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Full-size image of Figure 2B-6

Figure 2B-6. Location of Reversible Two-Way Left-Turn Signs

This figure shows the location of reversible two-way Left-Turn signs.

The figure shows segments of a vertical divided highway with two northbound traffic lanes and two southbound traffic lanes. A fifth, center, lane is shown between them, beginning from a taper at the bottom of the page, expanding to form a lane, and then tapering away at the top of the page. A horizontal roadway labeled "Northern Avenue" is shown intersecting the vertical highway near the top of the page. A series of signs are shown for both directions of travel along the vertical lanes from the bottom to the top of the figure.

The first sign shown at the bottom of the figure is labeled R3-9h and is shown located over the left northbound lane and facing south. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border. The words "BEGIN REVERSE LANE 400 FEET" in black are shown on two lines.

Beyond this sign, the highway is shown to expand on the left and right, and the dividing lines between the northbound and southbound lanes separate to form a "V" shape to accommodate a fifth, center, lane between the dividing lines. At this point, a directional arrow labeled R3-9d is shown indicating a sign over the center lane and facing south. A sign labeled R3-9g is shown mounted back-to-back with the R3-9d sign and facing north. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border. The words "END REVERSE LANE 400 FEET" in black are shown on two lines.

Beyond these signs at an undimensioned distance, a sign labeled R3-9f is shown located to the outside of both the northbound and southbound lanes. It is shown as a vertical rectangular white sign with a black border. A black panel is shown on the top third of the sign, with the words "CENTER LANE" in white shown on two lines. Below this, words in black are shown on four lines. On the sign facing south, the words "DO NOT USE 7-9 AM MON-FRI" are shown. On the sign facing north, the words "DO NOT USE 4-6 PM MON-FRI" are shown.

Another set of signs shown located over the center lane is shown located 400 m (¼ mi) beyond the first set of overhead signs. These signs are shown as two back-to-back R3-9d signs, one facing south and one facing north. The sign facing south is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border. The sign is shown divided horizontally into thirds by two vertical black lines that extend from the upper to lower border. The sign is also divided vertically into two sections by a horizontal black line one-fourth of the way from the bottom border. On the left third of the sign, a large red "X" is shown above the horizontal black line, and the legend "7-9 AM" in black is shown below the line. On the middle third of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown above the line with two arrowheads: one pointing upward and one on the left curving up and to the left. The legend "4-6 PM" in black is shown below the line. On the right third of the sign, two opposing curving arrows are shown above the line, one pointing upward and to the left, and one pointing downward and to the right. The bases of the shafts of the two arrows are directly in line with each other in the vertical axis. The word "ONLY" in black is shown centered below the arrows. The words "OTHER TIMES" in black are shown on two lines below the horizontal line. On the sign facing north, the left third of the sign is shown with a large red "X" above the horizontal black line, and the legend "4-6 PM" in black is shown below the line. On the middle third of the sign, a vertical black arrow is shown above the horizontal black line with two arrowheads: one pointing upward and one on the left curving up and to the left. The legend "7-9 AM" in black is shown below the line. On the right third of the sign, two opposing curving arrows are shown above the line, one pointing upward and to the left, and one pointing downward and to the right. The bases of the shafts of the two arrows are directly in line with each other in the vertical axis. The word "ONLY" in black is shown centered below the arrows. The words "OTHER TIMES" in black are shown on two lines below the horizontal line.

Beyond these signs, another set of signs labeled R3-9f is shown located to the outside of both the northbound and southbound lanes with the same information as on the first set of signs. For the southbound lane, the sign is shown at a dimensioned distance of 400 m (¼ mi) in advance of the other R3-9f sign.

Beyond these signs, another set of signs is shown located over the center lane in advance of the intersection with the horizontal road, Northern Avenue. A sign labeled R3-9i is shown as located over the center lane and facing south. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular white sign with a black border and legend. On the left, a smaller vertical rectangular white sign is shown with a black border and black legend. A vertical black arrow is shown curving up and to the left above the word "ONLY." To the right of this sign, the words "END REVERSE LANE" in black are shown on three lines. A directional arrow labeled R3-9d is shown mounted back-to-back with the R3-9i sign and facing north.

The center lane is not shown continuing beyond the intersection with Northern Avenue. On the far side of the intersection, an island is shown between the dividing lines of the opposing lanes, which is shown tapering to a point where the dividing lines become a double line straight ahead. At this point, a sign labeled R3-9h is shown located over the left southbound lane, facing north. The words "BEGIN REVERSE LANE AT NORTHERN AVENUE" in black are shown on two lines.

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