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BOSC Risk Assessment Workshop

EPA Chemical Risk Assessment Principles and Practices

The Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) hosted a workshop on February 2-3, 2005 in response to a white paper on "Risk Assessment Principles and Practices," recently issued by EPA's Office of the Science Advisor. The white paper documents current risk assessment practices at EPA, and the BOSC will address issues in Chapter 4 of the white paper, "Use of Default and Extrapolation Assumptions." Other professional societies are providing feedback on the white paper in the areas of probabilistic methods in risk assessment, methods of uncertainty analysis, and ecological risk assessment. The BOSC workshop focused on providing constructive feedback for refining EPA's current practices or suggesting alternative approaches for default and extrapolation assumptions. Specifically, the workshop covered three topics:

Draft Agenda (PDF, 3pp., 22KB, about PDF)

Announcement Flyer (PDF, 1pp., 34KB, about PDF)

Risk Assessment Principles and Practices White Paper

Workshop Proceedings (PDF, 55pp., 534KB, about PDF)

Recommendations and ORD Response

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

8:30 Welcome and Introductions

Workshop on EPA Chemical Risk Assessment Principles and Practices
Dr. Rogene Henderson, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute, BOSC Vice-Chair and Workshop Chair

Staff Paper: Evaluation of EPA Risk Assessment Principles and Practices
Dr. William Farland, EPA Acting Science Advisor
 Session 1 - Extrapolation From High to Low Doses
8:45 Introduction to Session 1
Dr. Rogene Henderson, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute
9:00 High-to-Low Dose Extrapolation: Issues and Approaches
Dr. Weihsueh Chiu, EPA / ORD / NCEA
9:30 Biologically-motivated approaches to extrapolation from high to low doses and the advent of systems biology: The road to toxicological safety assessment
Dr. Rory Conolly, CIIT Centers for Health Research
10:30 Some Issues Regarding High-to-Low Dose Extrapolation
Dr. Thomas Starr, TBS Associates
Considerations for Improving High to Low Dose Extrapolation
Dr. Lauren Zeise, California EPA
 Session 2 - Use of Default Assumptions and Uncertainty Factors
1:30 Introduction to Session 2
Dr. George Daston, BOSC Member and Moderator
1:45 Default Assumptions, Uncertainty Factors - EPA's Approach
Dr. Rita Schoeny, EPA / OW
2:15 A State's Approach to Risk-Based Analysis: Similarities to and Differences from EPA's Principles and Practices
Dr. Hillary Carpenter, Minnesota Department of Health
3:15 Past and Future Use of Default Assumptions and Uncertainty Factors
Dr. Michael Dourson, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment
3:45 NRDC Comments to BOSC on the Use of Default Assumptions and Uncertainty Factors in EPA Risk Assessments
Dr. Jennifer Sass, Natural Resources Defense Council

Thursday, February 3, 2005

 Session 3 - Extrapolation Between Species
8:30 Introduction to Session 3
Dr. Clifford Duke, BOSC Member and Moderator
8:45 EPA Risk Assessment Practice: Extrapolation Between Species
Dr. Kerry Dearfield, EPA / OSA
9:15 Mode of Action and Dosimetry Considerations in Interspecies Extrapolation
Dr. Mel Andersen, CIIT Centers for Health Research
10:00 Extrapolation Between Species: Issues and Opportunities for the Future
Dr. Jim Bus, Dow Chemical
10:30 Biomarkers and Species Comparisons (Metabolism & Metabolomics)
Dr. Susan Sumner, RTI International
 New Directions for Risk Assessment and Workshop Wrap-Up
12:00 A. Risk Assessment at EPA: The Science Behind the Assessments
Dr. Peter Preuss, Director, EPA / ORD / NCEA

B. Meeting Wrap-up

C. Final Remarks
Dr. Rogene Henderson, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute

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