Page updated
21 June 2006


Workshop Report.  (posted 21 June 2006)


The U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) held a workshop on November 14-16, 2005, in Arlington, Virginia, addressing the capability of climate science to inform decision making. The workshop served as a forum to address the Program’s progress and future plans regarding its three decision support approaches:

  1. Prepare scientific syntheses and assessments on key climate science issues.
  2. Develop and illustrate adaptive management and planning capabilities.
  3. Develop and evaluate methods to support climate change policymaking.

The workshop included discussion of decision-maker needs for scientific information on climate variability and change, as well as expected outcomes of CCSP’s research and assessment activities that are necessary for sound resource management, adaptive planning, and policy formulation.


Who attended

  • Members of the research community interested in exchanging ideas on climate research, observations, and information tools that would be most useful for climate-related planning and decision making.
  • Decision makers, including resource managers and policy developers, interested in exchanging ideas with the climate science community on the types of information most useful for their decision-making needs.
  • Representatives of international organizations and countries interested in sharing experiences or learning from U.S. activities related to the application of climate information.
  • Individuals who wish to provide input to the evolution of the Program’s activities over time.


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