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Highway Statistics 2002 OHPI > Highway Statistics > 2002 > Preface


This publication was prepared by the Office of Highway Policy Information within the, Federal Highway Administration. The 58th of an annual series, it presents the 2002 analyzed statistics of general interest on motor fuel, motor vehicles, driver licensing, highway-user taxation, State highway finance, highway mileage, and Federal aid for highways; and 2001 highway finance data for municipalities, counties, townships, and other units of local government. Starting with the 1992 edition, limited International data has also been included. A listing of the data is given in the table of contents and a brief description is given in the text accompanying each section.

This publication can be viewed and downloaded free of charge in spreadsheet format on our website:


The following Highway Statistics annual and summary reports are available on microfiche and/or paper from the Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161; telephone orders (800) 553-6847; fax orders (703) 321-8547. Products and other information is located on the NTIS website at: http://www.ntis.gov. Following are the accession numbers and prices to be used when ordering:

  Accession Number Cost per Microfiche Copy Cost per Paper Copy
Highway Statistics, Summary to 1965 PB 197713 $15.00  
Highway Statistics, 1969 PB 197714 $15.00  
Highway Statistics, 1970 PB 206547 $15.00  
Highway Statistics, 1971 PB 218949 $15.00  
Highway Statistics, 1972 PB 231001 $15.00  
Highway Statistics, 1973 PB 239989 $15.00 $67.50
Highway Statistics, 1974 PB 255090 $15.00 $63.00
Highway Statistics, 1975, Section 1 PB 271953 $15.00 $36.50
Highway Statistics, 1975, Section 2 PB 261237 $15.00 $31.50
Highway Statistics, 1975, Section 3 PB 267552 $15.00 $41.00
Highway Statistics, 1975, Section 4 PB 261266 $15.00 $34.00
Highway Statistics, Summary to 1975 PB 273520 $28.50 $70.00
Highway Statistics, 1976 PB 282479 $15.00 $20.00
Highway Statistics, 1977 PB 296097 $15.00 $70.00
Highway Statistics, 1978 PB 80-126808 $15.00 $51.00
Highway Statistics, 1979 PB 81-127367 $15.00 $45.00
Highway Statistics, 1980 PB 82-142227 $15.00 $45.00
Highway Statistics, 1981 PB 83-128082 $15.00 $51.00
Highway Statistics, 1982 PB 84-132968 $15.00 $51.00
Highway Statistics, 1983 PB 85-139913 $15.00 $51.00
Highway Statistics, 1984 PB 86-156106 $15.00 $26.00
Highway Statistics, 1985 PB 87-128666 $15.00 $54.50
Highway Statistics, Summary to 1985 PB 87-191458 $15.00 $63.00
Highway Statistics, 1986 PB 88-149067 $15.00 $51.00
Highway Statistics, 1987 PB 89-127369 $15.00 $51.00
Highway Statistics, 1988 PB 90-131467 $21.00 $51.00
Highway Statistics, 1989 PB 91-124578 $21.00 $54.50
Highway Statistics, 1990 PB 92-235944 $28.50 $58.50
Highway Statistics, 1991 PB 93-132520 $28.50 $58.50
Highway Statistics, 1992 PB 94-128493 $28.50 $58.50
Highway Statistics, 1993 PB 95-174298 $28.50 $70.00
Highway Statistics, 1994 PB 96-136734 $28.50 $72.50
Highway Statistics, 1995 PB 97-144208 $23.00 $58.00
Highway Statistics, 1996 PB 98-128366 $23.50 $58.00
Highway Statistics, 1997 PB 99-140634 $23.00 $58.00
Highway Statistics, 1998 PB 2000-102372 $23.00 $44.00
Highway Statistics, 1999 PB 2001-104636 $23.00 $44.00
Highway Statistics, 2000 PB 2002-106081 $23.00 $44.00
Highway Statistics, 2001 PB 2003-104872 $26.50 $64.50

NOTE: Costs may change from date of this publication release.

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