obama or Sen. John McCain sitting behind the Oval Office next Jan. 20, he will find one problem that is bipartisan. The nation’s roads, bridges, airports, ports, intermodal links and waterways are deteriorating to an embarrassing point where it threatens U.S. competitiveness....[more]

1st International Conf. on Pavement Preservation:  The 1st International Conference on Pavement Preservation will be held in Newport Beach, California in April 2010. Abstracts are due by December 1, 2008. The NCPP has created a new web presence for the conference which is now available....[more]

Northeast Group Champions Pavement Preservation:  NEPPP brings together transportation agencies, industry and academia from Maryland to Maine and eastern Canada to share research, design and construction practices....[more]

ASCE Infrastructure Survey:  ASCE is soliciting input from its members to aid in preparing its 2009 Report Card for America's Infrastructure. The survey is your way of telling ASCE what the primary infrastructure needs are in your state or municipality....[more]

SEPPP Meeting Minutes:  Meeting minutes from the 2008 meeting of the SEPPP are now available for viewing and download....[more]

TPPC Conference Proceedings:  Proceedings from the February 2008 TxAPA / TxDOT Seal Coat Conference held in Abilene, Texas are available on the TPPC website....[more]

Texas Pavement Preservation Center Newsletter:  The 11th issue of the Texas Pavement Preservation Center is now available for download. Highlights include information on the TPPC's Seal Coat training courses...[more]

ICPP Conference Web Page:  An informational page for the First International Conference on Pavement Preservation is now available. Note that Abstract Submissions are due by December 1, 2008....[more]

AASHTO Maintenance Mgr. Sept. 2008:  The September 2008 edition of the AASHTO Maintenance Manager newsletter is now available for download and review....[more]

Groundbreaking Book Now Available:  The NCPP and TRIP announce the publication and availability of an important new book entitled 'At the Crossroads: Preserving Our Highway Investment'. The book is now available from the NCPP and presents in plain language, the concept, benefits, and need for preservation. 'At the Crossroads' is an excellent way to educate practitioners, policy-makers, and the public on the benefits of the pavement preservation philosophy....[more]

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    Click Here to Contact Us Site Last Updated:   Oct 27, 2008 09:52 Copyright © 2008 Michigan State University