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New Jersey Institute of Technology Outreach Program for EPA Region II

EPA Grant Number: R828771C008
Subproject: this is subproject number 008 , established and managed by the Center Director under grant R828771
(EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).

Center: HSRC (2001) - Center for Hazardous Substances in Urban Environments
Center Director: Bouwer, Edward J.
Title: New Jersey Institute of Technology Outreach Program for EPA Region II
Investigators: Armenante, Piero M. , Librizzi, William A. , Mack, James P. , McKenna, Gerard F.
Institution: New Jersey Institute of Technology
EPA Project Officer: Lasat, Mitch
Project Period: October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002
Project Amount: Refer to main center abstract for funding details.
RFA: Hazardous Substance Research Centers - HSRC (2001)
Research Category: Hazardous Substance Research Centers



The outreach program for EPA Region II will provide educational services to communities, as well as leadership to address the specific needs of communities, such as helping a community carry out a risk analysis, or assessing the validity and efficacy of a site assessment or remedy selection. This program will build on the successful outreach program developed at NJIT, as the lead university for the Northeast Hazardous Substance Research Center (NHRSC) over the past several years. In keeping with the mission of the current Center the outreach program will concentrate on urban communities and, to the extent possible, will serve environmental justice communities.

The Outreach Program in Region II will help local communities understand the environmental cleanup and site reuse process in a non-advocacy way and at no-cost to the community. Technical assistance and education to numerous Region II communities will be provided through workshops, short courses, local meetings, technical assistance materials, document reviews, and training. Communities impacted by hazardous substances are, and will be in the future, the primary beneficiaries of the information developed by the Outreach Program and the expertise developed by, and available through, the new Center.The outreach program for EPA Region II will provide educational services to communities, as well as leadership to address the specific needs of communities, such as helping a community carry out a risk analysis, or assessing the validity and efficacy of a site assessment or remedy selection. This program will build on the successful outreach program developed at NJIT, as the lead university for the Northeast Hazardous Substance Research Center (NHRSC) over the past several years. In keeping with the mission of the current Center the outreach program will concentrate on urban communities and, to the extent possible, will serve environmental justice communities.

The Outreach Program in Region II will help local communities understand the environmental cleanup and site reuse process in a non-advocacy way and at no-cost to the community. Technical assistance and education to numerous Region II communities will be provided through workshops, short courses, local meetings, technical assistance materials, document reviews, and training. Communities impacted by hazardous substances are, and will be in the future, the primary beneficiaries of the information developed by the Outreach Program and the expertise developed by, and available through, the new Center.


NJIT, as the lead university for NHRSC, has played a major role in designing, managing and carrying out its community outreach in Regions I and II. The same approach will be used in this Outreach Program. Management and development of outreach projects will involve processing of requests and referrals, scoping out projects and understanding community issues, community profiling, matching problems with resources available, procuring resources, attending meetings and events, evaluating the projects and providing periodic briefings for EPA Regions and Headquarters.

Expected Results:

Dependent upon available resources outreach projects will be conducted at a number of communities, including communities where projects are already ongoing, such Camden, NJ, Catano, PR, Niagara, NY, Vieques, PR, Public School 37-Bronx, NY, and Elmira, NY. The Outreach Program will have a community education component aimed at helping the community understand and be ready to participate in the decision-making process. The educational services will be provided in a variety of forums, such as focused meetings and seminars, which enable communities to apply the educational experience to real situations of concern. Technical assistance will complement the educational experience by working with the community to review technical reports. Included in this effort, there will be an evaluation report that the community can use as it deems appropriate. Where appropriate, the Outreach Program will help communities link the resolution of the environmental issues for neighborhood revitalization to local job creation through workplace training.

Supplemental Keywords:

Brownfields, hazardous waste, site assessment, toxic substances. , Economic, Social, & Behavioral Science Research Program, Geographic Area, Scientific Discipline, Waste, Health, RFA, PHYSICAL ASPECTS, environmental justice, Risk Assessments, Health Risk Assessment, Physical Processes, Ecological Risk Assessment, Hazardous Waste, EPA Region, Hazardous, Ecology and Ecosystems, State, Brownfields, urban environment, outreach material, community based intervention, hazardous environmental exposures, human health risk, technical outreach, risk and vulnerability, community support, contaminant dynamics, contaminant transport, environmental toxicants, Region 2, hazardous substance contamination, training and outreach, community outreach, exposure, technology transfer, New Jersey (NJ), human exposure

Main Center Abstract and Reports:
R828771    HSRC (2001) - Center for Hazardous Substances in Urban Environments

Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
R828771C001 Co-Contaminant Effects on Risk Assessment and Remediation Activities Involving Urban Sediments and Soils: Phase II
R828771C002 The Fate and Potential Bioavailability of Airborne Urban Contaminants
R828771C003 Geochemistry, Biochemistry, and Surface/Groundwater Interactions for As, Cr, Ni, Zn, and Cd with Applications to Contaminated Waterfronts
R828771C004 Large Eddy Simulation of Dispersion in Urban Areas
R828771C005 Speciation of chromium in environmental media using capillary electrophoresis with multiple wavlength UV/visible detection
R828771C006 Zero-Valent Metal Treatment of Halogenated Vapor-Phase Contaminants in SVE Offgas
R828771C007 The Center for Hazardous Substances in Urban Environments (CHSUE) Outreach Program
R828771C008 New Jersey Institute of Technology Outreach Program for EPA Region II
R828771C009 Urban Environmental Issues: Hartford Technology Transfer and Outreach
R828771C010 University of Maryland Outreach Component
R828771C011 Environmental Assessment and GIS System Development of Brownfield Sites in Baltimore
R828771C012 Solubilization of Particulate-Bound Ni(II) and Zn(II)
R828771C013 Seasonal Controls of Arsenic Transport Across the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface at a Closed Landfill Site
R828771C014 Research Needs in the EPA Regions Covered by the Center for Hazardous Substances in Urban Environments
R828771C015 Transport of Hazardous Substances Between Brownfields and the Surrounding Urban Atmosphere

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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