OTIS- Authorization Status

You have arrived at this page because you tried to access OTIS, but we did not find you listed as a registered user. Please examine the following information to determine how to gain access to OTIS.

Step 1. Check Authorization. Determine whether you are authorized. Federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies are eligible to access OTIS. The general public is not authorized to use the system.

Step 2. Check Registration Status. Determine your registration status by clicking here exit EPA disclaimer and looking for your agency (registration is done by organization/agency, not by individual users). Note that the table is sorted by state location of the registrant.

Step 3. Determine Registration Method. If you determined your agency is registered, continue to Step 3a, if you determined your agency is not registered, continue to Step 3b.

Step 3a - Amended Registration. Contact your agency's representative found on the link used for Step 2, and notify them that you are unable to access OTIS. Your agency's contact should re-register (click here for form exit EPA disclaimer) to include the information needed for your work location, or contact Matt Malachowski (matt_malachowski@abtassoc.com or 617-349-2719) to discuss what needs to be done.

Step 3b - New Registration. If your agency is not registered, you will need to ask your agency's webmaster/LAN administrator to fill out the registration form (click here for form exit EPA disclaimer). If you work for a registered agency, but are located at another site, you can either amend the registration (by working through your agency's contact found under Step 2), or begin a new registration (contact your location's/building's webmaster). EPA suggests that you request that your webmaster list your email as a notified party in the application. This will ensure you receive an email notification when the application is approved and site access is available to your agency. Once your webmaster completes registration, it should only take a few days for you to be activated.

Site Links

OTIS (will be active after registration occurs)

Access to other EPA compliance data systems such as:

ECHO (limited version of OTIS available to the public)

IDEA (information about data sources used in OTIS)

Questions by email can be sent to matt_malachowski@abtassoc.com.