Public Transportation Takes Us There

Transit Savings Calculator -- Calculate How Much You Can Save by Taking Public Transportation Instead of Driving

This calculator will help you compare the price of using public transportation with the price of paying at the pump and then parking your car in town. This calculator has been set with default values based on national averages for April, 2009; however, you may set variables such as the price of gas and the length of the round trip to match the price of gas in your area and the length of your round trip.

Your car's gas mileage (MPG)
Price of gas per gallon
Number of miles in your round trip commute
Size of your car  *
Daily parking cost for your car
Daily round trip commute cost using public transportation
Your yearly cost of commuting by car
Your yearly cost of commuting by public transportation
Your total savings
If you can live with one less vehicle in your household, you would save  ***


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* Based on the following estimates for increased costs of maintenance and tire replacement per mile.

  Small Car
per mile
Medium Car
per mile
Large Car
per mile
per mile
per mile
Maintenance 4.26 cents 4.51 cents 4.92 cents 4.87 cents 4.94 cents
Tires 0.61 cents 0.87 cents 0.82 cents 0.95 cents 0.74 cents

** Those who receive free parking may instead be entitled to a public transit subsidy up to $230 per month.  Click on It Pays To Ride Public Transportation to find out more. 

*** If you can live with one less vehicle in your household, you would save an additional $5,716 in car ownership cost (full-coverage insurance, license, registration, taxes, depreciation and finance charge).

The ownership, maintenance and tire replacement cost are from the AAA 2008 Your Driving Costs.

Further Reading